
The Fake Long Covid Plague – Another useful confidence trick


The biggest and most significant research into long covid, involving 26,000 individuals, concluded that long covid is largely a psychological problem.

In America there are 12 million people off work with this imaginary disorder. In the UK there are two million long covid sufferers signed off sick – unable to work.

The truth is that people who had taken a year off work on full pay didn’t want to go back to their offices.

The evidence shows that long covid is a combination of hypochondria and malingering.

It’s the beginning of the universal basic income – a critical part of the Great Reset now being trialled in Wales and Ireland.

There was never a global covid pandemic but now we have a global long covid pandemic.

So, why have they created this fake disease - ‘long covid’?

First, governments have welcomed the growth in the number of alleged covid sufferers because it helps make people afraid of the rebranded flu – and accept the jabs which are dishonestly promoted as preventing it.

Second, governments know that if a huge chunk of the workforce stays at home the disruption and the cost will severely damage the economy.

Third, and this is crucial, the false long covid disease is an excellent cover for the injuries caused by the covid-19 jabs.

Fourth, long covid is keeping NHS staff at home and causing NHS waiting lists to soar still higher – all part of the deliberate plan to wreck health care.

Fifth, if people weren’t off sick with alleged long covid the unemployment figures would be much higher. And that would be another embarrassment for beleaguered Governments.

A list of the commonest side effects associated with the covid-19 jabs just happens to be the same as the commonest symptoms associated with ‘long covid’.

Naturally, anyone who dares to look at the evidence – and question the long covid myth – is dismissed as a conspiracy theorist and banned from sharing their views.

As usual, there is no debate in the mainstream media where journalists are terrified of the truth and have to cover their eyes if a fact threatens their daily deceit.

Vernon Coleman’s book Endgame (available in hardcover and as a paperback and an eBook on Amazon) explains what is going on – and what the conspirators really want.

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One jab to stop you getting flu and the other to stop you getting the other flu

21ST OCTOBER 2022. Dr. Coleman

Doctors are pushing two jabs this autumn. One is, allegedly, to stop you getting the flu. And the other is, allegedly, to stop you getting the other flu – the over-marketed one known as covid-19.

How much research has been done, you might ask yourself, to find out if having two jabs together is completely safe.

But it would be a silly question because neither drug companies nor doctors do boring research like that. It might produce inconvenient results.

Indeed, they don’t do much research at all. They just sort of ‘know’ that their products are wonderful, safe and effective. (Actually, the only thing they know for sure is that the damned things are immensely profitable. The EU is reported to have overpaid £32 billion for some vaccines and no one noticed. I understand. That’s always happening to me.)

Once you’re in your 60s, you will suddenly find yourself enormously popular with your doctor.

He or she won’t want to visit you at home, of course. If you want to be ill, you will probably have to make an appointment for three weeks ahead and then make do with a wet-behind-the-ears junior trainee or the practice nurse. Or, more likely, a telephone interview with a health care assistant who has O level woodwork and a diploma in advanced car parking.

The GP with whom you are registered will be far too busy counting her money to see you.

But you will receive regular letters inviting you to visit the surgery to be vaccinated. Sometimes it will be the flu vaccine. Sometimes it will be something else. But the chances are that once you reach a certain age then the vaccination offers will come pretty thick and fast. The shingles vaccine is quite profitable. Sorry, I mean popular.

Do not however assume that this is a consequence of any genuine concern for your wellbeing. Your doctor wants to vaccinate you (or, more accurately, to tell his practice nurse to vaccinate you) because he is paid vast amounts of money to vaccinate everyone who’ll keep still long enough to be jabbed.

Doctors have been bought lock, stock and syringe barrel.

Drug companies make huge amounts of money out of selling vaccines. And the establishment has fiddled the evidence, and denied or suppressed the inconvenient truths, in order to promote the official point of view. In Britain, I have been banned from speaking to doctors (or just about anyone else) on this subject. Debates about vaccination are unknown because the pro-vaxers know they’ll lose if they try to defend their bizarre point of view. Those who promote vaccines often claim that vaccination programmes have reduced illness, prevented millions of deaths and are the main reason why the average life expectation has risen.

These are all barefaced lies.

The whole vaccination story is one of the great modern scandals of our time. The entire medical profession has been bribed by the drug industry, working through the Government and using taxpayers’ money.

Most doctors, whether working as hospital consultants, GPs or public health officials, know very little about vaccination. The majority simply follow the establishment line, never question what they are told by the drug industry and dismiss all critics of vaccination as dangerous lunatics.

And doctors know nothing about the dangers of the damned vaccines they so happily jab into patients’ arms. Question the whole damned sordid business and these ill-educated propagandists (who know nothing about the risks of the toxic mixtures they are promoting) will throw up their hands in horror. Ask them for some evidence that vaccines are safe and effective and they become hysterical.

If a doctor wants to vaccinate you then insist that he confirms in writing that the vaccine he recommends is both entirely safe and absolutely essential. You may notice his enthusiasm for the vaccine suddenly diminish.

Taken from The Kick-Ass A-Z for Over 60s by Vernon Coleman. (available as a paperback and an eBook.)

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What’s happening to Your Money?

22ND OCTOBER 2022. Dr. Coleman

Central banks (including the Bank of England, the European Central Bank, the Federal Reserve) all failed to spot that inflation was coming. Why in the name of everything fiscal do we give money to these incompetent, overpaid buffoons? And why does anyone take any notice of what they say? It wasn’t difficult to see that inflation was coming. (I warned that inflation was coming fast and hard two years ago. I told you it was going into double figures.) Similarly, it was easy to see (and again you could have read it on this website) that interest rates were going up. The days of absurdly low, artificial interest rates are over. They’ve served their purpose – and lined up millions of people for penury, bankruptcy and homelessness. (You’ll find more about inflation in my book Moneypower.)

The idiots in governments keep saying that energy prices will fall next year. But they’re either being very, very stupid or they are lying. There is no way that energy prices are going to fall. They may go up and down a bit but the trend will be upwards. The officially supported and protected global warming cultists will ensure that energy prices go higher by helping to prevent oil companies finding new supplies. This winter is going to be a doddle compared to next winter. If you agree with me it might be a good idea to make appropriate plans. Congratulate yourself if you have a working chimney.

In the UK, the crypto-fascist-communist Government is now telling us how to heat our homes. They’re banning gas boilers and log burners and they want us all to install heat pumps and cavity wall insulation. They can sod off. When they pay my heating bills they can decide how it’s heated.

The rise in energy prices is buggering up all industry – including service industries and manufacturing industries. Unemployment is bound to rise.

This isn’t directly to do with your money but it’s good for a laugh. Truss’s special advisor is called Jason Stein. I’m told he used to work as a communications adviser to Prince Andrew. That went well, didn’t it?

The NHS budget is around £130 billion a year. When I last looked the outstanding compensation claims came to £83 billion. That doesn’t leave a lot left for treating patients. And remember, patients usually only win compensation when medical staff have made mistakes. Remind me again why people were told to clap NHS staff. And why the NHS was given the George Medal.

In her 20 minutes as Prime Minister, the appalling Truss was keen to boost immigration. I believe that the hope was that if more people come into Britain then the country will look busier and more productive. It’s yet more bollocks, of course. Immigration will only add to Britain’s wealth if the newcomers add more than around £34,000 a year to the Gross Domestic Product. Truss may have believed that all those immigrants crossing the Channel in rubber boats would each earn more than £34,000 as high flying IT specialists and investment bankers but I have my doubts. My guess is that Britain’s new Prime Minister will be Sir Klaus Schwab, the famous conspirator. He will take office using the name ‘Sunak’.

The crazed enthusiasts who supported Modern Monetary Theory (which suggests that governments can spend as much as they want and then simply print more money to pay for it) have gone very quiet now that their mad scheme has gone bad.

Let us spare a moment for Gordon the Moron (which just happened to be the title of my book about Gordon Brown). Gordon didn’t just sell our gold at the bottom of the market (and tell everyone what he was going to do before he did it) but he also gave the Bank of England independence. That was a brilliant move, too, wasn’t it?

Food prices are going to continue to soar. New laws brought in by the Government in the UK mean that nearly half of all arable land in huge areas of Britain will have to be left to go wild. The mad re-wilding scheme will result in an abundance of nettles, docks, giant hogweed, Japanese knotweed and brambles. But a shortage of food. Brilliant.

The International Monetary Fund wants Central Bank digital currencies to be programmed and used alongside a social credit system. You’ll only be able to spend `your’ money on goods and services which are approved. You’ll be able to buy a pound of roast grasshoppers. But no sweets, no cakes and no booze. If you want to know more about how social credit works and why you should be terrified please read my book Social Credit: Nightmare on Your Street

Shops, hairdressers and so on will face a rise in business rates of over 10% next year. This will add a collective £3 billion to their business rates bill. ‘This massive rise should get rid of whatever shops and other businesses are left after the winter,’ said a proud Government spokesman. ‘Those who say we don’t know what we doing simply don’t know what they’re saying.’

NB 1. The BBC has been asked to apologise. The BBC reported that Liz Truss had resigned as Prime Minister and she had. This unprecedented break with tradition has appalled MPs who have demanded that the BBC broadcast an apology for publishing a fact.

NB 2. It has been decided that everyone in the country will now take their turn at being either Prime Minister or Chancellor of the Exchequer. The first `lucky’ winners will be selected via the National Lottery and will stay in office for one week each.

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Oct 22, 2022Liked by Edwin

I’m 63. My children were both born is the 1980’s. I protected my daughter and son from antibiotics not because I thought they were bad (yet) but because I thought it was wrong how often doctors prescribed them for common ailments in children.

I did not protect my children from childhood vaccinations. I did not read up on their efficacy or their safety. I trusted their doctor. I have a tremendous amount of guilt now over what those vaccinations might have done to my children.

My daughter started having autoimmune problems when she was 5 years old. My son has gastrointestinal problems that started as a young teenager.

I wish I could have a do over. Thank you for speaking truth no matter the cost.

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We all trusted the doctors. And the doctors trusted the companies, and most were probably unaware of the shady nature of the research. The ones that were aware had a duty to warn the ones that weren't. At this they failed miserably, and the propaganda just continued.

I spent 35 of my 38 years in pharmacy doing the best I could to maneuver my patients around the scams as I became aware of them, which was pretty early due to a network of other good professionals interested in the same thing, "patient care." We did our due research and through. our diligence I know I performed very well for those I served. "Informed" consent was the basis for our decisions, and I cannot tell you how many times relatives, friends, and family thanked me for my efforts before and after their loved ones passed on.

I ran one rural based community pharmacy for 15 straight years, and several years after I had moved on, due to the kind of corruption in that small pharmacy network, I ran in to one of my old patients at a car show in Atlanta.

She, a lady and social worker of her mid 40s, told me that everyone was astounded at how many elderly folks had passed away in the months after I left. Then she apologized, and said she was sorry for that didn't come out right. She said the subject had come up in church, and old Dr. Paul told everyone "He did it right! You should be grateful the Lord sent him here to keep you with your parents, and grands, and yes, in some cases your children, and friends that much longer." Never have I received such high praise. I wish I could have done more.

Tammy, you have nothing to feel guilty of, absolutely nothing. Clearly, you were a willing and able partner to the health care system in your kids care, failure is not your responsibility. Any child would be a lucky recipient of a mother or grandmother like yourself. You should be very proud, your family members should be very grateful.

You know I was one of the few that called Dr. Malone out on his story. He could not have possibly worked for, in his words, these "monsters" for 25 plus years, without being aware of what demons they had actually become. Nobody is that naive. It only took me, an early 20s neighborhood pharmacist less than three years to figure out it was less about health care and more, much more, about the money, and despite the ivory tower propaganda, that was never going to change.

We cannot judge yesteryears looking through the "lens of modern society" despite what Barack Obama said, it only leads to division, the exact reason he said it!

Feel free to comment anytime, it is an absolute pleasure to have you, as well as other good friends and true patriots, citizens, Christians, and honest folks of any faith as well as no faith, visit here.

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Soooo many people were taken in... I don't blame the moms and dads, I blame the CRIMINALS who did this.

But know this: The human body will heal almost ANYTHING, if given the right tools.

xo xo

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Very well said!

Thank you!

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And thank you, my lovely friend, for your good heart, healing words, and for validating my suspicion about Mr. Malone. Cheers.

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