Sound familiar. This is what the American people should have DEMANDED. Instead a FRAUD,
JOE Biden and his Marixist sidekick, (who's friend is Karen Bass) became residents of the White House. JOE and his Commies have managed to destroy everything they touched. Most important: JOE will leave with all the money he collected in 4 years. He pardoned his corrupt and play around son. Not bad, for 4 years. The only reason he is participating in Trump's inauguration is for his own gratification.
He and Dr. Jill want to do the final walk and wave goodbye. GAG!!
Worldwide people are protesting, they want their voices heard. While those behind the NWO are denying the results of their elections...saying they were influenced by Russia??? .The media is silent, because it is totally controlled This has to stop...The majority of Americans don't want war, either. NATO along with the UN, the WHO, the WEF must be EXITED! . They use American taxpayers dollars to destroy Americans.
Well, you know, even here in the Free World we don't always get what was voted for. Or, one could always point out to the Romanians that Californians did get what they voted for. And, I would bet you if polled ten years ago, 99% of those Romanians would have relocated to California if given the opportunity.
If Romanian citizens, or folks from any eastern European nation, want to protest effectively, they need to physically overwhelm Brussels and Davos. Scare the globalist bastards in their enclaves, where they believe they are safe and secure.
Thanks for the restacks, Korby, Keith, Sarge, it is appreciated.
Sound familiar. This is what the American people should have DEMANDED. Instead a FRAUD,
JOE Biden and his Marixist sidekick, (who's friend is Karen Bass) became residents of the White House. JOE and his Commies have managed to destroy everything they touched. Most important: JOE will leave with all the money he collected in 4 years. He pardoned his corrupt and play around son. Not bad, for 4 years. The only reason he is participating in Trump's inauguration is for his own gratification.
He and Dr. Jill want to do the final walk and wave goodbye. GAG!!
!00% agreement!
Thanks, Edwin :-)
Worldwide people are protesting, they want their voices heard. While those behind the NWO are denying the results of their elections...saying they were influenced by Russia??? .The media is silent, because it is totally controlled This has to stop...The majority of Americans don't want war, either. NATO along with the UN, the WHO, the WEF must be EXITED! . They use American taxpayers dollars to destroy Americans.
Well, you know, even here in the Free World we don't always get what was voted for. Or, one could always point out to the Romanians that Californians did get what they voted for. And, I would bet you if polled ten years ago, 99% of those Romanians would have relocated to California if given the opportunity.
Probably more like 90%, 99% is Florida or Texas.
Thanks Edwin I so enjoy your posts.
If Romanian citizens, or folks from any eastern European nation, want to protest effectively, they need to physically overwhelm Brussels and Davos. Scare the globalist bastards in their enclaves, where they believe they are safe and secure.