Suffering and greatness:


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Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is all we have, and all we need. True and everlasting freedom is an individual choice, of our own free will, that each of us makes every day. The Truth, the Light, and the Way are reflected by our actions, in service to the King of all Creation, and that is how freedom is won: one person, one day at a time. https://youtu.be/RX6y0Nrwa1I

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The stream of consciousness is a force of energy guided and strengthened by our own thoughts. Make your thoughts count, and guard them well, for those stray thoughts not of your own creation often seek to derail the higher level thoughts that can boost our ability to manifest our own individual reality. Dispel the invading thoughts, whose goal is to bring us to our base and primal level of what has been called the Seven Deadly Sins that we are witnessing play themselves out now. The chaos presently seen worldwide has been created and fomented by those whose objectives are the destruction of humanity followed by an absolute takeover of this planet. They have provided the Trojan Horse technologies designed to destroy humanity, but the tide is now turning against them as humanity awakens, though much damage has already been done. Detoxification is imperative for all, and the further identification of and accountability for those who would subjugate and destroy humanity is underway, as well as those of the WEF and others who serve as their lackeys. Humanity is now uniting AIK.

The Day After Roswell, by Phillip Corso

The Rendlesham Forest Incident


Netflix release: Investigation Alien

Linda Moulton Howe: ETs Among Us: Binary Code Secret Message from the Cosmos (Carl Sagan's binary code msg sent to Outer Space received a reply.)

Phil Schneider (geoengineer) videos, Quote: The New World Order and The Alien Agenda are one and the same.

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Do you think the agenda is as simple as putting us back to mining gold for the Anunnaki .

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It's never enough to know The Truth because you don't know the oppositions truth... Without knowing that you cannot defeat them.

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