5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs agoLiked by Edwin

Federal Judge Appears to Hint at How He'll Rule in Illinois Gun and Magazine Ban Case


The guns and magazines banned by the state of Illinois are commonly owned for a variety of lawful purposes, including self-defense. And McGlynn seems to get that the simple ownership of these firearms may actually prevent or forestall acts of violence against a community as well as individuals. Even if that isn't always the case, a well-armed community is more likely to be able to successfully defend itself against an angry mob, and to impart such damage on their attackers that they mitigate the threat of future mob violence.

McGlynn has demonstrated throughout the litigation that he's well-versed in gun ownership and how firearms function, and given that he previously granted an injunction against PICA's gun and magazine ban I've assumed all along that he was at least leaning towards the plaintiffs' arguments. Based on his comments on Thursday, the judge appears to not only have a good command of the technical arguments presented by both sides but understands at a gut level the importance of armed self-defense when law and order break down... or even worse, when the law turns a blind eye to the unchecked rage of the mob.

As it's not taught in school, people need to be aquainted with Fredick Douglas. https://img.mewe.com/api/v2/photo/YW6vurESY_Y7mT5CHQ4pKV9wMzPH-yNYpRMCg9dcOqFm7ro_CAmveSkajfI/800x800/img?static=0. A critical Thinker.


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And the “left” thinks they are going to ban our weapons, but such bans are illegal under the 2cnd Amendment, like I said, bring plenty of bodybags, Kamala!

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Such bans would be illegal under common law or any other system that believes that we have UNALIENABLE rights. They can KMA!

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When Harrison Arkansas was threatened by the BLM protesters that came here to "burn the town down". They were met with over 200 local "unorganized" militia members (all able bodied men between certain ages are considered part of the militia) that were armed to the teeth. I myself brought an AR 15 platform rifle chambered in .50 Beowulf. Check that cartridge out! And I'm sure not one that needs to be convinced of a well armed and supplied citizenry which is NECESSARY to the SECURITY of a FREE STATE. See: https://www.courageouslion.us/p/those-forgotten-and-ignored-13-words

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If the Queen black widow cheats her way into the office, remember this...It wasn't King George that came to Concord Green and it won't be Camalla Shit that comes to steal your firearms...so practice to AIM SMALL MISS SMALL. Make them PAY. And while doing so remember Bryan and Sammy and Vicki and the 17 little children at Waco...my life isn't worth more than any of theirs were.

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4 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs agoLiked by Edwin

Donald Jefferies is obviously confused. Rattled by this mad mad mad year of 2024. Yes it is indeed the weirdest year in my entire life of 77 years. Exponential zooming through months that pass like days. The mayhem is confounding if you forgot to put your mental seatbelt on.

The Trump assassination attempts have undoubtedly been real. So put a brake on your flaming imagination.

Just slow down, take a deep breath and relax. Your world will end in time. Count on it, it happens to everyone. Enjoy the ride while you are here.


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We live in every moment but this one

Why don't we recognize the faces loving us so?

What's God if not the spark that started life?

Smile of a stranger

Sweet music, starry skies

Wonder, mystery, wherever my road goes

Early wake-ups in a moving home

Scent of fresh-mown grass in the morning sun

Open theme park gates waiting for

Riding the day, every day into sunset

Finding the way back home

Once upon a night we'll wake to the carnival of life

The beauty of this ride ahead such an incredible high

It's hard to light a candle, easy to curse the dark instead

This moment the dawn of humanity

The last ride of the day

Wake up, Dead Boy

Enter Adventureland

Tricksters, magicians will show you all that's real

Careless jugglers, snake-charmers by your trail

Magic of a moment


Riding the day, every day into sunset

Finding the way back home

Once upon a night we'll wake to the carnival of life

The beauty of this ride ahead such an incredible high

It's hard to light a candle, easy to curse the dark instead

This moment the dawn of humanity

"Last Ride of the Day" by Nighwish. The only group that I've ever seen in person in my 70 years on earth...A Finnish Symphonic metal band. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukDEYRXoH2g

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Cool Song.


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Great one. You used a lot of humor here and as horrible as the subject matter is the humor managed to lighten it up. Well done!

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Mr. Jeffries did!

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Good old Hillary got the popular vote, but not the electoral vote in 2016. That had to really piss her off and created the impetus for all the "Get Trump Now initiatives, both political and physical. In my mind mind, I don't doubt that both deranged attempted assassins where identified, guided and encouraged to take out Trump. There are just to many facts that don't add up. The dark op humans are readily trained to use mentally controllable loners to do their dirty deeds here and abroad.

I question where Crooks got the dough to have multiple phones, AK 47 and other paraphernalia working in a kitchen, as well as Fouth who was cash poor traveled to Hawaii, Ukraine etc. and could afford to buy all the right equipment to do his dirty deed. Not one word from Crooks parents apologizing for their son's behavior. I wonder if they were told to keep their mouths shut or else! The SS Director gave a Mia culpa, but not word from the unidentified SS site director who should be front and center explaining what happened in Butler. So..let's just continue to gas lite the public.

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The left is using this to usher in new hate speech laws

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Illegal under the 1st Amendment.

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5 hrs agoLiked by Edwin

But there are way too many laws on the books today that actually violate the second amendment, and we let that happen. 2A is still there as written but then legislation that is used to control and render it meaningless is still there too. I think that’s the playbook they are following. Trying to pass legislation that actually takes away 1A without looking like they are taking away 1A.

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2 hrs agoLiked by Edwin

Just realized that article was Jan 2023 🤣🤣 and I started to like and reply to comments. Lol. I’ll come back here to say that everyone should read that article again, and again, AND again. You should also repost it on occasion, maybe add a new, current intro then let the rest be read again. Well written. Thank you!

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The’ve been doing it for a century (or more), really don’t see what’s the big deal.

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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs agoLiked by Edwin

... plus the left wants US signature on the WHO global pandemic treaty, JP Spatzier.

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Boflys, thanks for the restack.

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Thomas, KMB, thanks for the restacks.

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I voted for Ross Perot running against Jimmy's transferring our American jobs to Mexico, Ralph Nader 3 times. I also was very involved emotionally in Bernie Sander's run against Pure Evil Hillary Clinton and he turned out to be a shill who would not stand up. This Time I will vote for Emanuel Pastriech.


The USA is not capable of a honest election and is a third world country; we need impartial international supervision of our elections.




Emanual Pastreich for President 2024


All War is Evil. No More War.

Stop Paying these Monsters Income Taxes

Stop Paying for WAR.


The USA in its current condition is Very Mentally Mad and Physically Dangerous.

Not many are interested in remedies and those that work dilegently at fixing the problems ignore the blatant elephants in the room.

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Good read till the last paragraph, doesn’t square with your report. I know how difficult it is as a “former” Democrat that recognizes the insanity that has possessed the Democratic Party, but please don’t lump Trump in with the insanity, that’s on you.

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I just re-publish the articles, -Edwin.

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No thrills with a Trump win? SERIOUSLY? Elon Musk ready to streamline the swamp staff a la Twitworld, and pit bull RFK Jr warming up in the bullpen against the FDA, CIA, Big Ag, Big Pharma etc?

WTF does it take to jazz you up, nigga?

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