Now we have a government that has gone rogue and are a bunch of thugs who will throw you in a dungeon in D.C. and will censor you in direct violation of the First Amendment if you express or protest any displeasure in the outcome of an election! This Government uses fear and intimidation against its people! BTW, for all the B.S. rhetoric that we live in a democracy, no, we live in a Constitutional Republic that has become COMMUNIST, and both the RepubTurds and the DemonRats are in on the rouse! United We Stand, Divided We Fall!! We are in a Free Fall!

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I totally agree with YOU. We are no better than what the UK has become. The whoever they are in our Country think we are too stupid to see it. It's on our doorstep and already came in.

Now, another school shooting in Georgia. It's 2024 and why hasn't our Federal and State Governments done their jobs in securing schools. But, we give all the money to

Ukraine, Israel, and the rest. Ukraine is a money laundering pot for our politicians. Did that school even have an active shooter protocol? I read where a female student saw the shooter

get up and leave without a hall pass. She figured he was skipping school. Where was the teacher. The teacher didn't see this happening? It's ashame that we still have students and teachers being killed by these deranged kids. Was this kid on some intelligence agency list out there? You are right. The Republicans and Democrats are the same. Do NOTHING. Now, they are back to whine about closing the government down. Wasting more time.

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Yes, we* are that stupid!

* - okay, well not all of us.

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Paging Jonathan Gruber ....

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Trump is Not Romney/Ryan, the rinoRats hate Trump.

Regardless of outcome I'm voting for Trump just to clear my conscience for the Aftermath USSA.

CW or Succumb, Para bellum

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Try to work under the table as much as possible, keep a low profile, consult Toine Manders, he's a libertarian Dutch lawyer who gives advice on how to avoid paying taxes, if you can afford a lawyer that is. Get educated on libertarianism, there is the Mises institute who offers a great deal of valuable content on the matter. First and foremost it's important that you learn how and why the state/ government is an abomination! I recommend reading Murray Rothbards Anatomy of the State. I for one wish I had known all of this sooner in life! Still learning more everyday myself and was educated on these matters because two years ago I married an Anarcho Capitalist who favours Agorism ( Samuel Edward Konkin) most of all the forms of libertarianism.

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Sep 3·edited Sep 3Liked by Edwin

I am not stupid. What I also am not, is sure of exactly what you are proposing to do about it? !? we can't NOT vote. duh. Please enlighten me.

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Sep 4Liked by Edwin

AND vote with a functioning brain. ha.

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vote (to show you respect the democratic process), but try to make your ballot invalid: invalid ballot papers will be counted, a.o. for counting total number of voters.

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Make my ballot invalid, like copying it on the scanner and then printing it on regular paper?

Hmmm, I’ll have to think about that one.

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there are various ways, sometimes complicated, so one needs to improvise :-))

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You can not vote. It's like not going to church. You don't have to pay taxes. It's voluntary. You can not buy Obamacare. You can refuse to be invested in evil, and you can make it very difficult for the devil to use your good energy for evil purposes.

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Sep 4Liked by Edwin

well of course it's voluntary. In fact I would prefer legit stupid ignorant people stay home from the polls. we certainly cannot complain about a system in place while not doing anything to change it except avoid it as much as necessary.

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Damn right

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You have a point. One thig she said in one of the power points was to maximize deductions so they take less from your paycheck. Then don't file a return. She also said they did take money from her accounts, like $20,000. But, she didn't give it to them they took it.

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"Elections are not free."

That is a distinct possibility. Given the way many of the issues which are at the core of many of the election fraud claims from 2020 have been proven correct in subsequent court actions, it is even a probability.

If the ballot box is corrupt, if the jury box is unreliable, what remains is the cartridge box.

Is now the time to open it? What practical real-world alternatives are there?

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This is not the first time I've read about not paying taxes. The othe person says taxes are.illegal.and we don't have to pay taxes. We can stop paying taxes and there is nothing "they" can do.about it. Seems easy, I don't know. I am not as brave as Ann, but I do think she's got it right. We must choose either God or the "state". We all know that the state is evil, Satan personified. Can we choosenwisely? I pray we can.

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How do people genuinely stop paying taxes?

If you work at a job as an employee, the taxes are taken from your paycheck before you even see your paycheck.

If you shop at a store, the sales taxes are tacked onto the purchase before you pull out your wallet.

Gasoline taxes are in the price of gasoline--they are not even broken out separately like sales taxes.

To actually avoid paying taxes, you have to be able to step completely outside the regular economy. How many people are actually able to do that? And at what degree of difficulty?

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mary, thanks for the restack.

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Amy, thanks for the restack.

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Kenn, thanks for the restack.

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Greg, thanks for the restack.

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Mary, thanks for the restack.

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