I have in my possession a closeup of Crooks dead body. The lies abound in this case. He was NOT shot in the forehead as they have claimed. He was shot from the BACK. So where was his shooter? If you trace the angle from where Crooks body was and where Donald Trump was there is NO WAY Trump pivoted that far that Crooks could have possibly shot him in the ear by accident. If he had turned that far it would be obvious in the videos. He barely turned. Just enough that from 145 yards the impact that was planned for his head was off by what? Four inches due to the exact time he moved? So draw a line straight back from the ear since bullets don't curve in flight and what do you find? An open window on the 2nd floor of the building BEHIND Crooks. I heard TWO distinct rifle reports. From my experience as an avid shooter I heard a loud but muffled deep sound of a .308 first and then a higher pitched 5.56 fired from outside. There was SOMEONE in that room that shot at Trump. And lo and behold...they had to eliminate Crooks and so that SOMEONE shot him in the back of the head. Check me out at courageouslion.us.

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and the republicant-controlled house does nothing except continue funding everything.

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Sep 5Liked by Edwin

This is the real travesty.

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Yep, and several crimes on top of it.

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You got it, man!

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Sep 5·edited Sep 5Liked by Edwin

Perhaps Crooks was a disposable hired stooge, naively believing he'd attain fame with one deadly shot. Perhaps those who hired Crooks were an element in our national security state apparatus - a minor or a large element, you decide.

Perhaps Crooks was removed from action the same way JFK was, and both by that same element.

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And we still don't know why his phone pinged in Wash DC. What his social media said and why his parents are hiring a prominent attorney in Pittsburgh. Oh yeah and press conference we had 1 since it happened.

Chris Martenson is still doing a Citizen Investigation into this matter (Rumble). We'll never find out about this kid.

And WHY are they using an 8th grade picture of him so sweet and innocent still? He had to have an ID from the Nursing Home he worked at.

And WHERE is that white van they towed away in the neighborhood? Where did he pick up the backpack and maybe MOST important.

AGR is a DoD facility why was ANYONE allowed on the grounds during the rally. Wouldn't that be a liability??

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Sep 5Liked by Edwin

Good work and reasonable conclusions Edwin. The more opaque an administrative agency, the more corrupt.

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Excellent observation!

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Sep 5Liked by Edwin

And I thought a campaign “promise “ of Joe’s was he’d have the most transparent administration ever. Now that I think about maybe he meant transgender.

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If this were a corporate failure, the whole security staff would be fired, and a new company would be brought in.

If it were a local swat failure, every officer would be on administrative leave until cleared. They would be fired and looking for new jobs.

In light of this, the FBI and Secret Service need to be disbanded and restructured under congressional oversight. These executive departments are failures, failures that could lead to death.

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Simple answer IMO … no

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Well they certainly acted like the Keystone Kops!!

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Sep 6Liked by Edwin

you are preaching to the choir brother. if all that isn't glaringly obvious to someone they have a veil over their eyes that cannot be penetrated with mere facts.

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Sep 5Liked by Edwin

Harken back to the old Warren Beatty movie “The Parallax View.” 🤔

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Thanks Jan, for the restack.

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Thank you Kenn, for the restack.

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Thanks Chuck, Screwworm, for the restacks.

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Thanks for the restack, Tim.

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Thanks Ahmed, for the restack.

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