I very much liked your post. I feel, however, that a very important (deal breaker) point was left out, and that is the participation of the regular Americans in their government. Our Founders presented us with a government (Republic, not democracy) designed to operate ‘of the people, by the people, and for the people’ . That means that the ‘people’ have to show up! Our local communities have been ravaged by the liberal socialists of federal and state bureaucracies. These unelected authorities have ruined our schools, towns, and counties with their ‘codes’ and ‘directives’ because citizens have not been ACTIVE in their school boards, city councils and county commissioners meetings. Until the public wakes up enough to be willing to go to that school board meeting, even if they have to miss Monday night football, the country doesn’t stand a chance to heal. To just vote and not pay any attention to how the elected REPRESENTATIVES are running things has been clearly shown to be a disaster.

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Yes, we are lazy.

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1 liberal out of work, will find it hard to find another unless it's a liberal one.

CBS Affiliate Fires Meteorologist Who Lambasted Elon Musk For Making ‘Nazi Salute’


While Musk’s gesture could reasonably be described as clumsy, its real meaning was actually intended as a gesture of gratitude to the audience at the inauguration who had always stood by and supported Donald Trump.

“Some elections are important, some are not. But this one, this one really mattered and I just want to say thank you for making it happen,” Musk said before making the gesture.

“It is thanks to you that the future of civilization is assured,” he added.

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The meteorologist of all people should know Musk was just pointing to the heavens as a thanks for Trump's election...

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Elon is not a Nazi. People are hysterical.

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He also has a great knowledge of law from the lawfare used against him, and the US CONSTITUTION. His take on Birthright 'Anchor babies' is spot on according to Heritage. HE KEPT HIS PROMISES. DC police are resisting the release of the J6, keep in mind the conditions they were held in, and the hour the EO was signed. Brian Kolfage of Wall Builders is a Tri-plagic and has untreated cancer. He is cleaning the 'House'. Reducing regulations that have no backing in law. The Raw, harmful Green Deal, Parris Accords. More to come. And they are coming fast, Under the War Powers Act Illegal cartel drug smugglers are now Terrorist.

The FJB pardons are questionable, he didn't pardon himself or Jill. His record of crimes goes back to his days in the Senate. As for Fauci, they don't include his HIV EXPERIMENTS ON CHILDREN OR ANIMALS, DOGS, or CATs, people will accept rats or mice but NOT Common Pets, They wonder where PETA WAS. Where was CHILD WELFARE is the bigger question.

Whatever Happened with That Alleged Jill Biden Child Trafficking Thing?


Save the Children is a “non-government organization” (NGO). It appears to be a CIA front that receives taxpayer funding from USAID, the State Department, and donations from gullible Americans.

Save the Children was expelled from Pakistan in 2011 when one of its CIA officers was caught administering fake vaccines to women and children. The people thought their kids were getting the polio vaccine, but it was just some spying operation that the CIA was running.

I've been an Activist since my 16-year-old son was brutally murdered by a sociopath with a 2 ft section of a fence post, used facts, and crime/recidivist reports, to eke out 8.5 years out of a 20-year plea deal, Those have to be STOPPED, as many are state crimes, you have to change state laws. Feds Federal laws. Then came the War on Intractable Pain, which has been perverted to chronic pain. There is a big difference. OTC pain meds can reduce the chronic. It takes Oxycontin or Morphine for other cancer-level pain.

Birthright Citizenship: A Fundamental Misunderstanding of the 14th Amendment https://www.heritage.org/immigration/commentary/birthright-citizenship-fundamental-misunderstanding-the-14th-amendment there is a strong emphasis on ALLEGIANCE, and that will bring 'Dual' Citizenship manure into play.

Don't rely on MSM TO TELL THE TRUTH. Trump will go after them for false information.

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You accidently inferred mitt romney has a brain...😉

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Terrific article, thank you!

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My favorite line from “The Shawshank Redemption”? Morgan Freeman: “Get busy living, or get busy dying.”

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A classic, no nonsense and to the point.

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A member of the deep state tells us that the "deep state is real":


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The people, the patriotic citizens of this Republic, are duty bound to take back control of their government (of the people, by the people, for the people). It is encouraging that President Trump is back and promised us. But, in the end, it is our responsibility. After all, it is our liberty and freedom, our rights that have been taken from us, mostly without our permission or consent. If you are not willing to stand up for yourself and your country, it is your fate, and your children, to live under global fascism, communism, Sharia law or some other despicable political/economic system. Who is ready to take up the fight of your life?

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Great read!!!

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Be careful. I’ll pray for you. There are a lot of vipers in that pit.

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Ultimately, we the people allow it, fight for it or fight against it.

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Yes I’ve been reading a lot about the fault of politicians, or bad presidents leading the way for better presidents. The people ultimately hold the power. It’s when we become complacent that corruption gets the upper hand or frightened into becoming aware we’re losing our freedoms that motivated the people to vote, protect their vote and become involved in their communities.

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Like Jackie Gleason said, “How sweet it is.”

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Fuck the deep state and all who suck off the American TIT. Those mother fuckers have ruined the America I grew up in be SELLING OUT AMERICAN DREAMS to Free Trade Partners globally. Until Free Trade policies are end ENDED, The USA will remain a 3rd world shithole growing worse by the day. #ResumeAmericanManufacturingIndependenceAndDominanceOrExpectToDieCommunist #FuckYouDeepState #EndAPECnow #EndUSMCAnow #FreedomIsNotFree

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Mr Seamons comment places the blame ( fault ) correctly, tho the M-F'ers you refer too share it, and they would be my preference for the gallows or firing squad. That said, one of the big issues for our future involves getting back to (?) free and fair elections process - buying votes and stuffing ballot boxes has to end. but of course, thats just one small step for man....

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Tell us how you really feel, John. LOL

I, for one, wouldn’t complain about Trump calling out Martial Law to deal with the Deep State or as I say, “THE STATE.” But that’s just me, I give it 1 chance in 3 at success. Never been done before, but Trump wasn’t elected by a majority of the popular vote either.

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Much work to do but Trump is incredibly resilient and tireless and will give his all to get it done.

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Great article, going into my archives/referencing file, definitely needs forwarding to some key movers and shakers, and a few deadbeat politicians - they say even an old dog can learn ( new tricks :)

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Another must read! Great article, lots of useful information. Thank you to J.B. Shurk for this post, and thanks, Edwin, for publishing it.

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