Aug 15Liked by Edwin

Considering that the have been putting CANCER CELLS IN VACCINES since 1970s - why, yes, yes, I think that might be the cause of the cancer increase. My husband has 50 yrs experience as virologist/immunologist who used to work in Public Health Dept. advising public/doctors/govt on how to manage disease/epidemics etc. He also worked with Nobel prize winning scientist on her research team and helped to develop vaxes back in 1970s. When he found out what was being put into those vaxes (i.e. cancer cells), he immediately quit working on them. He's never been jabbed since then. This was also reported on in the excellent book "Dr. Mary's Monkey" which is a true story and recounts a number of events and tells about cancer cells being put in jabs. This is a book everyone should read, it would blow the lid off of ANYONE ever trusting Big Pharma, medical field and doctors forever. It used to be very well-known that no child under age six at minimum should ever be jabbed because their immune systems weren't developed yet enough to handle the jabs. This was followed so closely and exactly that when I was 5 y.o., about 3 months away from turning 6, my mom took me to the dr to be vaxed. (Apparently this needed to happen so she could put me up for adoption, as I was unwanted and she couldn't wait to get rid of me.) She insisted the dr. vax me, and the dr. being a good dr. refused. She yelled and screamed at him, threatened him, etc. but he stuck to his guns and asked her why did she want me vaxed now? She told him she was putting me up for adoption. That's when he thought for a moment, turned to me and very gently told me "young lady, I'm going to vax you and I really hope it goes well for you. But I think you'd be much better off taking the risk of being jabbed than spending one more day with this woman who is your mother. I hope you find a really good home." I wish I could find this man but I'm sure he's dead, I'd thank him endlessly because I think he made an excellent but very, very difficult decision. I'm 69 y.o. and this happened back in Sept. 1960. That's how careful they used to be about NOT vaxing ANY child under 6 y.o. This all changed IIRC about 25 yrs ago and now not many people seem to know this about jabs. NO child under 6 should ever be vaxed and I would add now "no one should ever be jabbed". The man who came up with the idea of vax was Edward Jenner and he realized that milkmaids were being exposed to smallpox germs in cow's milk but they never got sick from the disease. His concept was basically the same as homeopathy - get exposed by a small amount of bacteria and your system will develop immunity. Our immune systems are amazing and very powerful and strong. Smallpox vax is a good idea as long as it doesn't have cancer in it. But that's one of the rare ones, most of us don't need 75 vaxes by the time we're 6 y.o. which is what they're doing now to kids. It's horrendous and a formula to kill off a lot of humanity IMO.

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No vaccine has ever worked. Polio went away when DDT went away. Now they renamed polio to GuillenBarre which is caused by vaccines.

It is absolutely horrendous that children are forced to be poisoned for life by vaccinations before they can attend public school. We have a sick society caused by vaccination more than anything else.

We really need to stop all vaccinations forever.

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Aug 15Liked by Edwin

Polio began to decline in 1950s and 60s; DDT didn't become outlawed until 1972. I did a search and found this info within less than one minute. What is the source for your info? I'm just curious. No, I don't like what they are doing to the vaxes, but if they quit putting mercury, cancer cells, etc. in them, then they would be useful and not harmful. Smallpox was completely eradicated by vaxes; only 2 small samples left in labs and they should have been destroyed but weren't. Now they have been released and we are seeing smallpox again. I just explained why polio declined. So smallpox and polio are 2 vaxes, that if done right, would eradicate those 2 serious diseases without injuring anyone.

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E. - One source of proof is “The Moth In The Iron Lung” by.Forrest Maready.

Read it, it’s a very good book.

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Aug 16Liked by Edwin

Thank you! Looks like a fascinating book and looks like the author has some other fascinating books. looking forward to reading that book.

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I suspect you and I might disagree on some details regarding vaccines, but that is the most sensible post I've seen on this thread. Thank you.

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Aug 15Liked by Edwin

Thank you! Much appreciated. You can thank my virologist/immunologist scientist husband for this info; with 50 yrs research he REALLY knows his stuff. I run everything jab related past him before I post to make sure I'm giving our correct info and saying it right so I don't mislead anyone. If I'm posting re: jabs, virologist, immunologist, you can be sure I'm right, at least 99.5% of time.

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False. In the US, Polio infections declined from 57,872 cases in 1952 to 122 cases in 1964. DDT was banned in 1972.

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Bradley, your false is false. “The Moth In the Iron Lung” by Forrest Maready would enlighten you.

And of course, the dates do not coincide to the exact hour, there is always a lag time for things to take affect.

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I agree that there is a lag time for things to take effect. What's amusing is that you fail to realize that makes your argument even weaker, not stronger.

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Why don’t you delete this comment like you deleted the others.

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You still here?

Still here?

A permanent fixture?

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A perfect example of brain damage from the jab🤷‍♂️His government loves him so much🤣

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Yes, wait till 6, period.

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What an impactful, insightful comment. Thank you.

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Excellent comment!

I hope you found good parents, worthy of your Love.

I’m an anti-vaxer. I only had the MMR in the 60’s (born in 1963).

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Aug 17Liked by Edwin

Thank you for your thoughtful comment! I can say that I was adopted into a family that had some issues, but overall it was far better than being with my mom or being sex-trafficked, as my aunt told me she thought that's what my mom would have done. My parents loved me in their own way and we were well off materially. It was not perfect but they did their best and I was cared about. I'm very grateful for that! re: MMR, yes back in 60s kids only got 1 or 2 vaxes and we were much healthier because of that. Autism was extremely rare, something like 1 out of 100,000 kids were autistic; and probably because they may have been jabbed before age 6, which used to be well-known you NEVER jab a child under age 6 minimum, their immune system isn't well-developed enough to tolerate it. Until age 6, if breast-fed their mom's immunity will take care of the child.

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What’s “funny”, is that I had ovarian cancer 3 years ago! Personally, I think it was from the synthetic hormones I was put on. If I knew the danger of these, I NEVER would have taken them. I was very lucky…the massive tumor was removed from my abdomen, and no radiation/chemotherapy was needed.

I’ve been studying up on cancer since then.

I’m very healthy for nearly 61. I walk 5-6 miles per day, lots of sunshine, intermittent fasting, and NATURE!🌻🌞🦋

God has given us all we need to heal ourselves. It’s MAN that gets in the way!

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Aug 17Liked by Edwin

I agree with everything you said, especially last sentence! So glad you recovered from cancer & didn't need to get chemo etc. Here are some cures you may not know about just in case it occurs again:

1) essiac - blend of 4 herbs, one is sheep sorrel which has been shown by x-ray to melt tumors. A friend's mom had grapefruit-sized tumor in colon, took essiac as a tea for one month and after that, x-rays showed NO tumor. Sadly, she died of the 3rd course of chemo.

2) ivermectin and fenbendazole together cures all cancers.

3) baking soda creates environment in body where cancer cells can't survive. See Dr. Mark Sircus book on baking soda IIRC take 1 tsp three times daily for cancer.

You can get ivermectin and fenbendazole cheaply on Amazon with no prescription so you may want to stock up just in case.

Walking 5 to 6 miles per day is probably the best thing you could do for your health, good for you for doing that!!

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It’s only Wednesday and 3 patients family members or friends have glioblastomas …. All asked me if it’s the shot and I said yes. A few of the oncologists have admitted it as well as internists , ophthalmologists , cardiologists and dermatologists. I have not had one neurologist say it yet .

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We'll pray for them, together.

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Aug 15Liked by Edwin


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Aug 16Liked by Edwin

I just read a Substack on the significant increase of eye disease such as cataracts, retinal hemorrhages and detachment etc. it’s disgusting how this experimental gene altering bio weapon continues to maim and kill our people.

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Yes, those are real people, men and woman, suffering at the hands of this “madness.”

This is not a “game.”

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Elusive!. thanks for the restack.

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Jonathan, AD, thanks for the restack, and reading, it is appreciated.

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Sues, thank you very much for the restack.

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Thanks Susan, for the restack, and reading. Again, thank you very much.

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Aug 15Liked by Edwin

I think this tells us everything we need to know:

Doctors Killed in Plane Crash Vowed To Release Evidence Linking mRNA to Turbo Cancer


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Fake news. Leonardo Ferreira is alive and well.


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This conversation is over!

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Aug 15Liked by Edwin

Thank you, Edwin. I posted the above for other readers to read, not necessarily for McKinley - who has already jumped to the conclusion this is fake news.

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Aug 15Liked by Edwin

That doesn't mean it's fake news, here's why:

1) Leonardo Ferreira is not an uncommon name, it could be another person by that name who died on plane crash.

2) Passenger lists can be confusing at time of plane crash for a journalist who is reporting. Confusion does often happen as the person may have been scheduled for that airplane but cancelled at last minute and that didn't get recorded. Journalists can only go by info they are given. I was a flight attendant for major airline for many years and know this because of what happens during plane crashes. I've read The People's Voice for many years, they are excellent journalists who report things the deep state doesn't like and they always report true events.

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That's fair. Can expect a correction or clarification? We know we won't get one from Alex Jones.

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Aug 15Liked by Edwin

While I have seen corrections on The People's Voice, I don't see them often. They are a 3 man operation last I heard. I do plan on contacting them and letting them know. The only mistakes I've ever seen on that site are usually ones that don't change the main story, so they are not hugely important and I haven't seen many errors in their reporting before. And no we certainly won't get one from Alex Jones aka Mr. Drama Queen.

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I am beginning to hate. Drs

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If I were rich, beyond my self and family, I would send Dr. Coleman a gift, of money, cars, something I think he would enjoy. He has earned that!

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Don’t hate the few that bring us the truth!

They are deserving of all the respect the rest of the medical system abandoned for a buck!

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Stop !!!!!!Drs Kory and Marik lost their certification and many of us lost our jobs

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A lot of us lost the chance to go back when our talents were needed, not Big Pharma’s.

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Exactly 👍🏼

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Aug 16Liked by Edwin

Don’t hate them, just keep your distance.

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DTTG, J. Edward, thanks for the restacks.

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Why yes, yes they do. At least the Covid jab does. I’ve got the proof in my family. A family who once lived happily and healthy now seem to be dying and the ones left seem to have dementia. That is proof enough for me.

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My in-laws were always so bright…so intelligent but now it is very sad😔to see them declining!

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Me too. Still trying to wake up my friends. Just found out another got a damn booster.

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deletedAug 15
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Just with my experience of being in this family…yes, but I can only speak for myself.

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deletedAug 15
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I never said that asshole! Do you know how to read? “I’ve got the proof in my family.” Duh….IN MY FAMILY

Do you like sign language? 🖕

Now go take you vaccines and fight with someone else to get your rocks off!

Bully bastard!

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deletedAug 15
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Diarrhea if the mouth. Not sure if there’s a fix for that 🫢

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There are indeed doctors who

Say they cause cancer. Ryan Cole is one.

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Another brave soul who has turned off Big Pharma.

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You are right, vaccines do cause cancer. This was proven by Dr. Bernice Eddy , who worked for the NIH and told them about it, but they squashed her and destroyed her lab. I think this was in the 1950s or early 1960s..

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Matt, thanks for the restack.

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Aug 15Liked by Edwin

Comply and die.

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KW1962, thanks for the restack.

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Of course they are. Chicken Pox Vaccines injured the Last 3 of our 8 Children.. Their symptoms include but are not limited to, Leaky Heart Valves, Systemic Lupis, FSH Muscular Distrophy and more. I would say that mRNA Bioweapons were intended to harm and kill.

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Do yourself a favor, don’t argue with stupid!

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TexBritta, thanks for the restack.

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