My take: The crimes they are all guilty of requires punishment up to and in most cases, capitol punishment. This basically means they get caught they are put to death. Treason is no small accusation. Everything is spiraling around this depopulation attempt currently. It takes everyone to wake up and realize it and unfortunately I think we are looking at around 30% right now... while 30% is off the mark, it's got alot of them scared that the walls are closing in... the fact that polls on the 10th amendment are rising makes the criminals at the federal government even more queasy.. they want insurance and what better way to achieve it than make an enemy out of someone else.

Regardless, wether it be injection or war, depopulation & ultimate control is what Larry & his buddies want ... do the math ..

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A pleasure to see that a few others are awake.

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Any Person Advocating for any war needs not to be elected to any office. Do not vote for WAR.

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All War is Evil. No More War.

Stop Paying these Monsters Income Taxes

Stop Paying for WAR.

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Sep 24·edited Sep 24Liked by Edwin

Great post. Great artwork. Let's move on though to WW4 as WW3 is nearing it's END. Catch up here. MILLIONS DEAD GLOBALLY AND NOBODY SEES the last 4+ years as a war? Wake the fuck up folks. You have been played and are still being played. To ALL ON SUBSTACK WHO ARE STILL WEARING BLINDERS. WW3 is not quite over. GLOBALISTS and their Asian partners have not only BRAGGED since 2020 that they won the C19 war. Were you at the bar watching sports? Perhaps you missed ALL OF THE SICK, THE DYING AND THE DEAD....

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I just watched a video saying the dead globally has reached a billion people.... I don't know of the truth of that number but in the beginning in 2021 I said 1.2 billion would be dead overall.... if the numbers the Japanese are putting out are correct, and we've already hit 1 billion dead, which even for me is astounding, we've got very little time left...

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Our Executive Branch is insane. They need to be legally removed from office and slid into looney bins.

Our Bureaucratic class isn't any better. They should be tugging hard on the reins.

If it comes to war, at least DC will be one of the first targets, and we can roast radioactive marshmallows over the fires.

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Free Book: The US-NATO War of Aggression against Yugoslavia 


All War is Evil. No More War

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The CW and break up of Yugoslavia could well be the future for the USSA... for better or worse. CYA Conduct Yourselves Accordingly Comrades

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while Nazareth is indeed a town "that has a tremendous amount of significance to Christians all over the globe", Israel has continuously evicted Palestinian families from the area near the holy site of Temple Mount for a long time. most recently the UN human rights office in the Occupied Palestinian Territory "...expressed concern over the forced evictions of over 80 Palestinian families in [....] occupied East Jerusalem...., evictions that are "facilitated by the unlawful application of discriminatory Israeli laws'' ...." - https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/07/1152646

so let's cut the rhetoric, gather 'round and come up with a reasonable solution, shall we?

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They've been fighting for over 2,000 years. A war that never has a victory. Leave them to their fight.

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don't think that's wise! it's now become a global problem, not even mentioning the humanitarian backlash: there are 3 generations of citizens (on both sides) that have never experienced peace. or prosperity. or hope that their children might achieve a better life. that's not progress, that's insane and irresponsible. rant over.

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When your people are too primitive for modern culture...

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...then teach them.

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That's not our responsibility unless it's in and from our District. We live in the real world and just because failures in the last 3-3/4 years of US Givernment has allowed The US to be flooded with the very primitive that reasonable and realistic Conservative leadership won't soon reverse said treasonous policies. #MAGA2MEGA

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Satanists want war. War is the optimal intoxicating superb best solution. BUT they have to appear 100% reluctant to allow this. The WEF & globalist heads of government (Macron, Biden, Trudeau, & others) are clearly pedophiles who participate in satanic rituals. The 2024 Olympics unashamedly celebrated this. Such leaders want a nuclear WW3. It solves all their problems. They'll continue prodding Putin until they get the desired response that will trigger their launch of a wave of nuclear warheads. Putin will still hesitate.

Finally he'll act, sending an initial wave of a dozen nukes to 6 US nuclear installations. The US will respond in kind, But the 2nd & 3rd Russian waves will hit 6 US coastal cities. His sub stationed in Cuba will send in ballistic missiles to 3 or 4 southeast US cities. And so it will go. As though in passing the RF will send multiple strikes against London & Paris.

The globalist leaders will have launched another genocide, & they'll be privately overjoyed by the destruction.

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They can’t appear to have any choice, the prevailing narrative is they haven’t had any choice this far, years into a war they launched. Spare me the arguments, ever hear of the “Budapest Memorandum,” where the USA, Russia, Great Britain, France, Germany, China all guaranteed Ukraine’s borders in exchange for the 3rd largest nuclear arsenal being returned to the Russians.

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All War is Evil. No More War.

Stop Paying these Monsters Income Taxes

Stop Paying for WAR.

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I am not 100% sure what the best way to oppose these unending a barbaric, cruel wars. I do know at least it makes me feel I am not a part of that system. Non of my money can go to war and non of my money is unaccounted for. Not that I have much, but what I have does not in anyway I can prevent go to Taxes or WAR. This does not make me special and withholding tax monies is not a new idea; just what I have found I can personally do to at least make believe I am doing god's work. All War is Evil and no war is from or supported by god.

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That was how and why our nation was created. We decided not to pay unreasonable taxes. Now we find ourselves in that exact position again.

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The average American today has ZERO representation in US Givernment as they continue to give away OPPORTUNITIES of US Manufacturers who made EVERY TOOL USED TO BUILD EVERYTHING IN this once great nation. Take America Back Now. #MAGA2MEGA #Reinstate45now

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Short and simple Edwin, yes .

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Sep 24Liked by Edwin

I’m deathly aware as many of us are. Congress has already been planning for a mass casualty event so they will be safe and tucked away while on vacation while we all in the US are sitting ducks. Our true enemy is the US Government, the very people who flew in multi national gangs, mercenaries, and various terrorists from all over the 3rd world countries. Giving them quarter and comforts which many of Americans can’t even afford right now.

I think we’ve all had plenty warning, we all are aware. Yet we are hamstrung by the traitors in DC and their bureaucratic pedomonster pals. All by design. Going as planned out in the open while we all screamed No! No! No!

Our prayers are the only thing we have, God can save us. But will he?

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I have never wanted to be part of a herd of any kind, not religious, secular, sports team, nor clique. I understand that many people require such affiliations, but the groupthink in any herd always puts me off. Good luck to those in herds.

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Like I have said before, I don’t follow and group and I damn sure don’t want them following me.

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YES, to answer the question. War is the Greatest Eraser of Peoples and Debts to Save the NWO.

But Insane Elitists will assuredly FUBAR the World and We Me You.


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Greg lund, thanks for the restack.

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Kenn, thanks for the restack.

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Abigail, thanks for the restack.

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Thanks, Deb for the restack.

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