
'There is no president leading the free world right now because there is no president, no leadership, and no free world today'.  

I say let's get behind all three!

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mcgdoc, thanks for the restack, and reading, Much appreciated.

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Brandon, thank you for the restack, good buddy, much appreciated and it is good to know I have you in the foxhole with me. I'm working on a slit trench, but it'll probably be a decoy till it gets hit.

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the Fascist Bureau of Intimidation and the Department of (in)Justice, La Petit Fromage, Reichsführer.

I was snickering all the way through the article.

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Jun 24Liked by Edwin

Let’s pray that our dying but beautiful America will survive when we the people save our country by finally standing up to the corrupt leftofascist communist Demorrhoidal tyrants who have destroyed our Constitutional Republic and our freedoms.

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Jun 24Liked by Edwin

You should be a Trump speech writer. Witty and acerbic and wonderful.

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I remind you, I just repost the articles, the great J.B. Shurk is the author, although I would be sure he would take it as a compliment.

Thanks for the support.

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Jun 24Liked by Edwin

My redirected compliments to author Shunk! So let it be written.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by Edwin

Very well said!

And you're right. Voters of the conservative mindset are sick and tired of all the bullshit from the libtard left snowflake regime hellbent on keeping the illegal immigrant floodgates open so that they can get more votes and cement their places in power. They don't care that some of these illegal immigrants are criminals and are raping and killing citizens and children. And those children who escape the grip of illegal immigrant criminal clutches are subjected to indoctrination and genitalia mutilation all in the name of diversity equity and inclusion because climate change.

And this is happening all over the world, not just in the west. We need to all rise up and vote these sick bastards out asap. And in the event that voting them out doesn't work because they rig the elections again, then just remember to kypd...

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You mean Mk262 (556) or M118LR (7.62X51) or even the .300 Win Mag.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by Edwin

I mean whatever flavors you may favor. We all know what's coming... just a matter of 'when'. Best to be prepared

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Yes, James, be prepared.

Good advice, it is still not too late, gun, ammo, is still available, for a time at least.

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Jun 24Liked by Edwin

Don't forget food and other necessities. Try to be self-reliant.

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Absolutely. That is why it is important to network, nobody can take care of all this themselves (almost nobody-except for the guy not sleeping).

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by Edwin

Voters may try to "turn the world upside down" but, in the US, they are limited by the USPS. Two swing states, GA and NC, rely heavily on mail-in balloting. The USPS's new SE distribution center in Palmetto GA loses and delays mail, to the point that many absentee ballots for last month's primaries in GA arrived after the last due date - or did not arrive at all.

Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to go work on my stompy-foot hissy-fit dance ... November is coming!

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Why do you think the USPS was exempt from the V? A little gift for all their hard work in keeping democracy slanted in the right direction 🤡

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Undoubtedly, the bigwigs there are doing very well for themselves.

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State Department Officials CONFIRM Democrats are Replacing American Voters with Illegals

After insisting that the Great Replacement Theory was nothing more than a conspiracy theory hatched up by a bunch of Republican bigots, the government just admitted it is in fact VERY real.

A couple of officials inside Biden’s State Department are definitely going to lose their jobs after being caught on camera ADMITTING to what the Biden regime has been doing.

The first official in question is Dan Fitzgerald, a country coordinator for the State Department and he made the rather damning admission to an undercover journalist working for Project Veritas.

Fitzgerald noted that the Biden regime and Congressional Democrats are relying on dirty immigration strategies to keep them in power.

“The big issue for the Hill for our region is immigration,” Fitzgerald states.


Biden may have Parkinson’s disease says geriatrician


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They'll either can him or move him to the next department. The State Department has lots of departments,

Biden may have Parkinson's, I heard that!

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Lovely snarky writing. 😍

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I’m glad you enjoyed it, I’ll tell J.B. as soon as I see him you thought so. And thank you.

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Ahmed, appreciate the restack and the reading. Thank you.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Author

EpicGonzo, and Sharon, thanks for reading and restacking, very much.

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