
Ahmed, Gbil7. appreciate the restacks.

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BREAKING NEWS: The DemonRats along with the RepubTurds started cheating for the 2024 Election in January of 2021 as soon as Brandon the Pedophile took the oath of office! These Demons are ten steps ahead of the "Sleeping" public! Meanwhile we are losing our Country while people are talking about their favorite football team! The Romans were brilliant with "Bread and Circus"!

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As long as computers are used in US selrctions the end result will NOT be the will of The American People. #MAGA #MEGA

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Josef Stalin famously said that it does not matter how people vote; what matters is who COUNTS the votes.

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It is clear that when computer tabulators are used, the will of the people is not the result.

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why not? worked last time. zero consequences. 100% positive reinforcement. even though it was blatantly obvious. their cheese has not moved. potential losses if they don’t cheat are too dangerous to their enterprises. they’ll probably get away with it. again. because republicants.

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Exactly, RepubliCONS money, DemoncRATS power.

A match made in hell!

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Two US Servicemen Violently Attacked in Turkey by Anti-American Protesters in Shocking Video: 'Yankee, Go Home!'


Videos of the incident circulated online showing members of the group attempting to abduct two American Sailors as the crowd surrounding them shouts “Yankees Go Home!”

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Northern Wisconsin town accused of breaking the law by pulling voting machines

Town of Thornapple in Rusk County has hand-counted paper ballots in two elections this year, the US DOJ is threatening a lawsuit


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It's a good thing that non-citizens can not legally vote. If the UK, France, and Germany are indicators of the future, I wouldn't want them voting in US elections. We'd get more illegal immigrants, more drugs, more pedophiles, more pharma deaths, more wars.

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I think that if it becomes too dangerous to go vote without “overwatch” that’ll it will actually be a good thing if the USPS ends mail in ballots and we have to vote by phone. I mean, how many people are going to be to devote 1 minute of their cell time for that. I currently pay for 4 iPhones and I’ll be damned if anyone can answer a simple phone call!

I mean from the lone sucker that pays the bill!

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Make it even more intensive. Guess the AI prompts. To vote democrat press 1

To vote republican press 2.

Sorry, that option doesn't exist.

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You win the INTERNET for the day (minute).

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why in dogs name would you use an iphone....or pay for one, never mind 4. Some folks have money to burn I guess...?

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I guess!

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I will never vote again.

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I don't know about that, if it doesn't take too much time, doesn't take any money, or not much (it's just around the corner here), is fairly safe, I might participate at least so I can see what the big deal is about.

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We are a Red town. So just people holding political signs. No protesting, Memphis might be another story. They don't even obey state laws.

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Sep 4·edited Sep 4Liked by Edwin

Those who don't vote have no right to Bitch about the government they get. So you have a choice Trump who loves America, or the Communist and Pedophile because she can't make decesions,

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I can’t agree with that, they pay taxes they can bitch, whether the voted or let the Democrats vote for them. A simple choice, vote, or let the Democrats vote for you, simple, wouldn’t you say!

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I am sticking with local voting, but will never vote in national elections again.

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Yes, let the Democrats vote for you!

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Joe, I appreciate the restack.

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Thanks for the restack, Amy.

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Joe, Missy, thanks for the restacks.

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Keith, Medical Truth, thanks for the restacks.

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Sharon, thank you very much for the restack, it is appreciated.

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