Have we considered having westerners convert to Islam, create our own interpretation of it, and then do what Muslims are truly good at: killing the Muslims who disagree with us?

I think that’s the winning strategy. Just co-opt their religion and then bludgeon them with it until they learn to fuck off.

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15 US Agencies Knew Wuhan Lab Was "Trying To Create A Coronavirus Like COVID-19": Rand Paul


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Apr 11·edited Apr 11Liked by Edwin

Islam has the higher educational and penal systems down in the US now. Just last week in Dearborn Michigan at the Al Quds rally there was the call of "Death to America". FJB is in fear of losing his voters in Deep Blue Michigan and has decided to back Hamas. Of course he and Barack Hussein Obama, "may peace be upon him" have been chine deep with Islam from the beginning. This is the war I have been watching since the 72 Olympics in Munich. I was a kid and read and studied everything Islam. Even converted in the 80s. Now the woke and Muslims are pals, right? Love you enemies enemy. Wonder how that's going to workout over the years. As Robot said on Lost in Space, "Danger Will Roberson"!!

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Apr 12Liked by Edwin

They have been weaponized to destroy the West. But it’s not them who did the weaponizing.

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It's too bad our brain dead bureaucrats didn't study history. Yes 1683, was an inflection point where the Ottomans (Muslims) were defeated in Vienna. The day? 9/11! It signaled the separation of the East and the West with Turkey being the border country. Will the Muslims rule the world? Only if the globalists don't succeed in depopulating the world. They are producing at least 4 times new generations of humans versus the west where abortion and decreased reproduction rates exist. When Israel was created by Churchill after WWII as a safe haven for the Jewish race, it was a slap in the face to the Muslim world and our continued intervention in their world is just moving the conflicts to newer heights with the risk of incineration of the earth now on the table. My view.

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Interesting read, thank you.

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Excellent. Now arm Bibi and turn him lose to eliminate as many as possible.

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I have yet to discover an organized religion that does not think they are the only 'way', and does not look down upon those who do not practice it.

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But forced conversion, FGM, extra tax for non-believers, and so forth. If this doesn't disgust you, what does?

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This is the most eye-opening content I have read in recent memory, (with the exception of the Holy Scriptures).

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Simple, we are not fighting.

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What's with this Japanese vaccine development and the increasing number of foreigners working in Japan. Is that why they had to kill Abe?

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On the question of vaccines development here, Japan has had a bad history of accepting medicines that were approved abroad using tests on non Japanese. All are human but it turns out that different body composition and diet can lead to different outcomes when taking medicines. That would apply to vaccines. When the clot shot first rolled out here, the Japanese wariness against foreign meds was thought to slow its uptake. Fear of the dreaded covid was greater than the memory of bad drug interactions from long ago, apparently.

I think Japan getting into the clot shot development is due in part to counter further possible fear of foreign shots, though I wonder if that is necessary. I think it is due more out of fear of being last one to get future shots. The top of PF US was invited and allowed to enter the country for the opening ceremony of the Olympic and was publicly asked to get the shot available to more Japanese as quickly as possible. Another is probably to keep badly needed funds home instead of sending them abroad for what the citizens are demanding.

Is there an increasing number of gaijin working here? Last I heard, prior to the panic, we numbered a mere 3 million. Most of these are Chinese and Koreans who were born here but due to the stipulations of the peace treaties between with these two countries, they are not Japanese citizens but that of their ancestors who were brought over for forced labor. With the country shut even to Japanese citizens for a large part of 3 years, not sure there is a great uptick in foreign residents here. In March 2018 my family vacationed in Chile for 2 weeks. If we took that trip two year later I would have been marooned in Chile for months, if not years and in the end have to return to the US before I could regain entry to Japan and I have a permanent residents visa.

Apart from a lot of supposition, I have read nothing that suggests that Abe was not murdered for anything other than a disgruntled son whose mother sold to farm to funnel funds to his political ambitions. Personally, I do not understand why Abe is seen as any kind of good guy by Westerners. He would have loved to have led Japan back into the continent as its liberator again. Under his leadership, love of Japan is a gradable subject for elementary students in Japan. He had connections with the far right who still drive around vans playing military music for the world war 2 era and call for the Emperor to be returned to power over Japan and all the territory that Imperial Japan conquered during the war. His visits to Yasukuni were controversial to say the least, through he is not the only PM to do so.

I did wish for his death, but he was not a favorite of mine. Not one I would want to enjoy drinks with. But he was no longer PM when he was murdered. Unless it was done as a warning to the knucklehead PM now, I see little point to it. And again, I have read nothing other than supposition to suggest it was anything other than a disaffected citizen.

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Excellent article Edwin, thank you for sharing.


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Enough said ….. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23286241/

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FGM is why Islam is doomed!

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And beheadings if not virgins

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There are NO words for these beings breathing.

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We need more time, someone whack that nut Netanyahu

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