Jun 26Liked by Edwin

Excellent question!

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Thanks for the restack, reading, and commenting. It is appreciated.

A question we are unable to answer, except, unlike Hannity;s 'Rank & File,.' there doesn't seem to be any.

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Jun 26Liked by Edwin

They have been compromised and corrupted by money.

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John, thanks for the restack, reading and commenting.

If money and retirement was all it took to compromise them, they are Americans but not patriotic Americans at all. You could make the point that they are not Americans at all, but I guess that's beyond us right now.

Personally, I feel the entire lot of them bears a closer resemblance to the Gestapo, than any American institution, period, full stop!

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Jun 26·edited Jun 27Liked by Edwin

Edwin, I am particularly angry about the TRAITORS in US Givernment who have sold The USA out lock stock and barrel. I was raised with The Pledge Of Allegiance daily. I chose to become an American Manufacturer and American Manufacturing chose me to develop many of the things that connect our world. I am one of the most skilled designers and builders of products and tooling for high volume manufacturing but today in The USA, due to FREE TRADE POLICY there are times that even I can make most anything but a living. My wife and I raised 8 children through the past 24 years of US Givernment giving away every job not sold by their predecessors. The fucking criminals running The USA today forgot one thing. There are millions of US who are still armed and patriotic. They are going to keep taking from US until one day when enough of US have had enough. Those dumb fucks have poked the Bear long enough and soon the Bear is going to eat some of them. I for one simply can not believe there could possible be such hate and disdain for Freedom that entire agencies tasked with American National Security could turn rogue. Yet here we are. Most of our opportunities SOLD OUT FROM UNDER US hard working fools who ever believed that anyone in politics EVER gave one shit about US. We have ALL been betrayed. Until we hold ALL of America's TRAITORS accountable, things will only get worse. STAND THE FUCK UP. #EndAPECnow #LevelTheCCP #EndUSMCAnow #DefundTyranny #FreedomIsNotFree

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BRAVO - Well Said - We Are With You 100%

My personal story is different, but no less tragic.

I was a Registered Pharmacist in 3 states, worked a hell of a lot of them in two in particular, despite the fact that I had a regular store. However, I enjoyed traveling to various pharmacies (community) and the little black GTI with the BBS LM rims carried me to them all. I had only a few years in when I decided I had to do something to protect my patients from the scams and ripoffs endemic in medicine. This I did well, as could be expected. Then I retired (2017) and Covid happened.

Nobody is more pissed off than me, that I promise you.

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Jun 26Liked by Edwin

Reminds me of all the Bolchevik Revolution type alt news articles that started taking front stage back in 2019 claiming the 'Q branch' had all the 'true' election results for the 2020 election and that everyone just needed to 'trust the plan' and 'do nothing' because president Trump was the true president and they were just gathering more evidence of treason by the democrats and letting them hang themselves and that these invisible patriot agents were running around in the middle of the night arresting these corrupt democrats that rigged the election and hauling them off to GitMo to be prosecuted and hanged.

All bullshit.

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Jun 26Liked by Edwin

And let's not forget 'watch the water' and 'it's a scripted movie so eat popcorn and enjoy the show

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Jun 26Liked by Edwin

I completely agree... there are no 'patriotic agents' left in these alphabet soup agencies. They've all sold We The People out for some of that stolen Democrat money.

They should all be defended, dismantled and dispersed

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Jun 26Liked by Edwin

"We" are on our own.

It is, all, bullshit. And unfortunately far too many of the citizenry have bought into it, have been bribed into acceptance, been coddled into complacency and actually seem to prefer being a serf to this despicable lot of sociopaths in power.

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Well, it is a comparison of being a relatively 'comfortable' serf, or a comfortable Patriot and having it all on the verge of being taken away.

The serf doesn't have any rights, the Patriot has nothing but rights.

I will die for the right to speak my mind and to do so while I protect what is mine with a 50 AE Desert Eagle or a 444 Marlin Lever Action.

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“It has been observed that both courage and cowardice are highly contagious. Sadly, cowardice is the default position in government and has been for years.”

“Example” is the most obvious and most effective method of leadership. Hard to fake. Probably what James implied with “faith without works is dead”. Here we are secularly or otherwise. The hips and hands don’t lie.

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Thanks for the restack, it is deeply appreciated as is the reading and commenting.

Courage is our default position, or it used to be, in any situation there was at least one out of a hundred that would be 'brave.' And everyone else would follow this warrior into battle. Best of all, he would bring everyone back, and most of them alive.

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“Out of every one-hundred men, ten shouldn’t even be there, eighty are just targets, nine are the real fighters, and we are lucky to have them, for they make the battle. Ah, but the one, one is a warrior and he will bring the others back.” ~Heraclitus

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Jun 26Liked by Edwin

Where are the "good guys"? Ask Sean Hannity; he is their biggest booster.

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"Rank and file?'

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Jun 26Liked by Edwin

Yeah, that's who Li'l Sean always says he "loves and respects" ... in effect saying that staff who obey illegal orders from corrupt bosses are good public servants. (That's just one of the reasons I quit listening to Hannity several years ago.)

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Same here,

wrote a Substack on it:


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Jun 26Liked by Edwin

Missed that one when it was published. Thanks for some spot-on acidic commentary!

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It has been a while.

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All of the 3 letter agencies, especially the FBI and ATFE should be abolished. They only operate under the purview of the DoJ and executive branch.

Congress never passed a law that created them.

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Read some history if you haven’t, it is frightening they have so much power over everything.

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The number one virtue anyone needs to be moral, is courage.

Hasn’t covid taught us that courage is sorely lacking today?

Maybe that’s the appeal of Trump. Love him it hate him, the man is courageous.

It was indescribably sad to see friends and family choose fear over love.

I will never see those people the same again and I’m glad I’m not in a foxhole with them.

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Wow, what a brilliant statement, I'm glad to not be in a foxhole with them too.

You, however, I would be proud to serve in a foxhole with you, Robin, it would be an honor.

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Thank you. 🥰 Covid was an intellectual foxhole for sure.

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THEY ARE AT THE BOTTOM DOING FIELD WORK. I noticed only the big-wigs get interviews.

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I don’t even think there’re at the bottom, not even cleaning toilets or emptying trash cans.

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Jun 26Liked by Edwin

The FBi like EPA or fed Dept of transportation or HEW and many are all unconstitutional illegal organisations. The feds have limited legal agency's like military, commerce, etc. states can have such agencies if people vote for them. The feds are limited. America in the mess it's in as for over a century the people never challenged each illegal agency created so like cancer, the body is about done

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Jun 26Liked by Edwin

That was well said. Very succinct.

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I thought so too.

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CoffeeCup, Kenn, mcgdoc, all thanks for the restacks, and reading, and even commenting, appreciate it very much.

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