
Remember this, you have to fight with the gun(s) you have, not the guns you want, so plan accordingly and don't skip the gun you would want, unless it is a MG42 or other exotic piece.

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One of the reasons I'd not allow any 'Authority' without a proper search warrant on my property. I fuss at my hub for leaving the garage door open, I can't stock non-perishable food out there. Just some water, which I don't have room inside for. Good luck prying my legally bought protect out of my hands.

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For one thing...Martial Law is nowhere allowed in the Constitution and it would be a declaration of war against we the people. And then it would be balls to the wall. I'm going to tell you how I'd deal with it. Sort of the same way I dealt with a bully back when I was 14. This guy named James had sent my brother home with a cigarette burn on his cheek telling him to get me to come down to the local school which was at the end of my block because he wanted to "kick my ass". Well my mom and I got in her car and drove down there and he proceeded to act like the animal he was by cussing out my mother as she was cussing him out. My mom was the current government. When they were all done I said to James...are you done? As soon as he said YES, I attacked him. He was martial law. I totally caught him off guard. Within seconds I had him down in the street with all of his little followers standing with their mouths wide open aghast. I was smashing his face into the asphalt over and over and my mother was screaming..."Your going to kill him!" to which I replied "That's WHAT I'M TRYING TO DO."

Now imagine me today at the age of almost 70 with a total disdain for bullies to this day. I could have been killed by his buddies back when I was 14 because there were about 8 of them to one of me. But they actually freaked out and didn't even help him the least bit. And I could be killed today if the bullies in the government were to attack me or my family. But you know what? I WILL KILL EVERY FUCKING ONE OF THEM I CAN BEFORE I GO DOWN. I'll make a John Wick flick look like kids in a sandbox playing cops and robbers. So any of you shit for brains assholes that may be reading this from the "government". Beware. I don't miss. At least ONE of you will die. I will try to make it ALL of you that attack me. So fuck your martial law. Fuck most of your "laws". As long as I do no harm the laws you make that make me a 'Criminal' when there are no victims are criminal in themselves and if you ENFORCE them you are a sick sack of shit that needs to be put down like a rabid dog. Got it Johnny?

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Mar 25Liked by Edwin

Great insight and article, Edwin.

Any ideas as to the future of class III NFA firearms in citizens possession?

For those of us in non-registration states, the federally registered NFA items are perceived as "snooper magnets" since the fed's can demand that the weapons are in one's control and possession. That's usually defined as a "social call" from the corrupt, woke ATF 'tards.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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Mar 25Liked by Edwin

This is crazy and please don’t give the Democrats any ideas!

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I like this part (in parentheses) from your headline Edwin;

(Can the government take your guns during martial law?)...it actually makes me smile (laugh 😂)....my martial law or theirs?!?


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PS...Those two cops in the picture breaking and entering are pretty vulnerable if someone starts shooting through the wall at them. Especially with a 450 Bushmaster or 500 S&W magnum.

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