
The `Epidemic’ of Diabetes was Predicted, Deliberate and Avoidable

Dr Vernon Coleman

Politicians, doctors and journalists seem surprised at the vast increase in the number of diabetics around today. They are, of course, looking everywhere for someone to blame – food companies and greedy consumers are top of the list.

But the `epidemic’ should be no surprise.

Diabetes is genetically transmitted. It was bound to become commoner.

I warned of this problem in 1988 in my book `The Health Scandal’.

The authorities should have been aware of the problem (they were certainly aware of `The Health Scandal’ which was very effectively suppressed).

Avoiding today’s `epidemic’ would not have been difficult. Targeted health education programmes could have helped reduce the number of diabetics.

But nothing was done.

And it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that this was deliberate – and part of the conspirators’ plan to create illness and early deaths.

Today, just to make things worse, there is a real threat of a shortage of insulin. (Inevitably, Brexit is being blamed).

Since there are 400,000 insulin dependent diabetics in Britain at the moment this should be a major worry to everyone.


`The Health Scandal’ by Vernon Coleman has been republished and is available via the bookshop on www.vernoncoleman.com

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In 2021 the death payouts in the middle age group tripled in the US and nobody is connecting the dots! Clowns in DC!

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They can ignore it not very much longer, only until the next presidential election, if that far.

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Kick the can down the road!

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May 23Liked by Edwin

Yesterday, our (I'm from Slovenia) mainstream media wrote that this same drug factory near Copenhagen (Denmark), where these two "medicines" are manufactured, burned down. The fire is said to have started to spread from a waste container, I conclude that it was started .If anyone wants, I can send the articles, but you have to translate them from Slovenian.

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Diabetes runs on my maternal side. Both my sisters had it.

Younger one was in an unhappy marriage, but toward the end he took care of her.

Older sister passed same year but 6 months later.

I have it. Am doing well though.

Have lost 50 lbs. Jeans no longer fit have to safety pin them, as, finances do not allow for clothing.

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Hang in there, Elaine, and keep up the good work.

Things aren't going to get better, but with Gods help we will make it.

Bless you, friends and family.

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Is this the same RSA that worked with the NHS to keep thousands of people away from hospitals and Surgeries?

I hate to tell you, but the RSA, much like the NHS, has been taken over by Marxists. There is only one truth and that's not your truth.

All the organizations we used to trust are now in the enemy's hands.

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“ Not to oppose error is to approve it; and not to defend truth is to suppress it; and indeed to neglect to confound evil men, when we can do it, is no less a sin than to encourage them. “ St Philip Neri

You and your wife’s spirit is too aligned with St Philip Neri. You both are blessed and so are we as you defend truth and confound evil men.

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Thank you sweet ladies for the restacks.

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