
I don't usually comment on my own articles, but this time I have too.

First, the Democrats (and Republicans) are hardly the enemies of Russia that they claim.

Second. the Communist Chinese control our country far more.

Third, who controls the Communist Chinese? It ain't the UN, WEF, but it might be Russia.

I know this will be hard to swallow, but just a few years ago Hilary was giving them 'presents' in the form of a mis-labeled 'reset' button curiously labeled 'overcharge.' Then Obama had his 'flexibility' meeting with Medvedev and the rest is history.

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Thanks JP Spatzier, I appreciate the restack, and reading. Sincerely, thank you.

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2Liked by Edwin

Thank you for your courage for truth.

Many still don't know we stood down when Japan was flying towards Pearl Harbor. Then we got 911, we "knew". So we go to the MidEast "twice", occupy, murder thousands of civilians, "abandon" the mission, leave billions in military weapons to the people we pissed off.

Ukraine had 23 bioweapon labs *during The Covid Psyop, lost 600,000 men, we pay for "everything", and NATO WANTS more WAR?

Gee, "Depopulation"? Genocide God's Creation? We are gods?

And "Mockingbird" Media marches the Blind Sheeple over the cliff?

I pray I *don't survive the Nuclear Holocaust.

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I pray we somehow avoid one, despite idiots (Marxist idiots) in charge!

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Jul 2Liked by Edwin

We can always trust them to always eat their own. Lucifer-Luciferians are never wrong, and will destroy every one of their blind sheeple for Komplete Kontrol. - Same as HOLLY"wood”, witches “wand”, blood sacrifice family for fame and fortune. All “lovers of themselves”.

Pandemic Narcissism USA.

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The Russians have had Nukes since 1950. They've got boomers off the coast with MIRVS targeting every coastal city and state capital. In 9 minutes, they could launch them all and destroy all 50 states.

China has Nukes and the second largest army in the world.

So, no. We don't need to antagonize Russia or China.

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Absolutely true!

But what is the real reason our corrupted Intel Agencies are doing this at presumably the Communists direction. Is it to run a psyop WW III to rationalize and obscure everything they have done, especially now that the mask has been pulled completely off.

“The thing you need to know about nuclear war is that (1) its preparatory stage begins when Russia’s communist surrogates in Washington find themselves in an untenable position; (2) when Heaven and Earth must be moved to hide the alliance between the Fifth Columnists and their Russian sponsors through an outrageous diversionary campaign; (3) when this effort fails once and finally war becomes unavoidable.”

-JR Nyquist

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Jul 2Liked by Edwin

I hate these neocons!

They send our kids to die while they sit on their thrown and preach war! I wish someone would kidnap these Assholes and airlift them to war zones!

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Forever war, forever well, forever crap. Oh, but the defense stocks keep going up, and up, and up, till nuclear warheads go off over their factories. But the Politicos will be out of the market by them! Really!

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Supreme Court effectively eliminates statute of limitations on challenges to federal regulations


The Supreme Court in a Monday ruling opened the door to broad challenges to federal regulations long after they take effect.

In another 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court effectively eliminated the statute of limitations to challenge federal rules as illegal, arbitrary or capricious. Justices differed in viewing the outcome as either being more fair to companies or serving as a potential source of instability for the business world.

The case, Corner Post, Inc. v. Board of Governors, was brought by the Corner Post, a North Dakota convenience store, which argued that the Federal Reserve’s Regulation II violated the Administrative Procedure Act. Corner Post, which opened in 2011, filed a lawsuit in 2021 challenging debit card transaction fees issued by the Federal Reserve Board in 2011. The store argued that the six-year statute of limitations to challenge a final rule issued by the federal government begins ticking when an individual party is injured, not when the action is finalized.

Justice Amy Coney Barrett wrote for the majority that companies harmed by federal rules should be able to challenge them in court, regardless of how long those regulations have been in effect.

The case could open the door to challenges to any federal regulation.

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As far as I can see it, Trump will be the next President Elect. Unless the current Neocons devise a war act that requires immediate declaration of war and elections are suspended. Stockman believes that Jill Biden will become the power behind the Biden throne. The power and control people want to keep their goals moving forward including depopulation. Has anyone read the report that birth rates are plummeting around the world? I wonder why. Mike Adams is of this mind set.

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Like the Wilsons? Only he got better, FJB is headed 6 ft under, even if it's the last day.

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Birth rates appear to be plummeting, or is that propaganda, somehow I don't think it is.

Is Mike a Jew hater or not, don't know enough to say either way.

Depopulation is certainly moving forward, another shot or shots are planned, but maybe we won't be so gullible this time. An EMP would certainly make up the difference, but we may have to respond because the American people would demand it. That's where the psyop WW III comes in, what do we know and how would we know it if 95% of the grid is down.

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The majority of the people wanted Trump to be President in 2016, and the minority decided he was unacceptable. Trump in turn has experienced a 8 year politically motivated manipulation of retaliation and appears to be emerging from the political gauntlet intact. So, the only way to stop him now is to orchestrate an event like. Pearl Harbor or 9 /11 to get the majority of the people to support creating WWIII. Sucking the enemy into creating the event and then enhancing it would be ideal. Who gives a damn if it eliminates life on earth as we know it!

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Bird Flu Pandemic, did the 1 person who died, do so of the BF, or Malpractice? I'm betting on Malpractice.

My beautician's sister nearly died from a botched gallbladder removal, which was already really bad from the delay; this will also involve the equipment maker, the clamps were all defective. She is going through Dialysis now as it damaged the kidneys. Still in the ICU.

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I will pray for her.

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Thanks. We lost our friend from across the street 48 hrs ago, a triggered heat stroke, while he was using a new pressure washer, and lost control, Steven was compulsive about his yard, he was an open-heart surgery survivor, and it hit his legs, caused blood clots, 1 traveled to his heart. He'd had everything ready, DNR, Living Will, Will. Had made home hospice arrangements, gone the next night. And ready to go to the Lord. About Dean's age. 80's. God got another angel.

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Nancy, thanks for the restack and reading, I appreciate it very much.

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Thanks Stacy, for the restack, reading, and I just want to say I appreciate it.

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Thanks Abigail, for the restock, and reading, commenting. Don't give up the ship, you're too valuable here. An excellent bombardier, always over the target.

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Thomas, thanks for the restack, reading, and commenting. I appreciate it. You are a powerful voice on this sub stack that I would not want to do without.

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2Author

Stiegiel, thank you for the restack and reading, I appreciate it.

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2Author

And TexBritta, I appreciate the restack, comments, and reading. Thank you, very much.

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