
He's right, if it is a political process, and not a scam on the American people that owns both candidates.

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You can start with giving rewards to whistle blower United States Postal Workers who are in on the cheat with the mail in ballots! In 2020 there were thousands and thousands of ballots that were dumped along the side of the road in favor of Donald J. Trump! I might add that the USPS Union just came out two days ago to endorse Cumala Harris! That was their way of indirectly saying that we got this one for you Cumala!!

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VOTE IN PERSON! GET A PRINT OUT OF WHO YOU VOTED FOR. If TN can add a device that lets you see who you voted for it can add print out, let you take a photo.

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Neither of our two parties is worth shit. Both cater to the billionair class prior to the People. War is a terrible commodity to have as your main aim of both of these evil, god foraken Parties. Voting for the lessor evil is stupid. All War is Evil. No More War.

All War is Evil. No More War.

Stop Paying these Monsters Income Taxes

Stop Paying for WAR.

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Problem is: Easier said than done.

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I have not paid income taxes since Ronald Regan got into office and decided to upgrade the USA nuclear arsinal. That was difficult at the time. Nuclear Weapons are against god and All Life. You sitting and giving excuses for these child molesting, warmongering, evil monsters is better then my difficult choice that I personally made?

Let's hope so. Then again hope in one hand and shit in the other hand; put your hands together and open them. What do you have? Good question?

All War is Evil. No More War.

Stop Paying these Monsters Income Taxes

Stop Paying for WAR.

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Medical Truth, Tim, thanks for the restack.

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Tim, thanks for the restack, good buddy.

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Thanks for the restack, Moon Lite.

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Thanks for the restack, Chelie.

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Both parties are ONE. Trump is just as bad, under the guise of being a “savior”.

The entire system is FUBAR.

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