
I think I'm gonna be sick!

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Edwin…. Wayne could be right. Plot thickens.

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Yes I know he could be right, it is depressing but only in that it will give them new energy to steal another election. You see, Michelle is going to be ‘selected’ and not elected.

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My bet … he’s right and pray I’m wrong

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A fearsome duo. Michelle and Kamala!

They will move the Oval office into Barrack's bedroom!

or his Presidential library in Chicago that looks like a fortress!

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Jun 28Liked by Edwin

Wow. Having already had the first Woman Of Colour as Veep, we may be in store for the first transsexual as POTUS.

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Jun 28Liked by Edwin

there's a war going on for power & control. On one side is Obama, he needs someone he can control so he can have his 4th term, destroy America, & make sure he isn't tried for treason. The other side is Newsom backed by Pelosi & her mob connections. Newsom was there at the debate like he was running the show. Was he? did he orchestrate the debate to humiliate Jill & force her to stop defending Joe & let Obama dump him? CNN was definitely NOT on Joe's side, are they team Newsom, too? Harris is team Newsom, so Obama can't control her. Was she a compromise VP to get Joe installed? While Obama has quietly been busy finding a replacement for Joe, Newsom has been building a coalition to take control from Obama. Obama is going to fight to keep control & do whatever it takes to retain it. Obama will use whoever he can to stay in power & it may be Michelle. She's been mia for a long time, so they could be prepping her for just a role. But could she debate Trump or even campaign? Maybe, but Newsom won't let it happen without a fight.

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“…so they could be prepping her for just a role…”

I just wonder, would they do a better job of that than they just accomplished with Judas Joe ?

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Jun 28Liked by Edwin

Until people realize that Michelle is really Michael😱

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Not So Fast.

If They Keep Biden In The Race

It Means They Are Confident

That They Can Steal It.

Look What They Did Last Time:

They Put An Imbecile On The Ticket

Confident That They Could Pull It Off.

Change To A Wider Lens. Look More Carefully At What It Means If They Keep Him.


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If they keep him on the ticket, it means they can elect anyone, and they don't have to worry about Trump or anyone else, it is totally rigged, and has been for quite a while.

With the RepubliCONS, it should be.

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I should’ve said completely confident. Because at this point, they are not completely confident about anything.

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It seems they aren't, but maybe it only seems that way. It won't take long to find out, will it.

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I try not to overthink it. I just know that the more we rip them apart the harder it is for them to be put back together. And I always start by not making allowances for them. Never have. Never will.

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Jun 28Liked by Edwin

Michael would be among the first handful of trans presidents. Barack's legacy of trans-loving, gay, child-molesting/pedophilia and gay encounters aside, he so clearly articulated what has since transpired that I suspect your hypothesis is close to spot on. It matters not - in the uni-party world of U.S. politics, the theater of the "sides" are there to keep the rabble distracted as their homes, natural resources, food, jobs, security, money, health are stolen from them and their country transitioned to something that would make a third world s**thole look like a vacation resort. They all follow their globalist handler's dictates and the only difference is the style employed and the rhetoric used -- whose side of the uni-party is squabbling and threatening and tilting at the other the most...since they are all compromised ("all in" on the "plan") or under threat of disclosure of some majorly career-ruining secret that is being used to manage them (or a death threat on themselves and/or family). COurageous men and women are in scare supply and particularly in the political, media or financial world -- oh, and the world of "science", "religion", "social science", as infinitum. Wait -- the world is careening out of control towards something that even their worshipped and adored AI cannot save them from -- fortunately, for those who belong to Jesus, He is their refuge and salvation from what it yet to visit all of us in these times where evil is called good and good evil. The "debate" is the globalists laughing in our faces that they can use such an obvious sock puppet so effectively and the masses are anywhere from overjoyed to stupified, but will not doing anything as long as they have a color TV and beer.

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Or a computer and liquor.

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It's not going to be Moochelle. She/he is too lazy. Dr. Jill won't let JOE drop out.

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I hope you are right and Wayne s wrong!

But, we’ll see, won’t we.

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We sure will :-). Dr. Jill has a male advisor. I checked and I couldn't find anything on him. He was with her in the 8 years when she and JOE were the VP couple. Who knows, but them?

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Ryan Dawson @RyLiberty “Biden Crime Family” so far it’s earned 4,430 views

Anti Neocon- Dawson films

2017 he put out The Empire Unmasked

Ryan has 13+ years of investigations on Epstein + his intimate relationship’s in Israel.

I am grateful I stumbled across Dawson, his astute work, before he was banned-blocked out by every platform out there.

I hope this will ruffle your feathers and you too will actively End AIPAC

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Gotta watch Joel Gilbert's latest production (conspiracy theorist)

“Michelle Obama 2024”

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Jun 29Liked by Edwin

Yep Big Mike just might be the nominee.

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Dementia symptoms are pronounced, along with the side effects of Botox and Covid made him the perfect puppet.

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Amy Harlib, thank you for the restack, and reading, it is appreciated.

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