May 26·edited May 26Author

This is a big deal, perhaps the biggest.

How do I know, it is what I would do, attacking Russian Early Warning Installations, prior to a general nuclear war. The war in Ukraine has given them this opportunity, they won't waste it.

They, USA/NATO, are going to force Putin's hand with this, they want nuclear war, Putin may want it or he may not, at least not yet, China may not want it for 3-5 years, but they may go now or not.

If we are still here, and Trump is re-elected, he's got a real mess to clean up. A real mess.

I remind readers that this is not the first attack on Russian Warning Radars, it is not even the second, or the third.

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US is really poking the BEAR. Blinken,. the Marxist, is pushing this big time. No wonder Orban

wants to exit NATO.

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I want to Exit the USSA !!! even the USA is probably Also Irreversably Economically damaged.

The Titanic Scenario, except there aren't enough/many lifeboats, and none are guaranteed seaworthy.

My Hopium is that It won't "Get THAT Bad" and That my Preps are Equal to the Situation which is Doubtful.

But Hope Springs Eternal.......... Italians still live amongst the ruins of the Romans.

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Government continues to punish pro-life Americans | Frontline News

Pro-life taxpayers sentenced to several years in prison, face hefty fines


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This Feral DC Coupist Gov CONTINUES to Punish and Murder by Swat & Drugging/VaXXXes All Americans who support the Constitutional Republic.

This Gov Supports, Enables, and Creates Death for it's Citizens and the World as well.

What do We/Me/You suppose Will be The Result??? and Are a People Responsible for their "Own" governments??? Nuremburg concluded YES.

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Do you blame him, he knows the gist of what's going on.

In a WWIII scenario, the Russians were going to hit Vienna with two 500 kiloton bombs, Vienna, the capital of Austria, a neutral country, what do you reckon he figures they will do to a former Warsaw Pact nation.

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Why were the Russians going to hit, Vienna, a neutral country?

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Orban is a wise man.

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Yes, but he's very late, very late indeed. The only way to be spared is to not be there, Hungary is gone.

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Why do you say that? My husband was born in Budapest, Hungary.

He and his mother came to US and became Citizens. Their family lost everything to the Communist. (Long Story) His Father died of a

heart attack (age 50) after the Communist nationalized his Construction business for the third time.

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To keep us from potentially using it.

We were probably going to hit it (Vienna) with 5-9 nukes of 200 kilotons or thereabouts, to keep the Russians from using it as well.

I don't know about the rest of the country, not good I'd say.

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Why do they want nuclear war? Sorry to ask this question but I cannot comprehend this madness that will impact them too.

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To get rid of us, because The Money's Gone, cover their asses for the Covid Scam, to finally secure World Communist Domination, and a thousand other things including to delay Global Warming (remember Nuclear Winter-that fallacy promoted by the KGB).

Communism center for World Revolution has move from the Kremlin to Beijing and on to Washington DC.

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I would encourage readers to return to one of my older articles, "The Nuclear 911 In Our Future" written by the late Peter Pry. This may have been before Dr. Pry realized the US had become the center of the Communist Revolution, or not. It almost doesn't matter at this point. At least not to the victims of the nuclear strikes.


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May 26·edited May 26Liked by Edwin

OMG !!! from 2022 Who can even remember that far back???

Besides, Who reads Links anymore ??? but Keep Going!!! I Share your pain, Comrade.

(I read your link)

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Keep poking … = devastation

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Pre-WW3, Comrades. ....... and do You think Your "Votes" will matter by November??? There may very well be No Voting by then.

"As the US targets Russia's nuclear early warning systems through its proxy, how will it be possible for Russia to sit on its hands and not retaliate?"

Russian, ChiCom, Iranian, Other Islamic, Other "NewComers" Retaliation Option #1 the USSA Electric Grid. #1 "options" EMP, HACK, Critical SubStations Physical, ...........Fait Accompli

si vis pacem, para bellum

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Escalation coming! Clowns in D C!

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US dairy cows are tip of the iceberg as bird flu spreads in mammals globally, says ecologist


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Thanks for the restack, Abigail.

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Chinese scientists create 'fake Ebola' virus capable of killing in three days for medical research

Chinese scientists have engineered a new virus, similar to Ebola, that can prove fatal in as little as three days. Researchers at Hebei Medical University replicated elements of the deadly virus which caused devastation in West Africa between 2014 and 2016, with the aim of studying its effects.

The team utilised a virus known as vesicular stomatitis and modified it to carry the glycoprotein (GP) from the Ebola virus, publishing their findings in Science Direct. They tested on a group of hamsters, injecting them with the engineered virus, which soon led to severe symptoms akin to those of human Ebola patients, including organ failure.

Some hamsters even developed scabs over their eyeballs, impairing their vision. "It is a sign that 3-week-old Syrian hamsters infected with the virus have the possibility of playing a role in the study of optic nerve disorders caused by EVD," researchers were quoted in Science Direct.


Half of UCLA Med School Students Fail Basic Tests Thanks to DEI Push


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Just imagine if this virus was incorporated into the new "bird flu" vaccine.

Or the updated shingles (or other) vaccine, all with a remote control trigger.

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May 27Liked by Edwin

This world is becoming more of a sad place. 😞

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Texas doing its job. Uncomading minors usually mean child trafficking.

Texas DPS arrested 112 illegal aliens and rescued 19 unaccompanied children last week over a 5- day period (May 20th to May 24th) in Maverick County, Texas. VIDEOS

While the Biden regime is letting people pour into the US under open borders, Texas DPS is actually trying to keep their state safe.

The illegals are from Colombia, Ecuador, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Peru, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba, and the Dominican Republic.

Since 2021, 10 to 12 million illegals have entered the US under the Biden regime.


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I'd not believe 1 person who works for FJB if they swore on a thousand Bibles.

John Kennedy: This Is Why 'President Biden Is Polling Right Up There With Hemorrhoids

At today's Senate Banking Committee hearing, Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) went on a tear against President Biden over inflation.


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May 26Liked by Edwin

“At the time of writing, Ukrainian authorities do not appear to have publicly claimed responsibility for the attack on Armavir.”

Why would they? They didn’t do it.

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Glory to the noble nation of Ukraine. Despite constant treachery and broken promises from Western "Allies", this stoic people hold out against the odds. Their resistance is inspiring, and definitely not futile. Imagine what's possible when supplies arrive promptly, and without delay? Stop enabling the Fascist Apartheid Rogue State of Israel and allow Ukraine the chance to defend herself, and live in peace.

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But we don’t care about Ukraine, other than to use it as a laundromat for money, and as an excuse to launch predetermined attacks of the Soviets, I mean Russians, the ‘Fascist Apartheid Rogue State of Israel’ means everything to the politicians (ever wonder why so many are Jewish, like Bankers).

What the Jews did to start the ‘Special Military Operation’ really pissed me off, I was in their camp till then, till then.

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Please explain, Special Military Operation.

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Its war, against the Muslims, coded in Putin speak. A joke.

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JOEBAMA doesn't want a war against his Muslim pals?

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JoeBama wants war everywhere, he doesn't believe in God, no matter what he says, period. He is God, as far as he is concerned, or Allah, or _______.

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OBAMA is so full of himself. Yuk!

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FDR had the attack on Pearl Harbor to save his Depression butt, FJB needs a war to save his, But he has destroyed our Military into Cannon Fodder.

Chinese spies on our bases.

Chinese nationals trying to access US military bases, Navy chief warns

National security is being jeopardized by a wave of Chinese and Russian nationals sneaking onto US military bases, a top Navy admiral has warned.

US Fleet Forces Commander Daryl Caudle said that attempted infiltrations are happening 'two or three times a week' at Navy bases alone.

More than 100 attempts were made by Chinese nationals alone last year, with the perpetrators often claiming to be innocent tourists when caught.


Release from gasoline reserve raises doubts Biden will replenish the Strategic Petroleum Reserve

Short term pandering? With polls showing the economy as a key concern for voters, gas prices are likely to be an important issue in the presidential election. Keeping them in check Biden's way will make it pricier to refill the nation's energy stockpiles later on.


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May 26Liked by Edwin

If Ukraine hadn't been murdering innocent people since 2014, I might have some sympathy.

As it stands though....

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Ukraine is a corrupt country. US has to stop bankrolling them. All Zelensky and his selected do is live off the US Government and taxpayers. It's ridiculous for the US to give them so

much money. But, it's a good way for the US to launder money, too. Ukraine will never

defeat Russia. There won't be many people left to live in peace.

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Remember, war here, war there, war everywhere.

The Military Industrial Complex loves it, so do their major investors, Blackrock, State Street, the Politicians, right up to the point somebody nukes their factories.

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May 27Liked by Edwin

Yes, we are aware!

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May 27Liked by Edwin

When “supplies arrive promptly???!!!”

Make your own goddamn supplies, Ukraine government.

Sorry that the Ukrainian people got pulled into such a mess.

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