Here in the States, the socialists have been lurking since the 1960s. Instead of political power, they've opted for institutional power, which shows.

They infiltrated the teaching schools, the universities, the FBI, The CIA, The DoJ, The Military, and The Churches.

The only place they haven't infiltrated is the Supreme Court, which is why they hate it so much. It doesn't bend to political will.

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May 24Liked by Edwin

Joseph, if you think “they” haven’t infiltrated the SCOTUS, you’re naive, with due respect.

Remember John Roberts ruling on “Obama Care”?

It’s completely unconstitutional. We are living in a POST CONSTITUTIONAL country, and have been for DECADES!

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Yes, decades!

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May 24·edited May 24Liked by Edwin

When you “get it”, everything makes sense! People of the world MUST WAKE UP! We’ve been had! As for the uSA, we’re in some deep shit. I don’t mince words-never have. Prepare while you can!

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I remember the supreme court fighting over the mandates, and eventually making it a tax. But yes, you are right.

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Shame it doesn’t bend to common sense.

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re Lord Acton’s famous observation deserves a corollary: those who seek absolute power must be destroyed absolutely.......there's the rub, eh? One has to be willing to destroy, if this statement is true. But from what I have seen over my 60 years, choosing to destroy things can go very wrong, as most get a bit too excited about the destruction. How about....just building the new thing? And let the old one fall away on it's own, eat itself.

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Nope, too late, we must have revenge for our blood, (parents, grandparents, children, yet unnamed children, granddaughters, grandsons, the list goes on to friends, and friends of friends, as so forth).

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Thanks for the restack, Jean

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