I don't know about you but I for one want Heads in Baskets. No more Free lunch for Commie Loving Thieves who call themselves Representatives or Sanators. Every single guilty FICK involved deserves Decapitation in public. Every single one. #DefundTyranny #DepopulateTheDepopulators #FreedomIsNotFree #MakeTreasonPunishableByDeathAgain
We can even get the children involved, "See Mr Schumer, let's let the 6 year old attempt the first cuts, just let me get the heck out of the way before she swings the sword."
Read at Congress.gov in January 6th 2021 to see who are among the 388 NAY votes over 2020 voter fraud reports. You will also find their names connected to D.O.G.E. Reports already and going forward. USAID is only 4% of the USA Budget. Just imagine how much more corruption is involved in the remaining 96%. #FreedomIsNotFree #DefundTyranny #DepopulateTheDepopulators #MakeTreasonPunishableByDeathAgain
What happened was the entire government became corrupt over the decades and a corporate media covered it up. With all of the intelligence(?) agencies as enforcers for the corrupt, no one was left to fight for the people.
When Silicon Valley and big business was rewarded for assisting the graft the coffin was sealed.
Only when democrats went too far and tried to assassinate the opposition did half of the people wake up and rebel.
It remains to be seen if the corrupt can be reigned in and the corruption stymied. We only have a little over a year until the next election to find out. May the honest win and the corrupt get burned by the sunshine on their faces.
Start lifting the rug on all the non-profits!! They are nothing more than laundry mats for tax payer dollars! Start with Soros, Clintons, Obamas and Bidens!! Disgusting Government! DemonRats and RepubTurds!! What do you call politicians at the bottom of the ocean? A good Start!!
Let us not forget that our universities are up in arms that the research dollars from NIH have stopped flowing, and there is a crisis brewing at the universities because billions of dollars that have funded questionable research have now stopped
Until the Lois Lerner case, I did not know public servants got bonuses. They year she testified over sitting on the applications for tax exempt status of various republican groups, she was awarded a $300,000 bonus! That is many times more than I have ever been paid for an entire year, all paid with our tax money.
The Democrats are scared that is why they wanted 81,000 more IRS agents. If the AMERICAN people got together and didn't pay their income taxes next year the Dummycrats would have a heart attack, stroke, or some else well-deserved malady, them dip into more of OUR money to further scam us, then hire more IRS agents. Habitual liar Senator Schumer would lead the pack, can you believe California actually voted him into the Senate? One of the reasons you know he isn't lying is his lips aren't moving. Thank God for President Trump. If we let him, he will save us all.
Confiscate all assets including the old drug monies cartels get pinched on it never goes to fighting crime it only breads more of it odd crime fighting self sustained yet it never goes away or down
70 years ago, America was at the top physically and scholastically...People in general were conservative and decent...I grew up in the fantastic fifties...compared to what it is today! so what happened? As someone who has been in the study of health and nutrition for 64 years...i do believe this has come about, because of the government putting profit before the people.
it has catered to industries at the expense of the people. I daresay that most of these people running the show....know little about health and nutrition. Most of them have probably had multiple vaxes. Who knew that the hazardous elements in these vaxes destroyed the glands in the brain that regulated the brains ability to think or the pineal gland, which is the seat of consciousness. The pineal gland gives one perception or knowingness, a feeling of what is right or what is wrong. These people who are destroying others for money and power have no concern for the multitudes who have died from the products they are promoting. Its the same in every industry.....the Medical Industry, the Food Industry, the Electronics Industry, the Chemical Industry, the Pesticide Industry, the Munitions Industry, etc. Their Bottom Line is more important than the earth.. They are all contributing to the destruction of Planet Earth. The question is...Where are they going to spend all their money, when there is no more earth?
I don't know about you but I for one want Heads in Baskets. No more Free lunch for Commie Loving Thieves who call themselves Representatives or Sanators. Every single guilty FICK involved deserves Decapitation in public. Every single one. #DefundTyranny #DepopulateTheDepopulators #FreedomIsNotFree #MakeTreasonPunishableByDeathAgain
“Head in a basket” sounds good to me, shall we construct a guillotine or just use the sword and hack away until the job is done.
We can even get the children involved, "See Mr Schumer, let's let the 6 year old attempt the first cuts, just let me get the heck out of the way before she swings the sword."
Either will suffice...
They are all guilty as far as I'm concerned! You don't get into politics for Free!
Read at Congress.gov in January 6th 2021 to see who are among the 388 NAY votes over 2020 voter fraud reports. You will also find their names connected to D.O.G.E. Reports already and going forward. USAID is only 4% of the USA Budget. Just imagine how much more corruption is involved in the remaining 96%. #FreedomIsNotFree #DefundTyranny #DepopulateTheDepopulators #MakeTreasonPunishableByDeathAgain
Corruption, Communism, they go hand in hand.
WTF happened to Kill A Commie for Mommy?
Yeah, what the fuck happened?
What happened was the entire government became corrupt over the decades and a corporate media covered it up. With all of the intelligence(?) agencies as enforcers for the corrupt, no one was left to fight for the people.
When Silicon Valley and big business was rewarded for assisting the graft the coffin was sealed.
Only when democrats went too far and tried to assassinate the opposition did half of the people wake up and rebel.
It remains to be seen if the corrupt can be reigned in and the corruption stymied. We only have a little over a year until the next election to find out. May the honest win and the corrupt get burned by the sunshine on their faces.
Start lifting the rug on all the non-profits!! They are nothing more than laundry mats for tax payer dollars! Start with Soros, Clintons, Obamas and Bidens!! Disgusting Government! DemonRats and RepubTurds!! What do you call politicians at the bottom of the ocean? A good Start!!
Especially since most of them are LAWYERS.
Lawyer, Liar, Tomatoe, Tomato.
Red for Communism.
The guilty who get payoffs from these departments are squealing like pigs! I want them GONE! I want them rounded up and jailed all together at GITMO!
Tthat’s right, GITMO them!
And I want to be reimbursed for the rest of my life for what I paid to these criminals!!
You mean I may get that ‘71 Lambo yet!
"Democrats and most media are wailing that Elon Musk is unelected ........"
Hmmm, gee I don't remember voting for Lois Lerner to head the IRS, as only one of countless examples.
You have to be sick to still be a supporter of the D party.
RINOS are democRATs in RED.
Red for Communism (Lite).
Let us not forget that our universities are up in arms that the research dollars from NIH have stopped flowing, and there is a crisis brewing at the universities because billions of dollars that have funded questionable research have now stopped
Good, let them earn their respect again, just like before.
I won't live long enough for that to happen!
No, probably not, but your great great grandchildren may have a chance, just maybe!
Give it back to We the People.
We clearly must Take It Back.
Until the Lois Lerner case, I did not know public servants got bonuses. They year she testified over sitting on the applications for tax exempt status of various republican groups, she was awarded a $300,000 bonus! That is many times more than I have ever been paid for an entire year, all paid with our tax money.
I fear northern Virginia is so overgrown with the ivy growing in DC that it won’t recover.
Give it a million years, then there will just be ‘legends.’
The Democrats are scared that is why they wanted 81,000 more IRS agents. If the AMERICAN people got together and didn't pay their income taxes next year the Dummycrats would have a heart attack, stroke, or some else well-deserved malady, them dip into more of OUR money to further scam us, then hire more IRS agents. Habitual liar Senator Schumer would lead the pack, can you believe California actually voted him into the Senate? One of the reasons you know he isn't lying is his lips aren't moving. Thank God for President Trump. If we let him, he will save us all.
Mysqif.com privacy period
🤔 Hmmm Hornswoggled again by pathological liars that hate our guts
Confiscate all assets including the old drug monies cartels get pinched on it never goes to fighting crime it only breads more of it odd crime fighting self sustained yet it never goes away or down
70 years ago, America was at the top physically and scholastically...People in general were conservative and decent...I grew up in the fantastic fifties...compared to what it is today! so what happened? As someone who has been in the study of health and nutrition for 64 years...i do believe this has come about, because of the government putting profit before the people.
it has catered to industries at the expense of the people. I daresay that most of these people running the show....know little about health and nutrition. Most of them have probably had multiple vaxes. Who knew that the hazardous elements in these vaxes destroyed the glands in the brain that regulated the brains ability to think or the pineal gland, which is the seat of consciousness. The pineal gland gives one perception or knowingness, a feeling of what is right or what is wrong. These people who are destroying others for money and power have no concern for the multitudes who have died from the products they are promoting. Its the same in every industry.....the Medical Industry, the Food Industry, the Electronics Industry, the Chemical Industry, the Pesticide Industry, the Munitions Industry, etc. Their Bottom Line is more important than the earth.. They are all contributing to the destruction of Planet Earth. The question is...Where are they going to spend all their money, when there is no more earth?