If the nukes hit Washington, we are free. If they don't, we are dead.

If they are aimed at Texas, Biden will mumble and go back to sleep, as DC hates Texas.

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13Author

You remember Reagan's "We made it illegal to be Communist, we begin bombing Russia in 15 minutes" joke over the broadcast lines (it was a test). The Democrats everywhere went nuts, Minnesota Democrats talked of defecting, New York Democrats were putting together a care package, Florida Democrats were considering Cuba as a destination, and the California Democrats were talking about striking back at the US in support of their Communist brothers. But it was the Texas Republicans that were the most upset, they didn't believe Reagan would only give them 15 minutes to get 'loaded up.'

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And the power goes out, chaos ensues, criminals are released from electronically controlled prisons, and terrorists invade the USA courtesy of Biden.

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That's the 'plan.'

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That pretty much sums it up! The recently released movie Civil War comes to life, but of course, that is what these shit-for-brains politicians want. They use the Cloward-Piven strategy to get their way. The Master's of Chaos, all politicians, can't stand the sight of them!

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Goes back to 2018

$30 Milllion Government-Funded Cell Phone Radiation Study Shows Clear Evidence of Cancer

A couple decades ago, the FDA commissioned what was to become the longest, largest-scale study ever done on the safety of cell phone radiation. The study was designed by the National Toxicology Program (NTP), a United States government agency that’s a branch of the National Institute for Health, and connected to the FDA and CDC. It took over 15 years to complete the study and publish the results, which came out in 2018. These results seemed to be an unpleasant surprise to every government agency involved.


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ZZZZZZZZZZZ even the VaXXXXXes don't generate much heat as the Dead & Dying are Contained, Sanitized, and Disappear.

Unlike dead bodies in Kinetic war that bleed, die, stack up & stink for All to See.

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Biden is the "Tar Baby" Resident in the WH, meant to take all the criticism and ridicule coming from the pro-American peasants. THE Problem is that the USSA Commissars rule by committee and consensus of sorts, so Responses are slow and chaotic, while their Pogroms are pre-planned. better organized and work quite smoothly.

That their/them are evil and psychopathic is not questionable, imo. I'm just commenting on their apparatus of ruling "elites" and controlling far greater numbers of people quite effectively so far.

I'm not that hopeful of the Red election Wave of 2024 after the Red tide selections of 2022 and 2020.

(Florida Gulf coast residents are familiar with Red Tide stench)

If Trump wins in Nov '24 He and We have to make it to Jan '25 and then perservere thru the Bolshevik democRat Intifada on America (for how many years?).

Si vis pacem para bellum because it ain't gonna be "purdy"

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Baloney Biden is scary to say the least!

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I love the photo of our Depends wearing Commander and Chief, as spry and vigilant as ever! That: tool" is what is protecting our country! I feel safe going to bed every night. 81 Million votes, yeah right.

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It really sounds scary with Biden in charge.

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It doesn’t just sound that way, it is that way.

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Thanks Kenn and Boflys, appreciate restacking and reading as well as comments.

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Thanks for the restack, Abigail.

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Appreciate every word, but sure the alternative will be up @ 3 A.M. tweeting to everyone that said something bad about him the previous day. I guess that's good, the concern I have DJT will be 78 when assumes the oval office, has 3 jabs in him, drinks 12 diet cokes a day, appetite of fast food is legendary & sleeps very little. Not a recipe for a long life, & his Mitch McConnell moments will happen/already happened. Need a automatic retirement age for the highest Office in the land/65. We also need to hold every candidate accountable for what they campaign on. 2016 he said he would build a wall, drain the swamp, end ObamaCare, balance the budget & lock her up. Did none of those.

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So bite the bullet and vote 'Genocide' Joe, that is what you are trying to tell us.

I say bullshit, time for a change and change it will be, it might not be perfect, what ever perfect is to you, but it is a change nonetheless.

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Genocide Joe, Genocide Donald. He is so proud of Operation Warp Speed, saved 100 million lives? Both horrible, horrible choices.

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Im-Moral Equivalency, sure hope you're ready for TSHTF, and have A Tribe to protect & support you.

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It's incredible what a divider the man is. My brother is a Maga Moron, his son is a conservative they haven't spoke in 2 yrs because of there feelings about him & there both supposed RNC Repunlicans? People that I have known for years, supposed friends dropped me like a hot potato because I'm not a Maga Moron?

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CW’s are messy, confusing affairs. At least the Bolshevik democRats are Unified, eh Comrade???

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He didn’t mandate it on anyone, period.

Genocide Joe did, and still is, except for his precious illegals, must not deny them anything, anything at all, even breaking the law is OK, with Genocide Joe Biden. Vote for Genocide Joe, go ahead, we can easily see you are a Big Pharma employee.

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Incorrect, can't stand Big Harma. Not 1 jab. Know a few guys that felt the same, but we're influenced by/not mandated by Trump to get the jab & have not felt right since. Have introduced them to many protocols to help with there concerns & are getting relief. Will write in DeSantis, the only conservative that was worthy of my vote. I know, he's not perfect but the country would have had a better chance with him. I enjoy reading your content, I just can't believe the country is falling/worshiping someone not worthy. Jesus is the only one that deserves worship.

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Jesus for President!!! That's The Only Ticket !!!

100%ers are equally obnoxious on the Left & Right. But hey, its a "Free?" country so go ahead and vote for RFK ... er uh Nikki, no it's Ron DeSanctimus........ a Bushie $$$ puppet.

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It's funny many MAGA MORONS posted after DJT was found guilty 34 times, Jesus was found guilty as well. A politician from Mahoning County would often say on the House Floor, Beam Me Up. I feel the same when I encounter MAGA MORONS, we should look up to men that bang porn stars when there wife is 7 months pregnant?

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