
"But now is most definitely not the time for dissenting voices to lose their collective nerve."

"Here’s the thing: the shouting and the name calling are the least of it. After Covid, after Lockdown, after war, after crisis after crisis after crisis. If we don’t make all of our voices heard and right now, ask yourself, what might they try next?"

You are right, Neil, after all this, what next?

We must be louder than sound, stronger than thunder, brighter than lightening, and harder than iron, and we must do that every day from now till the end.

The enemy may think we have lost our kindness, compassion, mercy, and more, but they will be mistaken, we will have multiplied it dozens of times over through our Faith and Gratitude to our one true Father.

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I agree with pretty much everything Neil says, and your comment here, too...

Except, the last line very much narrows the width of your appeal to Everyone... Not everyone is a theist (believer in a god or gods), and not everyone looks to a male parental figure for truth. I'm not saying you're WRONG, I'm saying it might work better to be less specific, since there are many many people who agree with you on pretty much EVERYTHING ELSE. Like, me! ^_^

In other words, Yes to spiritual connection, without the absolutism of naming/describing/evaluating exactly what that might mean. Does this make sense? (If I feel compelled to describe it at all, I like to call it "The Divine" or "The Great Spirit," and leave it at that...

Then there's plenty of room for everyone to simply insert the name of their own idea of it.)

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Hey, that was my opinion in my comment after the quotes lines from Neil.

Not the articles opinion, but mine.

It works for me but I do not exclude inclusion of all beliefs, except the ones obviously under Satanic influence. Well where do you draw the line there, but you don't, those groups do a pretty damn good job of it on their own.

I find it difficult to believe people find a problem with Christianity/Christians being accepted in some "theoretical pool of belief systems" when it is the individuals, not the Faith that is always the problem, the other part being non-believers only causing trouble, that familiar Divide and Conquer.

This may sound like whatever, but I will have zero problems standing in the trench next to a proper Hindu or atheist or who/whatever defending my family, friends, in-laws, townsfolk, property, pets, cattle, farm animals, neighbors, from harm.

I don't get hung up on the religion, or lack of one, just the actions which often ain't good, but that is not my/our doing, we are just trying to do the right thing together, and there is no better way to discover about each other than that.

Once, at the end of what turned into a very successful rescue effort, aided by a Rabbi and some of his religious members, I made the statement to him, thank your God and mine. Everybody was so happy for the child had been recovered unharmed when the worst as feared. I had said God brought us together this day to be here for this young mother and child. Then I looked at the Rabbi and made the statement we should thank both our Gods. He walked me to my 4WD, stopped when I went to get in the drivers seat after putting the tow strap away, "Young man (it was 1979), you know there is only one true God don't you?"

"Yes sir, and he's going to have a lot of explaining to do when we all get there."

I'll never forget his laugh!

I never mean disrespect by mentioning my Christianity to anyone. I am emphasizing my acceptance of a Supreme Being. not the "absolutism" of any specific one, if even one at all.

You know, I really love these conversations, vey thought provoking.

Thank you.

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My friend, I love them, too. Because your response is pretty darn close to what I'm trying to say.


That's one thing I really like about you and your page is that you're not knee-jerk, and you're reasonable, and you're PDC. (Pretty Damn Cool)

I love the story about the rabbi and your response to him! Perfect.

But yes, what I meant to say is I feel the same way... To each his/her own, and why should that be a problem for anyone? In these days of craziness and rage and arguing for No Apparent Reason, I find it much easier to speak with people about these touchy subjects like religion, by simply leaving that door wide open.

Cheers!! xo

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Terrifically expressed in my opinion.

Plenty more to come from both of us, including some revelations I would bet.

After all, just look at the last few years!

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Cheers, brother man! ^_^

Listening to Matt Ehret and the Last American Vagabond... I think you'd enjoy this conversation, too...


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