
Thanks Glenn, for the restack, and reading, as well as those comments, they are appreciated.

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Jun 21Liked by Edwin

That is not our future. That is merely the future they intend for us. They are different things. We should not be affirming and buying into their dark visions.

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This is the future unless we change it. Everything listed in the OP is well underway. What we have seen is just glimpses. The full reality remains hidden, but each new peek behind the curtain reveals the horrible reality that they are close to realizing their evil goals. It is later than we know.

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Depressing to say the least! Time the silent majority rises up and sends the egotistical puppet masters to h.ll!!

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The best laid plans of mice and men.

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Jun 20Liked by Edwin

Except these plans were devised by demonic entities and are being implemented through the use of AI (Ancient Intelligence).

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Hopefully they’re being opposed by angelic entities.

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Jun 21Liked by Edwin

They are.

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All of what is laid out here is already underway. It just is not universal…..yet.

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Amy, Kenn, thanks for the restacks, and for reading the mans work, much appreciated.

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