Good post as we move into limbo land in Mid October and face the difficult winter ahead.

You write: "I believe that through the auspices of the World Economic Forum and Common Purpose, they have recruited an army of rancid servants to protect them and to take control of every aspect of the world we used to know. This is a deliberate, global coup. The same things are happening everywhere. Nothing is happening by accident. What we dismiss as woke triviality is, in truth, part of the takeover. Universities, trade unions, large organisations from the National Trust to the MCC, have all been hi-jacked."

Yes, this entire planetary coup has been well planned. We must wonder how the "average citizen" will respond as they understand what has and is happening and how they have been played.

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Back in the early 90s, after the "NWO" thing, we used to discuss depopulation as a coming 'feature' of the immediate future. Some folks thought we were crazy, and warned us not to put it in print! After much discussion we decided that the vulnerability they would use against us would be our dependence on plentiful cheap power and 'just in time' food distribution.

But I, a pharmacist practicing in the community since 1980, never imagined 'health care' would lead the assault, Big Pharma in particular.

Nothing could be that "monstrous."

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You nailed the most difficult gestalt of the entire thing. Many people just don't possess sufficient imagination and mental model building skills to be able to frame in the rabbit hole. It also takes a skeptical sensibility and a willingness to see true evil in action.

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The choice is bleak. Freedom or death

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Ha! I'm sure we will all survive, lol.

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Well yes having lived once we always do -eternal recurrence and all that jazz-or under other suns on a distant duplicate of Earth we walk again. The tension is striking. There is a kind of free for all politically which can end in use of nuclear weapons in the Ukraine or Europe. The open warfare of nations and now a bad "flu" season and economic collapse is unique in history. We are not in charted waters.

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Coleman is good, when he investigates details, but somehow misses the whole picture. Only an unsalvageable idealist can say that once people know about it, the plan fails. Everyone with a grain of intelligence knows that 9/11 was a false flag event, yet the ensuing (Un)Patriot(ic) Act that deprives people of their basic human rights is still in effect, while more and more rights are being taken away. Coleman also describes quite a few things that people "know," but nothing changes.

The following is a good summary of what will really happen next:


I have also arrived at a few conclusions:


"Knowing" doesn't change a thing. The only hope I can see lies in the enforcers' realizing that they will be replaced with robots and will be lined up after their victims on the road to the slaughterhouse.

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I don't know, Ray.

You yourself just said "everyone with a grain of intelligence" but clearly the communists have spent over 100 years destroying just that sort of "intelligence" and the fact that the entire nations penetrated "National Security" apparatus joined that effort is proof of the same.

Just look at how many falsifications we accept as normal in our everyday lives.

And how much more that effort is expanding with the pervert class getting the most power and support.

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Those with power make the rules; it's the force of Nature.

As usual, I am reluctant to believe that there is such a thing as "we," especially because most of those who believe in it can make no difference.

Not sure what "accept" means, either, unless it denotes the fact that there is nothing most people can do.

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