During the height of the vaccine wars, Zev Zelenko referred to the injection as “The Mark of the Beast.” We had been told that our immune systems, which were created by God, were insufficient. We were told that our bodies needed to be altered in order to be whole.

Whether it be vaccines, transgenderism or abortion- the medicine system has attempted to make itself into God.

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May 27Liked by Edwin

Every day I am thankful I didn't get the vaccine.

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Me too Kelly S

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May 27Liked by Edwin

Very astute observation, thank you!

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Without God, we only have ourselves, imperfect, selfish, war mongering, prone to error- man.

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May 27Liked by Edwin

We expect leftists to be atheists. That's nothing new. The big problem is that even conservatives these days are atheistic. We have been mentally captured on our side of politics, and we don't even realize it.

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May 27·edited May 27Liked by Edwin

For me, a war on all of nature. God is mans' thang.

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Essential Marxism: narcissistic nihilism.

It's ironic beyond belief. If there's a WW3 it'll be atheist-cum-satanist corrupt authoritarian woke globalism on one side, & Russian Orthodox Christan democratic rules-based nationalism on the other side. It's this inversion that made the deeply harmful C19 injections possible.

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May 28Liked by Edwin

Excellent article, describes exactly what is happening! 🙏🏼

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May 28Liked by Edwin

I think the most glaring example of the West’s war on God is the cult of climate change. The Marxists believe that we, mere men, are destroying the climate. How arrogant! And of course, it is only the State that is all powerful enough to combat this evil.

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May 27Liked by Edwin

Sorry Edwin, IMHO Russia is not the "enemy"

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Never said it was, Communism is the enemy, it moved from the Kremlin, to Beijing, and then on to Washington DC.

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May 27Liked by Edwin

This is long, but well worth it, in my humble opinion…https://youtu.be/tH3eVf0C1QY?si=ddrkH4fm4zeTpxof

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Thanks for the restacks, guys gals, appreciate it.

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Thanks for the restacks, much appreciated.

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