
Ahmed, many thanks for the restack, and reading. Critical thinking is imperative, despite what the leaders say and do, sure they would like you to blindly follow them, it is important that you do not.

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You will notice a lack of the use of basic elementary school arithmetic in all policy discussions.

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21Liked by Edwin

If you teach children Applied Math they will be able to balance a checkbook. Instead children are taught theoretical math which is little more than mental masturbation that confuses the minds while children intimidate each other thereby leaving them resistant to learning as if it were just too much to handle. Today's liberal Western Educators instead choose to "Squeeze" students from schools like toothpaste from the tube. When students fail, they are given "Participation Awards" instead of a Diploma with actual education behind it. Shame on all the "Pussified" traitors who as "Teachers" chose the easy way out instead of actually helping by working to "Teach" students. This all tells me that even endoctrinated teachers are taking the "Path of least resistance" by failing as "Educators". They put in their time, take their checks and have zero accountability for the result of their shoddy work. Sad but true. #MakeAmericaSmartAgain

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You will indeed.

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SLK, that you for the restack, and reading, that is imperative. Again, thank you.

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20Liked by Edwin

Excellent! And right on time. May I use it as the bonus for my stack today it fits quite well.

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No, it is too late, way too late, but it is not over, we have dug a pit for ourselves, and Biden/Obama are still digging.

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Jun 21Liked by Edwin

Say NO to Deep State Bullshit.

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Jun 21Liked by Edwin

100% correct

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I guess great minds think alike! In my Critical Thinking substack, today's commentary is "Is Critical Thinking a Good or Bad Thing?" <https://criticallythinking.substack.com/p/is-critical-thinking-a-good-or-bad>...

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John P. Walls, thanks for the restack, as well as the reading and the comments. Much appreciated.

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'When Western education mimics Western incarceration, Western citizens should start to wonder just who the real prisoners are.'

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Oh please. Modern Governments don't want critical reasoning skills in their youth. A smart voter would see through the whole facade and not vote at all. They would look through the candidates and see them for the evil people they are. They'd see through the rhetoric, know they were being played against each other, and band together to shut the whole thing down.

The lack of reasoning skills only plays into the hands of the Socialists and Communists. If they can't think for themselves, they'll believe what the government tells them to believe.

Trees are the enemy; they emit greenhouse gases and must go. If people had critical reasoning skills, they'd see the stupidity of having giant windmills dotting the landscape, which need helicopters with flamethrowers to defrost in winter. They'd know that the sun doesn't always shine, the wind doesn't always blow, and we don't have the electrical capacity to run billions of EVs.

They'd realize that these things are ways to limit their movement and lock them into one place where they can be controlled.

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