Sep 22Liked by Edwin

Thank you. Few know america nuked Japan's christian gospel spreading centers. It was no accident. Just like america bombed Serbia on the only day each year they do communion. Again no accident

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Nope, no accident.

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Sep 22Liked by Edwin

We have been infiltrated

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Yes we have, big time!

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"Socialism is precisely the religion that must overwhelm Christianity. … In the new order, Socialism will triumph by first capturing the culture via infiltration of schools, universities, churches and the media by transforming the consciousness of society." ~ Antonio Gramsci

Be sure to make woke jokes. Make it un-cool to be woke. Publicly laugh at it's absurdities. And buy more ammo.

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21 hrs agoLiked by Edwin

My Romans 1 (darkened mind, etc) brother bitterly told me years ago that he thought Judeo-Christianity to be the worst thing to ever afflict humankind... He wanted to give our cancer-riddled mother a death injection because he thought hospice was failing her with her pain issues...never mind that her second husband was a Holocaust concentration-camp survivor...and on it goes. We must pray for the hearts, minds and souls darkened by the Ha Satan. The war most assuredly DOES have an official name, nay, designation! SPIRITUAL WARFARE as defined by Isaiah 5:20, whereby good is evil, and evil is good. Thanks be that we know The Book's ending...which is the eternal beginning for those who believe.

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The Stockade Paradox.

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18 hrs agoLiked by Edwin


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Look it up.

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DC has been infiltrated for many decades. Our Congressman over the years have lost their compass.

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There is so much brainwashing in the media, I am sure they put out subliminals encouraging it.

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Great article.

The communists have been infiltating and slowly but surely usurping power in every institution since the late 1950s. And brainwashing and indoctrinating with it.

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1. "the importance of Christianity to people anywhere on earth."

The importance of Christianity? Christianity destroyed so many cultures where the concept of evil and bad behaviour were not recognised. Christianity murdered whole communities and destroyed knowledge far older than Christianity.

2. "the importance of Christianity in political affairs"

Christianity in political affairs? US Christians have been involved in starting wars since they first stepped onto american soil. No doubt it is Christians who are going to vote for Harris. You see, so many Christians are saying that "God willing President Trump will be re-elected." God doesn't vote. God didn't stop Obama destroying the Republic. God didn't stop the FBI locking up old men and women who walked into the Capitol Building. God didn't stop Corey Comperatore, the heroic fireman catching the bullet.

God is a figmant of the imagination.

3. "In Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World and George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four"

The books everybody quotes. The three books everybody ignores are more important than these two. The Fountainhead: Atlas Shrugged: Anthem. All by Ayn Rand. A woman who was not a Christian.

4. "How did we get from fighting communism overseas to fighting it here at home?"

You took your eye off the ball and allowed the uni party to take control of your lives. You sent your kids to schools without checking what the teachers were teaching. You sent your kids to colleges and universities wiithout checking the politics of the professors. You allowed your children to flount discipline and hard work because you were, perhaps too busy working or too busy praying.

"And how clear must it be that we’ve been invaded by domestic as well as foreign enemies?"

How clear? The cold civil war started way back in the 1950s when Marxists started targettiing teacher trainiing schools. It got warmer when obama weponised the law and security agencies (yoou may even have voted for him, I don't know). But 2020, saw the start of the hot civil war and the destruction of the Republic because Christians leaned on this God to save them from Obama's third term.

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Sep 22·edited Sep 22Liked by Edwin

Then you are even moreso a figment of everyone's imagination... well, except God's who you will stand before in your final judgement. God luck.

FTR, God doesn't weigh in on everything.

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20 hrs ago·edited 20 hrs agoLiked by Edwin

You may not believe in God, but He believes in you, and has made certain you've had opportunity to learn of Him and make a decision. You, along with me and every reader of this blog, will stand before Him for our final judgment and to learn our eternal place of residence.

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I am a Christian.

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I will stand before Odin. I will dance and fight with my Viking ancestors in Valhalla or I will rot into the earth,or feed a wild beast.

I will have nothing to do with an idea that speaks of genocide.

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False-hearted judges dying in the webs that they spin

Only a matter of time till night comes stepping in

Jokerman B Dylan... 1983 album Infidels.


(just came to mind reading this post.... related in a way, a way out there.)

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Dylan was way ahead of us!

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Yea he was, is, probably.... 'Freedom just around the corner for you

But with the truth so far off, what good will it do?


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Greg lund, thanks for the restack.

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Roger, Steve, thanks for the restacks.

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Sharon, thanks for the restack.

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Kenn, Elizabeth, thanks for the restacks.

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Sues, Viesha, thanks for the restacks.

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All War is Evil. No More War.

Stop Paying these Monsters Income Taxes

Stop Paying for WAR.

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