
I for one do not fear Trump's "revenge,' I welcome it.

Perhaps, but not likely, his return to the Oval Office will foreshadow a breaking of the Global Cabal of the Communist Revolution which has superseded everything with Marxism.

We can only hope!

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If President Trump is beaten, as seems likely despite the fact he'll be winning at midnight will you say it was the will of God? Forget God... bloody well taken action.

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The reelection of President Trump will bring civil war with the forces of the uni party, the left, the islamists, the illegal mercenaries and the white antifa troops rising up.

Unfortunately the defeat of President Trump will bring no reaction from most of his supporters.

It's a strange turn of events that America's freedom looks like depending on black Americans, hispanic Americans, latino Americans, cuban Americans and even native Americans.

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Unfortunately, it doesn't look like we're gonna find out.

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It will be a great show, watching the rats abandon a sinking ship!

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19Author

Thanks for the restack, Abigail.

Government should be afraid, of the people, but they are not, but they will be, they will be very afraid.

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The swamp monsters have nothing to fear from Trump; his efforts to get at them will be as impotent as his ability to drain the swamp was last time. Don't suppose that Trump is not in on the game, either through intimidation of himself or his family or through bribery. Haven't we learned that no one, absolutely no one, is allowed to succeed in politics without bending the knee to TPTB? Are we that naive to believe any one person can even scratch at the surface of the corruption that exists in government? When will we ever learn?

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I reckon not.

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20Liked by Edwin

Why the hell do you think all the days, weeks, years and dollars have been spent trying to stop the President? Do you think it was all show? FFS. When will you learn that the reason the President was put though this was BECAUSE he was cleaning the swamp? We would have known f+CK all about comey, mccabe, wray, barr, mcconnell, schumer, schiff, the clinton woman, the po shit bidens. How would we have known that obama was a Marxist, unless the President had stirred that shit. Haven't you learnt that the President is different?

You sound like you don't intend to fight for him...

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What? Hey, I'm the one warning about the Communist Conspiracy!

How Communism has moved, from the Kremlin to Beijing, and now on to Washington DC. Amerca is the Communist 'paradise.' These Communists talking about fleeing the country if Trump is elected, give it a rest people, they will fight to the death.

I sound like I don't intend to fight?

Don't, just don't!

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The problem with me being an old man and social media. It was meant for Mr Steenbergen

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I’m an old man too, and I apologize, it is so frustrating to be in a war that no one knows a thing about, they think it is about Ukraine!

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The war at home is already in its final stages... apparently Soros is close to buying up huge chunks of the media he hasn't tainted already and the closing down and rounding up of patriots won't be far behind.

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I, we, won't go down without a fight, I would advise them to bring associates, and body bags, if they go that route.

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Lulu, Joe, I appreciate the restack, thank you.

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And Joe, Alex, Greg, thank you as well, for the restack, as well as reading, than.k you and bless you.

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Thanks for the restack, Arturo, it is appreciated greatly, as is your reading and if you elect, participation in the discussions.

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“I am your Justice…I am your Retribution.”

We must hold Trump to those promises.

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IT IS FRAUD. Dr. Fauci and the NIH’s History in Experimenting on Foster Children and Using Aborted Fetal Tissue to Develop an HIV Vaccine (VIDEO) https://www.foxnews.com/politics/fauci-nih-funding-fetal-tissue-studies

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While this is delicious, we learned even more recently about Trump's participation in and promotion of the Democide. He was obviously briefed about the DOD PSYOP against the China vaccine so that his people could promote the MRNA poisons and squelch the resistance in the public square. He continues to believe he was part of something great and refuses to acknowledge any failure. This has me believing he will continue to promote this evil technology going forward. This is very bad.

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