We said Obama was a Manchurian Candidate from day one, and time has proven us correct. He's a fake and a liar with communist roots and beliefs. We were fools to elect him, and even more foolish if we listen to him now.
Proud to say I have been a voter since 1972 and voted in every single election. But never once for a Democrat. Once again this decision has been reinforced. They are simply wrong.
And how well that worked out. You voted for Republicans, who collaborated with the Dems to destroy the country. Many of them are still doing their best to block the will of the people.
Anyone living in Chicago area, with a working brain, knew what Obama was before he became a Senator. He was schooled and supported by some in Chicago’s very far left. He lost his bid, badly, to oust Bobby Rush for the US House. Then his election to the Senate came after Republicans lost a good candidate and replaced him with Alan Keyes, a person not even from Illinois. A very bad GOP mistake, which catapulted Obama onto the National Stage. He might have gotten there anyway, but that was a huge mistake that we all have paid for, for years.
The first time I heard Obama speak, I got a gut feeling and thought "Con Artist." He just looked too good and spoke too well. It was a set up by his patron Soros who paid a fortune to hide Obama's background. I read his bio Dreams from my Father. He admitted that he was not well educated. How did he get into Columbia University and did he actually attend? Nobody seems to remember him. I read all about his past in Chicago...and his nickname "Bathhouse Barry." It is disgusting that money could buy the presidency of the United States.
Wayne Allen Root went to Columbia same time (& in the same class) as BHO; he’s stated on numerous occasions he doesn’t remember him nor anyone else in his class.
I think you are wrong about Vance. I don't know anything about Bowman, but Vance was my Senator. Unfortunately, he has been replaced by a RINO, Jon Husted, who got a million dollars in a scandal with First Energy several year ago.
I remember how his campaign hid him for the longest time leading up to the primaries. Obama had LOTS of baggage and their play was to keep him hidden. He only picked Joe because Joe’s son Beau took down the guy who spoke up about having drug fueled sex with Barack. That’s how corrupt all these people are. I never voted for Obama. I laughed when Michelle’s book got published. Another joke. “Becoming” Michelle. Seriously, they mock us all. This election is the first death blow to many years of the Obama’s sucking the life out of Americans. The Clintons and the Biden’s too. Pelosi’s dynasty is next. They must all be torn down.
I wish they would all disappear once and for all! These blood suckers can’t help themselves…like the wood tick they won’t leave until they have sucked all the life’s blood out of us…time to pluck them out and burn them as they did to us
Edwin all roads led to Obama he the guy behind the curtain who implemented his plan to transform America into a Marxist utopia. The best part is with Trump’s election the role that Obama played in the seditious conspiracy will finally be revealed. https://johnseaman.substack.com/p/president-obama-the-man-behind-the
That why their needs to be a real investigation into the origins and five eyes involvment along with the role Obama and his admin played in the crime of the century as documented in my free sub stack series from four year investigative analysis’.
Barry has always seemed like an artificial construct to me. A fictional character composed for broadcast televisions mass audience which has now abandoned television for the new media. Like the technology he was designed for, BHO has become obsolete. Oh happy day!
There's no mistaking that Obama is an excellent speaker, like most gifted con men. Obama talked his way into politics and conned the American people - many still to this day. Fortunately, like any con man, the lies are eventually exposed.
My concern is the next con man, Gavin Newsom, waiting in line to run for president. He's also an excellent speaker and gifted con man, able to talk in circles around his lies, caustic policies and serious damage he's caused to California - once a great state, however, no longer.
It does seem that Obama benefited greatly by being young, attractive and a strong orator with a very shallow past, nothing to haunt him. I don’t think he ever voted anything but “present” in Illinois Senate. He was only in US Senate for 4 years. On the other hand, we know way too much about Gavin and his bad policies and lack of constructive action. And, he is no longer young and wasn’t ever handsome. He will not play well outside California. A few states, maybe, but doubt that even New York will fall for him.
Another thought, Obama had very light legislative experience and no Executive experience when elected to run the entire country. Yet Dems are now saying Cabinet picks don’t have the experience needed to do much smaller jobs. That is an interesting contrast.
I doubt the majority of the American people will be fooled again, particularly since the intent to destroy property CA has been exposed. Frankly I was never impressed with either of these jokers. Obama spoke like an orator but he had no substance. I’d say Newscum is the same. There was/is never anything to offer to improve the lives of the American people. It’s all about dividing the nation.
Yes, I couldn't agree more! The problem is - there's still far too many liberals which are in lock step with Obama and Newsom. If Trump truly cares about the Country, he'd initiate a succession plan ASAP, ...as the Dems will be doing everything and anything to get back into power!
I’m hoping the recent firestorm in LA will be Newsom’s comeuppance. This guy’s Pelosi’s nephew and everyone outside of California knows he’s an empty suit
The democrat jackasses will have a tough time overcoming our awareness, and proactive spirit. " You can't fool us if we are aware of your plans". DJT taught every one, now the sky is the limit!
The Obummer and his "wife" Michael will get their comeuppance when their deeds are revealed and they are strung up for their treason, along with their Soros handler enablers in their quest to destroy the United States of America..
We said Obama was a Manchurian Candidate from day one, and time has proven us correct. He's a fake and a liar with communist roots and beliefs. We were fools to elect him, and even more foolish if we listen to him now.
Proud to say I never voted for him. But I held my nose both times for the RINOs.
Proud to say I have been a voter since 1972 and voted in every single election. But never once for a Democrat. Once again this decision has been reinforced. They are simply wrong.
And how well that worked out. You voted for Republicans, who collaborated with the Dems to destroy the country. Many of them are still doing their best to block the will of the people.
Me too Andrea405.
All those individuals who promoted Obama into the oval office should be investigated as well, nearly all of them knew of the scam
Anyone living in Chicago area, with a working brain, knew what Obama was before he became a Senator. He was schooled and supported by some in Chicago’s very far left. He lost his bid, badly, to oust Bobby Rush for the US House. Then his election to the Senate came after Republicans lost a good candidate and replaced him with Alan Keyes, a person not even from Illinois. A very bad GOP mistake, which catapulted Obama onto the National Stage. He might have gotten there anyway, but that was a huge mistake that we all have paid for, for years.
We? Who is we?
Anybody with a pulse and a brain.
The first time I heard Obama speak, I got a gut feeling and thought "Con Artist." He just looked too good and spoke too well. It was a set up by his patron Soros who paid a fortune to hide Obama's background. I read his bio Dreams from my Father. He admitted that he was not well educated. How did he get into Columbia University and did he actually attend? Nobody seems to remember him. I read all about his past in Chicago...and his nickname "Bathhouse Barry." It is disgusting that money could buy the presidency of the United States.
Wayne Allen Root went to Columbia same time (& in the same class) as BHO; he’s stated on numerous occasions he doesn’t remember him nor anyone else in his class.
The invisible King!
That’s probably because he was in the basement working his clandestine angles there too
I think they are manufacturing JD Bowman/Vance just like they manufactured Obama.
I think you are wrong about Vance. I don't know anything about Bowman, but Vance was my Senator. Unfortunately, he has been replaced by a RINO, Jon Husted, who got a million dollars in a scandal with First Energy several year ago.
Obama is a racist, Vance is not a racist. Ta Da!
Exactly how I felt. Way to smooth
I remember how his campaign hid him for the longest time leading up to the primaries. Obama had LOTS of baggage and their play was to keep him hidden. He only picked Joe because Joe’s son Beau took down the guy who spoke up about having drug fueled sex with Barack. That’s how corrupt all these people are. I never voted for Obama. I laughed when Michelle’s book got published. Another joke. “Becoming” Michelle. Seriously, they mock us all. This election is the first death blow to many years of the Obama’s sucking the life out of Americans. The Clintons and the Biden’s too. Pelosi’s dynasty is next. They must all be torn down.
He is, and always was, an empty suit. Too few people noticed. Let's hope that he doesn't hang around like the Clintons have.
I wish they would all disappear once and for all! These blood suckers can’t help themselves…like the wood tick they won’t leave until they have sucked all the life’s blood out of us…time to pluck them out and burn them as they did to us
Like many others, if the corruption is exposed and the truth comes out, it will shine light on a very dark world where evil lives even now.
“Very dark world.”
Disgusting! So these are the fake names and fake doctors signing a fake petition to try to stop
from exposing all the flaws in our healthcare and food systems. Let him MAHA & stop these clowns from making us all, especially our kids, SICK!
Donald Trump Jr. on X
Edwin all roads led to Obama he the guy behind the curtain who implemented his plan to transform America into a Marxist utopia. The best part is with Trump’s election the role that Obama played in the seditious conspiracy will finally be revealed. https://johnseaman.substack.com/p/president-obama-the-man-behind-the
Somebody or some group enabled Obama. He does what he is told.
That why their needs to be a real investigation into the origins and five eyes involvment along with the role Obama and his admin played in the crime of the century as documented in my free sub stack series from four year investigative analysis’.
See eye aye
Barry has always seemed like an artificial construct to me. A fictional character composed for broadcast televisions mass audience which has now abandoned television for the new media. Like the technology he was designed for, BHO has become obsolete. Oh happy day!
You mean Burrock Husain Obama
Obama belongs in JAIL!
The people are tired of empty suits that are more hat than cattle.
We want smart people who do what they are supposed to do.
We vote with our wallets, and could do without DC.
The Preening Prince of Kalorama now sulks behind pursed lips.
There's no mistaking that Obama is an excellent speaker, like most gifted con men. Obama talked his way into politics and conned the American people - many still to this day. Fortunately, like any con man, the lies are eventually exposed.
My concern is the next con man, Gavin Newsom, waiting in line to run for president. He's also an excellent speaker and gifted con man, able to talk in circles around his lies, caustic policies and serious damage he's caused to California - once a great state, however, no longer.
It does seem that Obama benefited greatly by being young, attractive and a strong orator with a very shallow past, nothing to haunt him. I don’t think he ever voted anything but “present” in Illinois Senate. He was only in US Senate for 4 years. On the other hand, we know way too much about Gavin and his bad policies and lack of constructive action. And, he is no longer young and wasn’t ever handsome. He will not play well outside California. A few states, maybe, but doubt that even New York will fall for him.
Another thought, Obama had very light legislative experience and no Executive experience when elected to run the entire country. Yet Dems are now saying Cabinet picks don’t have the experience needed to do much smaller jobs. That is an interesting contrast.
I doubt the majority of the American people will be fooled again, particularly since the intent to destroy property CA has been exposed. Frankly I was never impressed with either of these jokers. Obama spoke like an orator but he had no substance. I’d say Newscum is the same. There was/is never anything to offer to improve the lives of the American people. It’s all about dividing the nation.
Divide, yes, conquer, no!
Yes, I couldn't agree more! The problem is - there's still far too many liberals which are in lock step with Obama and Newsom. If Trump truly cares about the Country, he'd initiate a succession plan ASAP, ...as the Dems will be doing everything and anything to get back into power!
I’m hoping the recent firestorm in LA will be Newsom’s comeuppance. This guy’s Pelosi’s nephew and everyone outside of California knows he’s an empty suit
Newsom’s ties to China’s triad should bury him.
The democrat jackasses will have a tough time overcoming our awareness, and proactive spirit. " You can't fool us if we are aware of your plans". DJT taught every one, now the sky is the limit!
Another damn CON ARTIST🤢🤡🤮
Just D, I too worry about Newsome. And your characterization and juxtaposition to BHO is spot on!
The Obummer and his "wife" Michael will get their comeuppance when their deeds are revealed and they are strung up for their treason, along with their Soros handler enablers in their quest to destroy the United States of America..
I pray for them to get pay back from the heavens above GOD is watching
A well deserved come-uppance.
I'm hoping it's permanent.
Good riddance to them both.
Thanks for summing up everything I'd been thinking but didn't put into words.
He is evil and needed to be put in the election chair
I think you meant electric chair?