May 25·edited May 25Author

Thank, guys, and gals, for the restacks.

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Yes, the money is gone and they are trying to cover it up. The plan is unfortunately, to depopulate as well.

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The tits on the government hogs have gone dry!

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This is the core issue.

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Yes. When it becomes apparent to too many people that the U.S. government cannot repay its debt or meet future commitments, the government will declare victory, install the CBDC, and the rest is totalitarian hell. The USSR-style command economy, but the U.S. version will be even worse.

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So correct. It seems the machine will let Trump win because they know the system will crash due to the debt. They prefer it crash under Trump so they can say it is the fault of the MAGA then usher in even more MACA (make America Communist altogether) crap on us all.

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I've been thinking about what you said and am coming around to your idea. It explains so much. Why are Dems running a candidate they know will lose? Why let the Republicans have control of both houses of Congress?

As soon as that happens the Dems and RINOs will crash the stock market and the dollar and cause other disasters. The left in the US saw what the Brit left did to Liz Truss and are going to pull the same thing here. I believe you are correct. This changes everything.

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A theory for sure but "xplains" a lot. Also, I am concerned Trump is beholden to the pharma cartel too. But no matter we are at critical mass regardless...

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Yes, a lot of things don't matter any more if your hypothesis is correct.

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Global Spike in Miscarriages, Millions of Babies Lost Due to COVID Vaccines

Heavily vaccinated countries around the world are experiencing an unprecedented spike in the number of babies lost due to miscarriages. This is confirmed by official government data and internal Pfizer documents that were never intended to see the light of day.

Some obstetricians are estimating that the number of babies killed by the COVID vaccines could easily be in the millions. Most chilling of all is that the number of miscarriages is not declining over time, which suggests that the mRNA shots from Pfizer and Moderna did permanent damage to the reproductive systems of women.

Dr. Kimberly Biss, a board-certified obstetrician-gynecologist (OB-GYN), is one of the experts sounding the alarm about the COVID shots. She has delivered thousands of healthy babies throughout her career but says she has never seen anything like the explosion in miscarriages that happened after 2021 and 2022.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) held a hearing on Capitol Hill called “Injuries Caused by COVID-19 Vaccines.” Dr. Biss was one of the experts who testified in the hearing. She revealed that most of her patients who were suffering miscarriages had received the two main-series shots plus one booster.

“What’s concerning is the majority of the patients received their injections in 2021 and early 2022,” Dr. Biss detailed. “However, we’re still seeing lingering effects.”


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May 25·edited May 25Liked by Edwin

It may have worked for FDR, but we were attacked. Ukraine is not our responsibility.

U.S. announces $275 million in new military assistance for Ukraine


I had to use https://metager.org/ to find one single article. ‘Green blitz': As election nears, Biden pushes slew of rules on environment, other priorities

In all, federal agencies broke records by publishing 66 significant final rules in April, higher than any month in Biden’s presidency, according to George Washington University’s Regulatory Studies Center. More than half the rules — 34 — were considered likely to have an economic impact of at least $200 million, the center said.


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Edwin, could you write a blog on whom the debt is owed to, how that works, really... to understand just how crooked this world is wound into the hands of the few. (you have probably already written a blog on this and if so, could you link me to it) and thanks for your informative explanations on the directions of humanity.

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I would refer you to two of my previous columns. I'm not an economist, or even close to one. Peter Nayland Kust is the one you seek, but he discontinued his daily writing.

Here is one column authored by Dr. Vernon Coleman:


And another by William Sullivan:


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