
“The real problem is not the party itself, it’s the voters who are subscribing to the party – 74 million of them last time around,” Deutsch said. “This time, Trump is ahead in the polls, not by a lot.”

The Feds lock us up, bankrupt us, inflation is sky-high, businesses closing, taxes are up, expenses are up, energy is way up, what I'd give for $1.68 gal gas and a mean tweet right now (John Rich).

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I know you will remember this: I remember the high prices as my wages were quite low. And the 55 mph speed limit. Biden is just threatening the companies at this point. As price controls are only favorable in liberal counties/states.

Remembering Nixon’s Wage and Price Controls https://www.cato.org/commentary/remembering-nixons-wage-price-controls

Even Nixon’s Ghost Agrees That Price Controls Won’t Fix Our Broken Health Care System

The answer to high out-of-network health care costs is not to increase the federal government's already excessive powers over the marketplace.

Nixon’s New Economic Plan

Nixon's Economic Policies Reflected Political Goals, Not Sound Theory

Nixon’s New Economic Plan

Nixon's Economic Policies Reflected Political Goals, Not Sound Theory


Stagflation and the oil crisis

Unemployment rates rose, while a combination of price increases and wage stagnation led to a period of economic doldrums known as stagflation. President Nixon tried to alleviate these problems by devaluing the dollar and declaring wage- and price-freezes.

The crisis was compounded when oil-rich nations in the Middle East declared an embargo against the United States in retaliation for its support of Israel. The oil embargo had a lasting effect on energy prices.


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Jun 14Liked by Edwin

I suspect lamestream "polls" are little more than preparatory psy-ops to convince the Prole's that the O'BloMe/BiteMe cartel has a solid chance of legitimately winning this upcoming "election". That way there will be little surprise when BiteMe (or Hitlery, Big Mike, etc....) gets the election day nod.

Who says you can't fool all the people all the time?

I attended the Taxpayer Protests in DC on 9/12/ 2009 & 2010, described as the Conservative Woodstock by those who knew/know about it. The 2009 protest was described by the DC Park Police as "the largest crowd ever, to date" yet it received virtually no news coverage, so it essentially didn't happen.

When I realized how Draconian the weapons laws were in DC, and the apparent gusto with which they disposed of those caught with vicious weapons such as pepper spray or an expandable baton on their persons it was pretty clear that city was not for protests, but rather surveillance and intimidation. It was not "our Capital", but in fact was the lair of the enemy.

That notion was solidified a few years later on Jan. 6th 2020.

I hope to never lay foot in that sordid hellhole again. It doesn't represent a damn thing that I feel, it's a total misrepresentation of our Country's true goals and direction. It struck me as a Commie magnet.

Flush that stinking turd before it fouls up the entire Nation.

To hell with statehood, I feel it should be voted out of existence. I have always believed that is why it's not a state, we can't vote a state out'a here. Plus, they're too corrupt to trust a vote anyway. Can it all be auctioned off perhaps? Third-worlders seem to have the upper hand there already, maybe they would enjoy DC as their new capital?

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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These five rules of propaganda have been known for a long time, and they are certainly not original with myself. They can be found on the internet through searches, but I don't think that the powerful really like them being known. Please send them around so that more people will be aware of them. Ideally get them posted in school classrooms. Thank You.

The Five Rules of Propaganda

1. The rule of simplification - reducing all data to a simple confrontation between 'Good and Bad', 'Friend and Foe'.

2. The rule of disfiguration - discrediting the opposition by crude smears and parodies.

3. The rule of transfusion - manipulating the consensus values of the target audience for one's own ends.

4. The rule of unanimity - presenting one's viewpoint as if it were unanimous opinion of all right-thinking people: draining the doubting individual into agreement by the appeal of star-performers, by social pressure , and by 'psychological contagion'.

5. The rule of orchestration - endlessly repeating the same messages in different variations and combinations.

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The corruption in all three branches of our Federal government run deep. Balance of power between state rights and federal rights are no longer balanced and reflect the will of the US citizen. The tail of the federal dog is waging and creating the discord. The J6 protest against the corruption had to be spun to keep the deep state in charge! The silence of most of our career politicians indicate it is an uphill battle to right the ship! I pray for a miracle as we march towards WWIII.

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I have a great idea; let's all put our heads together and carefully read the original U.S. Constitution, the Supreme Law of the land, and discover and realize that we are a Constitutional Republic and not a Democracy and that federal, regional, local office holders who are supposed to be taking an oath to the constitution are violating the people's rights and that is considered treason. The problem is we allow the government to dictate our lives instead of us, the people, dictating the jobs and duties of those public officials. They work for us we don't work for them.

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We have long lived as if a republic flies on autopilot. It doesn’t and many are just now finding that out.

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Well if it takes an American living a difficult experience outside of the USA to tell us that, all the better.

Reagan (and many before him) said freedom must be fought for with every generation, and the last 2 or 3 need to hear that, loudly. Well done my friend, very well done!

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I remember well The Great Communicator saying just that.

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There is no democracy when these devils entities are in control they have the money to control us.

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Jun 14Liked by Edwin

Brilliantly captured. On target.

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Of course they are itching to Jan 6 us again. Why wouldn’t they? They got all the benies at zero cost and we did and continue to do nothing.

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Pretty sure then next j6 will involve bloodshed. They asked for it

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Jun 17Liked by Edwin

I agree…

Charlie Kirk interviewed James Lindsay. He explains the Marxist tactics of the modern left: "You divide the population into two categories: the people who are complying, who are the good guys, and the people who are not complying, the bad guys. It's that simple.

And then you blame the people who don't comply for all of the suffering that's happening that you're probably causing to them. That's what Mao Zedong did. Again and again and again to conquer China.

That's what they did to us with Covid. That's what they did to us with Trump Derangement Syndrome. That's what they've done to us with identity politics. And that's what they're doing to us with climate change..."

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100% agreement.

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Thanks for the restacks, guys & gals, I appreciate it.

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Kenn, James, and the rest, thanks for the restack, much appreciated.

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I have to contend, given Trumps proud Zionist connections, and his praise of recent injections, that we are simply being presented with him as a solution to a very manufactured problem by the Demos/their sponsors. All a play, same results? Why and how was Trumps motorcade not protested by Antifa etc? Cuz they want him to be the 'hero'. And folks are takin' the bait.

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