
Solving Every E.coli Outbreak Mystery

Dr Vernon Coleman

Authorities always seem to have difficulty identifying the cause when there is an E.coli outbreak. Delays can cause great distress and illness and deaths.

The process of finding the source of the problem really isn’t that complicated. Here is what you do:

1. Find 100 health and safety officials. There are umpteen thousands of them hanging around making a nuisance of themselves and doing nothing useful.

2. Give each official the names of two people who have had symptoms of E.coli infection.

3. Tell the officials to visit the two people to ask them what they have eaten and drunk in the last two days. Put the food items onto a list. This can be a list on a piece of paper or a list on a computer. The computer would probably be quicker.

4. Compare all the lists. There will be a common food or fluid. That is the cause of the outbreak.

5. Issue a warning and withdraw the guilty item.

6. The whole process should not take more than two hours from start to finish.

7. Give Vernon a knighthood and a million pounds for his incredibly valuable advice.


For advice on how to survive doctors, hospitals and health care please read `How to stop your doctor killing you’ by Vernon Coleman. You can purchase a copy via the bookshop on www.vernoncoleman.com

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Jun 11Liked by Edwin

Yes. My cardiologist actually told me that flue had disappeared in 2020 because of mask wearing. It's hard to take him seriously about anything now.

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Or ever!

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What? Incredible!

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And thanks for the restack.

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Jun 11Liked by Edwin

It’s funny(not funny) how people that are my age or older have completely forgotten the AIDS years. I was young when that was going on, but I still remember that there was corruption and fraud and people suffered and died for no reason. I’m still floored that people trust Fauci. At least younger people have the excuse of not knowing history, but older people should have been more suspicious. Instead, they made fun of people that questioned everything.

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You don't question the government, what is wrong with you, they only want to kill you!

I in particular remember the tragic AIDS story, was the disease caused by HIV, how come people that were HIV positive lived long lives with no indication they had AIDS, the Faucis didn't want to know!

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Jun 11Liked by Edwin

I've always thought covid was the flu. So thankful I didn't get a vaccination for either. Death shots.

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Smart, & good call.

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I still believe that the US bio warfare program, which Was transferred to NAIAD/Fauci After 911 was the beginning of the Covid con! If you create a bio weapon, you need an antidote and Fauci and gang Believe that RNA injections is the holy Grail! Fatal Fauci goal was and still is to replace the traditional expensive flu vaccine program with a Warp speed RNA! They don’t give a d…m that humans are now lab rats!

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Also, Covid was not just a traditional flu virus! In 1979 I experienced a serious bout of flu which culminated in an out of body experience. In 2007 I beat the flu in less than 12 hours with home remedies and my sheets were soaking wet! Also, lower back pain is common. Not what I experienced with Covid that lasted 21 days and created low energy and malaise. Definition of a good gain of function bio weapon. The US has bio labs all over the US and beyond which includes Ukraine. They are ramping up the bird flu virus as the next pandemic!

Herding and culling humans is a never ending process! Sad!

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