Jul 3·edited Jul 3Liked by Edwin

So… I guess that the reason why J. Edgar Hoover spent 25% of the FBI budget on spying on our congressman and our thought leaders around the country to make sure they have not been turned.. Did he believe that JFK was soft on communism and was immoral? was he convinced of this when JFK did not support the CIA Bay of Pigs invasion so was he happy when JFK was taken out? Obama started out as a social activist on the south side of Chicago and mysteriously was bootstrapped into the presidency, has anyone determined who his guiding light was? Was it Russia or was it Saudi Arabia? He has an estate in Dubai. John Brennan is a practicing Muslim. George Bush was hosting the Saudi Prince at his ranch in Texas on 9/11. A Saudi sect is still fighting the war they lost in 1683 on 9/11 . It’s not an accident that the twin towers were bombed on that date as well as Benghazi attack.

And 19 of the 20 9/11 terrorist were from Saudi Arabia. So the question I have is the Muslim world working in concert with the communist world to destroy the USA or is it really a deeper plot being programmed by the Chinese so I am confused as to who our real enemies are inside and outside the USA. I guess JFK sealed his fate when he said the CIA should be scattered into a 1000 pieces in the wind. Is today’s article half truth with the design to convince everyone that Russia must be invaded? In my view, the risks for total extermination of life on earth will accelerate if this moves forward.

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deletedJul 3Liked by Edwin
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Using Windoze or a MAC?

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deletedJul 3Liked by Edwin
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My 2013 MAC hasn't any problems.

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Very interesting. It takes power to stop power. Unfortunately, though, as we have seen recently, our corporations and banks are in this new fascist cooperative. Thus, the old free market/constitutionalism vs, Marxist argument fails us. Global capitalism and Marxism are equally tyrannical. The resistance as far as I can surmise would need to come from Nationalist white Christian Americans in small businesses and farms that are not part of the corporate establishment or the Cultural Marxist groupthink. How best to organize that faction to war against the fascists? To his credit Kennedy is talking about the corporate/government alliance but he is not as far as I can tell connecting this juggernaut to communism. Trump seems to be going easy on the corporations as he did with his COVID Warp Speed failure. That worries me. I think Tucker Carlson understands.

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it resembles JFK's remark to want to "splinter the C.I.A. in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds".

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Yeah, there has been a “coup” ever since they killed him.

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Some suggest that Nixon was forced out of office NOT because of the petty shenanigans at Watergate, but because he threatened the CIA's hegemony over key aspects of foreign policy.

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The CIA set Nixon up. The CIA broke into Watergate. The young newspaper journalist, Bob Woodford ? , was part of it. The CIA is in charge with DOD. Some evil stuff going on for years. Guess God will have to send them all to the “Eternal Lake of Fire”. It is written….Very sad these people have no clue what is going to happen to them forever…

Justice will be done. Demons don’t win

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yes. it seems there's more coming out in the open about Nixon recently.

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Yes, the "tapes" were of a simulation of how to handle a situation and bore no resemblance to reality.

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or a dry run, to be used for future subterfuge (and a great excuse for movies and tv adaptations)...

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And not one politician in D.C. doing anything about it!! RIP Un-United States of America! Just goes to show how politicians do not have the best interest of We the People!

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Thanks for the restack, reading, and commenting, I greatly appreciate it, greatly!

We had a kinda good run while it lasted, but a the always say, "You can vote your way into Communism, but you have to shoot your way out!"

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Your welcome Edwin! Love your work, brilliant journalism, well researched, clear, concise and laser focused!

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I often get that, but I mostly post articles we can discuss, sometimes I agree with 90% of them, usually far less. One thing, Dr. Vernon Coleman, he’s about 85%, Neil Oliver is about 95%.

Thanks good buddy, I appreciate the encouragement.

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And why is not one politician in DC doing anything about it? Surely the "opposition" party would find utility in exposing the subversion of the nation by Communists, especially since they're clearly not Communists. Most anyways. It's too simplistic to simply blame Communist subversives in the Democrat party and lazy, cowardly, greedy Republicans. They've read history and know that Communists in power come for them next. The whole "capitalists will sell us the rope to hang them with" thin. They know.

But if that's not what it is what could account for the subversion of the nation being allowed to happen without one politician in DC doing anything real about it? A deep reading of history would reveal that Fascism was the most alluring apple of the eyes of the most powerful and politically connected leaders in the first half of the 20th century. They admired Mussolini, underwrote Hitler's rise to power with the UK. It's how Germany went from an economic basket case following WW I's punitive reparations to sparkling new autobahn's industrial capacity that produced the most powerful military ever known. The economic miracle that Hitler pulled off with the Third Reich wouldn't have been possible without massive investment by Rockefeller, Morgan, Carnagie, Ford, IBM, etc.

The New World Order was written about and lauded by leading industrialists in the western liberal democracies, even a book with that title written by the VP of General Motors in 1940. Fascism produced its own centrally planned economies, not just a hallmark of Communism. Hitler's 4-year plan vs. Stalin's 5-year plan. Both authoritarian models loathed individual liberty and freedom, considered an anathema to good governance. Nothing was considered more dangerous to Fascists than citizen who put the individual above the collective nation. Not just a Communist thing. This was the primary reason for the Hitler-Stalin Pact, aka the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.

And the Fascist fan club pre-WWII had very powerful members who's legacy continued to keep and gain power into the second half of the 20th century, and still holds great power in the US today. Like the Bush family. Prescott Bush, father to George HW Bush, was known as Hitler's Banker, even *during* WWII - until 1943 when his bank (a Rockefeller interest) was shut down for trading with the enemy. But the Bush's and Rockefeller's and too many other names to list in this comment were represented by the Dulles family. Future head of the CIA and in all things national security. Fascists themselves. Fascists were more integrated inside the US government than Communists. Operation Paperclip wasn't just to meet the Soviet threat. They were birds of a feather. Former business partners before that little spat in Europe and the Pacific took a few million lives. Well, actually business partners during it as was the case with Prescott Bush. War is good for business profits and all. And it was mostly just the blood of kids from "flyover country," deplorables, bitter clingers that was spilled, the rich Ivy League bluebloods were rarely in harm's way.

That Eugenics thing made sure of that. Hitler got the idea of Master Race eugenics from the US. During the Nuremberg trials the Buck v. Bell SCOTUS decision, "three generations of imbeciles is enough" was raised by defendants. The US did it, what was the big deal? they asked. They were right to ask.

Thing is, we ignore the elephant in the living room when we only focus on the Communist subversion of the US. The Fascists have been at it for just as long. They just were more clever about hiding their true agenda. They made sure we did Not See them. NotSee. Sounds like...

But Hitler and Stalin turned on each other, Fascists and Communists wouldn't make another pact! They hate each other! Not really. They are pragmatic. And the victors aren't the only ones who learn from history. The losers do, too. Learning how not to lose the next time. Like how many inmates in prisons spend their time trying to figure out how not to get caught the next time they commit a crime when they're free. "Where'd I go wrong?" That's what the Fascists and Communists have both done all these years. And when Nixon went to China it was Fascist George HW Bush who led the way along with Fascist Henry Kissinger. A new pact between the two authoritarian governing models that sprang from the Frankfurt School. Levy's piece has that wrong. The lesson? Don't break the Pact until western liberal capitalism is eviscerated, notions of individual liberty and freedom are stamped out under the boot of the authoritarians. Or at least redefined in Orwellian "Freedom is Slavery" linguistic deceit.

It's not an accident that all US manufacturing and the most powerful engine driving the US economy was offshored to China under both Bush's. It's not an accident that the authoritarian surveillance state was ushered in under a Fascist Bush. Little did most Americans know at the time that the Patriot Act was named after the intended targets, not who it was protecting. I think in 2024 that sleight-of-hand is coming into focus.

Janet Levy's piece does a good job of exposing one half of the problem. But it completely ignores the other half. The most essential half that must be dealt with to actually confront the true monstrosity we face. Nothing is done about it in DC because both sides, Communists AND Fascists are in on it. Both sides going under the assumed names of Democrats and Republicans.

This is why they hate MAGA more than each other. This is why they both hated the Tea Party more than each other. This is why court rulings no longer adhere to the US Constitution, the majority of appointees from both party's subscribe to a "living, breathing" philosophy of the Constitution, why they ALL rule under Positive Law legal theory instead of the Natural Law theory the US Constitution was written under. The plain language of it explicitly prohibits any authoritarian form of governance. Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito and to a lesser extent Neil Gorsuch are the only members who come anywhere close to the US Constitution they swear an oath to faithfully uphold and interpret.

For these reasons I can't give Janet Levy's piece much love. It's either willfully blind to the half the menace or sadly uninformed and incurious. "Oh well, it just so happens that the nation is being subverted by Communists and nobody in DC is doing anything about it. We gotta stop the Communists!" Nobody in DC id doing anything about it because our nation is being subverted by *Authoritarianism." Communist and Fascist varieties. Throw in some oligarchy and sprinkle on some technocracy. Our top leaders actually said "Fuck your Freedom you selfish bastards" to the nation in the past four years. Those exact words and other derivations of them. To Americans! D's and R's. And CEO's. And Pastors. And Media. And Doctors. And, and, and, and. Fascists and Communists everywhere. Meanwhile most Americans are busy accusing the other "team" of being one or the other. When both teams are equally guilty.

Until We, The Selfish Freedom Loving Bastards realize we're being divided so the Authoritarians on both sides can eliminate us we will continue our steady march into a dystopia none of us can even fathom. Maybe that's why we do NotSee them. We don't want to see what our future holds. Many would rather be the Cypher character from The Matrix. And enjoy the comfortable illusion to the harsh reality. Me thinks Janet Levy prefers the comfortable illusion. "Them Communists = Bad. Why don't R's fight them? I zee nothing,nothing (Sgt Shultz) on the right."

Land of the Free, Home of the Brave? Hmmm?

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Thanks Lori, for the restack, reading, and comments. It sure is appreciated. Thank you.

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Thanks for the restack, MTP, Arturo, Ahmed. I appreciate it.

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Why the Zionist promotion?

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Wasn't aware of one.

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"On June 21, the FBI declassified a 1999 video of Saudi intelligence agent Omar al-Bayoumi casing the Capitol and other Washington D.C. sites for the 9/11 attack." But the Israelis did it! "The results of that success are seen in today’s leftist street protests, the DEI obsession, and prevalent anti-Israel sentiment; also, in the saturation of academia and bureaucracy by Marxists." What has that to do with anything?

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The Israeli's did it?

I thought the US Government did it, maybe with Israeli help, maybe not!

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They gave Israel (Isha-Ra-El - powerful, evil woman) the Davy Crockett nukes, they covered the whole thing with fake exercises and CGI, etc. But yes, it was collusion.

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Still waiting to see some evidence of this.

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Don’t believe Israel was involved but CIA. Heartbreaking what demon possessed people are capable of. A bunch of them are in our government. They are weak people, and they are taken in by money and power, just as Satan plans. They sell their souls and become demons in action. America has an uneducated population about government and Civics. They elect the wrong people who in turn betray them. We have been blessed in America. I love my country. God helped Americans build this country. God was made the foundation, and the founders knew to do that. God is the rock. There have been evil people along the way, but most worshiped our true God of the universe. The evil ones, CIA, pushed God away. No prayer or 10 Commandments in schools. Trashy TV programing to dumb down the culture and kick God out of America. When God is kicked out, Satan moves in, and he now sits in the White House with his demons around him. Only God can save us, and he won’t unless our people do what this says:

Read. 2 Chronicles 7:14

And that’s the truth.

Right now America is being destroyed from within, and many have no clue. Ignorance is upon us. Pray

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Don't look to Dr. Steven E. Jones, who didn't look for fission products with his SEM, etc., but see Judy Woods' photos of energy beam-burnt cars, as well as the cancer, etc. of "first responders". It wasn't just asbestos dust!

My mission trainer, who retired as a USAF general, has refused to talk to me since I asked why these (alleged) flights weren't intercepted.

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