Dr. Vernon, you were right, it is so much worse than you even led us to believe.


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Politicians know what to do to stay in office! Listen to their puppet masters!

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As true, if not more , today as when first written in May, 2020!!

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One side effect of Covid (not the disease or the vaccine, but rather the government Covid tyranny) should be that we now realize that our Constitutional protections are a joke. When our rulers announce an "emergency" their minions in the police, the bureaucracies, the media, and the health care system will carry out illegal orders without any question.

Covid, as this Mises article says, showed us who really rules America, and that they are not obliged to obey the laws that they force upon us.


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'The constitutionalist claim to justify the State’s monopoly of violence has been challenged directly by the radical libertarian tradition (Molinari) and by individualist anarchists (such as Lysander Spooner)."

Excellent feedback.

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I am in what is called the most vulnerable group. I had Bronchitis in December 2019 and was treated as such by the Little Clinic at Ktoges. Hub on the other hand had Walking Pnomonuia. Neither of us can take Steroids, Cortisone, or Preidsone. He took a round of Keflex. I had Amoxicillin. He had a non-steroid OTC inhaler. I had Tesselon Perles. No big deal. I'm a Supplement taker. Zinc, D3, A, Calcium Citrate, Magnesium Citrate, and Stroniminum Citrate, about half of them, are the recommended supplements against Covid. I used surgical gloves when shopping.

I understood germs were transmitted by the items we Touch, not breathed. I always avoid Dr. Office's old magazines. Someone coughs on them, sneezes, etc. Kids are the worst transmitters as they have not learned education about not transferring germs. Those last hours. I am 1 of those readers of information. I'd learned not to trust Med Mags the most. Then I met Dr. Yoho through his book Butchered by Healthcare, Pharma and Government. He had me hooked. We correspond.

But I added Quine Bark to my supplements. I've never had but 2 flu shots, both made me very sick, and I know I'm not allergic to eggs. Hub took the one J & J shot. Old sailors still take orders. His family rolled up their sleeves believing in science or forced by work. They all get repeat bouts of Covid. All but the set who experienced the near Gardasil death of their daughter. They took precautions only. Neither set of us had another bout of colds of flu. That year the flu cases started dropping, until they started the drum to get your Flu shot. Which we ignored. Doctors were not seeing patients every 6 months either. We all sat in the same germy cloth chairs.

Now how did my simple treatment stack up to Ivermectin-Stromectol or Hydroxychloroquine-Paquinil? Pretty damn good. I noticed all new meds were being called by what would become their generic names. This is not normal till the patent is ready to be replaced by a newer drug that costs a lot more.

My eldest caught it as a manager of fast food, the worst case of weird flu he ever had. No jabs. nearly died, but the idiots didn't contact me. I read them all the Riot Act, I rarely get that ANGERY. They are back to their old habits. Time to remind them I Rule.

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December 2019, wow, you are lucky it wasn't March or April.

I took my girlfriend to the hospital in December 2019, stomach virus, or pancreatitis, I took her back the next day. Then she recovered enough to stay home. The Doc thought it ws a virus, after waling out of the room I caught up to him, "Not the stomach bug, is it Doc." "No, I don't know what it is, but it is not that. But we are seeing more of it now, I've got to go, but if she doesn't get better bring her back." She recovered, months later, we figured she had something, possibly SAR-CoV-2.

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"Covid" aka the "virus" is most likely 5G.

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Those towers make my Hearing Aids squeal.

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They make my tinnitus worse. They make my tinnitus, actually.

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I'm so sorry for your troubles.

I expect you've heard something about Terrain Theory and Germ Theory?

There's an excellent book about what we're dealing with these days, by Tom Cowan, called "The Contagion Myth." Yes, it will challenge what we've been taught to believe. And it will change your life and liberate you, so saith the Dog.

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Kennedy on State of the Union: Biden mismanages everything


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New Pandemic scare

5 dead, dozens hospitalized as ‘parrot fever’ surges across Europe


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Death rate about 1%.

"Kill all the parrots!"

Then, "Kill all the birds!"

Then, "We're all going to die!"

Death rate 0.25%.

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THEY NEED a reason to cancel the 2024 election. Not going to happen.

The whole SOTU WAS A LIE.

Inside The Most Ridiculous Jobs Report In Recent History: Record 1.2 Million Immigrant Jobs Added In One Month


Job Growth Tops Expectations -- But Unemployment Rate Rose to 3.9%


LARRY KUDLOW: Biden's State of the Union had 'a whole bunch of whoppers and tall tales and fabrications'

FOX Business host Larry Kudlow takes aim at President Biden's State of the Union address as Americans face an affordability crisis on "Kudlow."


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Fear porn

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Correct. They need you to be in constant state of it. I'm not, I have Jesus to ground me.

John 14:2-6

King James Version

2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

4 And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.

5 Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?

6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

He has held me since I was 14.

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They'll keep trying till one sticks, or not.

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Wait for the antidote then the surge will come.

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