Obama and Pelosi were the 2 biggest get-out-now pushers. Knowing Harris would have the best chance. She is as much a failure as he is. Only younger. When you have a 92% staff turnover you won't do well.

As for Cheatle, she will be gone. Even I can prove how stupid she is. An AR15 has a 400-500-yard range. Crooks wasn't used to that range, and from a shooting flop, 2 years while working couldn't have that kind of range time. Wonder how long Chriss Kyle took to be that good? WHERE IS THE FREAKING TOXILOGY REPORT? He was assumed mental. More Blackrock connections too. NO ladder was found, yet we know he bought one. 3 accounts offshore, on a dishwasher's pay? With Mental Health Councilors as parents.

Watch: GOP Rep Re-Creates Trump Shooting and Makes Horrifying Discovery

Fallon promptly pointed out — as several social media sleuths had in days prior — that the counter snipers who eventually took out the assassin were stationed on an even steeper rooftop.

“These are nothing but pathetic excuses,” the congressman said. “And they make no sense and they’re a bunch of cow dung.”

“All the law enforcement I’ve spoken with over the last nine days are amazed that the AGR rooftop was not secure,” he said.

They set up the roof, distance to target and other conditions, and then the congressman took 16 shots at a target placed approximately where Trump was in relation to the shooter.

“You know what the result was? Fifteen out of 16 kill shots!” he told Cheatle. “And the one I missed would have hit the president’s ear.

“That’s a 94 percent success rate — and that shooter was a better shot than me.”

“It is a miracle that President Trump wasn’t killed,” the congressman said.


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This Country has become a total disgusting shit show, clown show, and disgrace, and the people who voted for this "thing" and its administration ought to be ashamed of themselves! This garbage that was voted in 2020 did so much damage that there is no fixing it! We better go back to running the United States by way of the constitution otherwise we are done!

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Can’t believe that Biden kept getting re-elected to the Senate all these years when he continually lied and changed positions to BS his constituents!

He should step down as President today because he puts this nation at great risk. Kamala should do the same for diminished capacity. Johnson should then step in for the safety of this country! Never happen!

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That would be the Constitutional System working as the founders wanted. Can’t have that!

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one word Corruption!! Our entire political system is corrupt! both parties the DemonRats and the RepubTurds! They could care less about We the People!! We keep funding these demons with our hard working taxes!

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Jul 24Liked by Edwin

Johnson???? EVERY single politician is bought and paid for, blackmailed…especially by foreign governments😉…who could that be????

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Mike Johnson, who has shown himself to be for sale to either side, "Anything For a Buck" Mike.

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Jul 24Liked by Edwin

Johnson gives me the creeps-lol!

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But they are not, they like being weird.

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Cheatle has resigned. cnn peports

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And who is expected as a replacement!

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23Liked by Edwin

Eric Holder's supposedly appointed to find a VP for Harris - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/report-democrats-have-put-corrupt-obama-ag-eric/

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Jul 23Liked by Edwin

Harris? why would they stab Biden in the back & put in Harris? Newsom wants it badly. Will the convention be a rubber stamp for her because Obama got her promise to be his lackey for his 4th term? or will the purloined Biden followers rise up & give Obama a run for his money & select Newsom? Twitter has seen the Bidenites make a total about face & gleefully support Harris instead of being upset their vote was negated by control freak Obama. they aren't smart enough to he sheep, they're goats greedily eating up what democrats tell them to eat. smh

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Thanks Kenn, for the restack!

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Thanks Abigail, for the restack, reading, comments.

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Thanks for the restack, Mary.

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