politely disagree: although a novel (?), synthesised pathogen was going around that affected many (thank you, Military-Industrial Complex/MIC), there was no pandemic, even though incessant PR (media, photographs, videos, articles, websites etc) was successfully used to make us believe there was. Next, there was no way of 'measuring' one's assumed Covid, because the tool used was useless: PCR tests cannot distinguish between 'live' virus and non-infective RNA (Australian government) and the BMJ/2020 admitted that '...a systematic review of the accuracy of Covid-19 tests.... was based on repeat testing...'. 'Detection of viral DNA is not the same as the presence of infectuous virus or (that) 2019 nCoV is the causeative agent for clinical symptoms...' (Jon Rappoport, 2020). Finally, although anecdotal: I've been so lucky that I know no-one who's succumbed to C19. Some felt ill, yes. But the real research now should be about the pre-vaxx pathogen named as the cause of the pandemic (think HIV-agents and Fauci's thorough involvement there). sorry to be such a nuisance.

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Nuisance, honey, you are no nuisance at all! I agree with you more than I agree with Dr. Ring! He is probably as conned as the rest of the academics out there! Armed with his mountains of data, he even has the gall to insult Neil Oliver (I will put off his insult of Tucker for a later discussion). I just post the articles that I find interesting, I do not endorse a great deal of what is said in the articles, Take nothing at face value.

For instance, Dr, Vernon Coleman defends the Palestinians whereas I don't give a fuck about them or any other Muslim, especially the "moderate" Muslims, who just hold you down so the radicals can chop off your head, then rape you. If there are no "moderate" Muslims around, they use rope! Sorry if you may find this offensive, but it is the real world.

I could go on for hours, about Muslims, Democrat, Republicans, Communists, but what would be the point.

Christian, Southerner, Gun owner (just 1 pistol; good for fighting your way back to your rifle that you should have never laid down), Heterosexual (only), white boy who ain't never gonna see their darkness. Peace, love, tolerance, and if you threaten that, especially the kids (3 granddaughters), hell be with you.

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Jul 3Liked by Edwin

Edwin, I have huge respect for your work. However, in this instance, there are some things you (like most folks) are not aware of. My husband has 50 yrs of virology/immunology research behind him. He worked for Public Health Dept. in PA for many yrs, advising the public/doctors/govt. on how to manage disease, epidemic, etc. He also worked on the research team of a Nobel prize winning scientist and used PCR process (it is NOT a test for anything and never should be used that way, this comes directly from Kerry Mullis, co-inventor of PCR). When covid first came out it was called "coronavirus", which has been around for a very long time. It's listed in 1970s edition of Merck Manual of medicine and is listed there as one form of the common cold. Shortly after it came out, the name was changed to covid-19. Hmmm. One of the MANY tests for a newly discovered virus is to provide a photograph of the virus. To date this has never happened. This is one of the most important items to offer as proof this virus exists. This means covid19 has never been proven to exist, especially since it's lacking in other forms of proof. Coronavirus is a very bad cold and very hard on the lungs, same symptoms as "covid". The only people who die from it are very old and those with impaired immune systems such as those with AIDS. I can't speak to the folks you know of who died from covid but my first question is this: were they vaxxed? Were they very old or immune-impaired? Or did they die of something else that the coroner for whatever reason, decided to call covid? There were numerous medical professionsals (i.e. doctors and possibly coroners) who were paid by govt. entities, etc. to say deaths were caused by covid. One of the ways this happened, and it was done A LOT, is to put a patient on remdesivir (kills 25% of people who take it), and put them in a ventilator. Both of these things is known to kill people. See Dr. Judy Mikovits, who has a vast background in virology. Her career, btw, was entirely demolished by deep state because she chose to tell the truth. I personally know of people who were killed this way, as a good friend of mine who owns a business has lots of clients who told him they were paid not to say anything about how their loved one died. Funerals were paid, etc. There were MANY doctors who knowingly killed patients this way and were paid as much as $38,000 PER PATIENT to do this. This is established fact, I"ve seen nurses talk about this, they saw it.

Re: the CDC and other alphabet agencies but in this instance, especially the CDC:

back in 1990s, James Watson, co-discoverer of the spiral nature of DNA and Nobel prize winner for that discovery, had a conversation with my husband. Dr. Watson told my husband that back in early 1990s, President Bill Clinton cleaned house in CDC and fired all the good, top-notch scientists who worked there. They were replaced with public relations shills, who were willing to tow the line and spout whatever idiocy/lies that Clinton and deep state wanted them to spout. To my knowledge, this has never changed. My husband (and I, since I do lots of research) wouldn't trust one single thing coming out of the CDC, including their statistics on covid or anything else. Same thing with FDA, and every other alphabet agency. btw, as a side note, these 3 letter agencies have been making laws on various issues when they have absolutely no right to, as per our constitution - which says only Congress can pass laws. But in 1984, a legal case with Chevron company got Supreme Court to say 3 letter agencies could make laws. This NEVER should have passed. Last week, however, Supreme Court annulled this law and now no one but Congress can pass laws, as it should be. IOW, we have NOT been given the true statistics about "covid deaths", not even on VAERS which is a site that publishes stats that are posted by the public. Even those are manipulated. Most people don't know this becuase they don'tknow any virologists who can tell them this so I'm spreading this info. Hope this info helps, Edwin.

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100% agree with you. 38 years as a community pharmacist, retired in 2017.

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rock on Edwin!

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Jul 3Liked by Edwin

I agree most doctors were strong armed to toe the line or they’d lose their medical license. Never mind the fact that most have been indoctrinated to regurgitate the information they’ve been told.

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true, but what about their Hippocratic oath? what about the not-included, or blank package inserts, no bells ringing...?

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My bell is ringing! All those things are dead, depopulation is all that matters.

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You can't trust them, not as far as you can throw a T-72 Russian Tank.

I know some of these guys, they are not trustworthy, been knowing since the early 80's. And it has gotten a lot worse since then. A lot worse!

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Jul 3Liked by Edwin

it was the lack of proper treatment & the forced wrong treatment that killed so many. and covid still has it's tentacles in the medical establishment.... the message received from the dr for confirmation of my appointment states: "If you are experiencing respiratory symptoms, please call the office to determine if your appointment should be converted to a virtual appointment." this is the same dr that told me when I had the flu that progressed to pneumonia 7 years go, "next time, make an appointment or contact me & I'll send a prescription to keep you from getting pneumonia." when we had covid & contacted him, he wrote back, "sorry you're sick, go to the ER if your symptoms get worse."!!!!! medical care is dead thanks to covid.

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I was saddened to see the Neil Oliver comment. I think Tucker did not want to disrupt his flow so he sort of went with it. The guys at Brownstone appear to understand what happened: https://brownstone.org/articles/pandemic-preparedness-arsonists-run-the-fire-department/. They were making toxic soup. It got out, somehow. It killed a bunch of people. They employed propaganda for control and marketing advantage. Their magical antidote killed even more people. They got more rich and more powerful.

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!00% agree!

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3Liked by Edwin

I also disagree with RIng's statement that excess deaths are slowly fading away. Stats from several readily discoverable sources show that "other cause" deaths - including stillbirths - are on an increasing trajectory since 2022. This points to the design-effectiveness of the second stage of the bioweapon, the mRNA vaxxes.

As a native-born citizen, I am more than a little bit offended that anyone would suggest that "mass migrations" (also known as invasion by illegals) under the Biden regime is a healthy way to restore population growth in our nation. By that same logic, allowing rampant theft and embezzlement must also be a healthy way to make the poor rich.

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I think he is trying to cover up the effectiveness of the "second stage" and in a word, depopulation. He gives this away by calling it "migration" when it is invasion.'He would have done better by leaving this "fact' out of his essay totally, but having read and communicated with him over the past decade, this may have been how he "clued us in."

I can't believe Edward Ring is on the other side, but it looks like he is about to pen the article "Forgive and Forget."

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Jul 3Liked by Edwin

How do average weekly deaths adj. for population growth fall sharply while deaths by week spike markedly? Was there a huge influx of tourists and temporary residents in April 2020? Still odd, as had it killed me, it would have been at the beginning of March.

Tucker is a disingenuous shill who won't let me unsubscribe from his demands for subscription payments to see his videos. Suggests email configuration error.

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You may have to change payment plans, paid Glenn Beck for years over the same issue, could not get rid of his bill till I deleted the payment processor.

A pain in the ass but that’s what you get for “trusting” these shills in the first place. “Oh, Glenn Beck wouldn’t have anything to do with it!” He wouldn’t, wow, it’s clearly his site!

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Covid con is the excuse to implement more and more 5,6,etc... G deadly tower weapons to accelerate the destruction of most of the humanity and total enslavement of the (useless) left alive for some reasons!

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What a heaping pile of bovine excrement! Ring is a buffoon with zero credibility. Millions died? My arse! He even twisted Neil Oliver's comments to mean something it didn't. False statistics. He denies the truth that Tucker said, attacks his veracity. Ring, is the liar. Ring is the propagandist. Ring is the fear-mongerer. Ring is the problem with allopathic medicine. Midwits trained to believe they're the smartest people in a room pushing dangerous practices with so much confidence they're responsible for the third biggest cause of death in our nation, Iatrocide. I have no patience for his ilk. A ghoul. Yet another example of why allopathic medicine should be banned, tossed on the ash heap of history for being responsible for multiple mass murder events, tens of millions, in the last hundred or so years since it became the primary medical practice in the west. Ayurveda, a medical system that's thousands of years old, homeopathy, centuries of quality health care, naturopathy, herbalism, TCM, so many better alternatives - that don't result in millions killed by their own doctor, iatrocide. Ring writes garbage.

But if you ask, Edwin, I'll tell you how I really feel.

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