Thanks Greg, for the restack and for reading. It is time this absurd war came to an end, a war that should have never started.

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Victor Davis Hansen… = wisdom

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Hanson views Russia as the aggressor here, without acknowledging that NATO - US - UK* were and are guilty of massive provocation.

Nato encroachment (despite US promises) missiles on the border, mass civilian casualties (due to Ukrainian shelling for 18 years) and US bioweapons research labs do not signal trust, or peaceful intent.

That the Minsk accord was admitted to be a ploy to allow Ukraine to arm itself, goes some way to prove that Russia had good reason not to trust them.

*They are also guilty of sabotaging the early peace proposals.

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I like his even temper and the ability to express himself well… but I understand what you are saying . Thanks ☺️

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Even if they were entirely based on accurate history, VDH's proposals will never be accepted, because they make too much sense (and they threaten the income stream for munitions makers).

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Well, enough of Ukraine has been destroyed, the munitions makers will just have to have another war somewhere else, besides Ukraine. The Middle East looks to be the best bet, Israel and 3 fronts are on tap. See how absurd that sounds.

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IMO the U.S. sock puppets will not stop supporting the intentionally waged and staged conflicts in Ukraine and in Gaza -- at least until they've sufficiently provoked either Russia or Iran, or China, or any other suitable super power with nuclear capabilities to trigger WWIII (the kinetic portion -- we've been in WWIII the spiritual, psychological, medical, and political war for some time now already as survivors of 5GEN warfare tactics waged against each of us by globalists who are simply tired of waiting to realize their utopian wet dream and to seize all resources (human, natural, industrial, political, etc.) amidst a "crisis" manufactured to instill such fear and horror, awe and stupor over the masses that ANY SOLUTION that brings a halt to the destruction and death will be hailed as the solution of choice and heartily agreed to, regardless of the "conditions" (many) -- including electronic enslavement for survivors. This is not a faux pas of strategy or tactics (or one of ignorance and stupidity), it is an carefully calculated, intentionally provoked, divisive, and dramatic regime change maneuver to enable the apparatus in place to move in and not only take complete control (they already have sock puppet politicians under their control in every country, doing their bidding and command the world's wealth and power), but to do so in a way that accomplishes their goals and serves their ongoing interests and desires.....and supports their satanic master whom they serve and revere.....

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The Zionists/Bolsheviks are trying to kill Ukraine to the last man, like Lindsay Graham said. They are not just killing a generation of Ukrainians. The Bolsheviks have been trying to kill all the Ukrainians for 100 years. There were two great famines in Russia and Ukraine that killed many millions of people in the 1920s and 30s. These were holodomors and genocides. That's what's going on here. The Bolsheviks are not Russian exactly, are they? They don't care how many Russians get killed in the process of exterminating Ukraine. I don't believe Putin is a Russian loyalist but is a Zionist. All this banter between Russia and the USA is to create a historical pretext on which the legend of WW3 is to be based. Don't you remember WW1 was based on the assassination of a Hungarian dignitary, and WW2 happened because Germany invaded Poland? So, the pretext for the war has to be manufactured and ingrained in the populace before the actual war can take place. WW3 is a done deal. America is the home team. Russia and China will both be wearing the road colors. I expect Mexico will be a late addition to the lineup card. France and England will be second half substitutes for the American defense who will be exhausted from chasing the nuclear football. And the UN Army will look a lot like FIFA in their blue hats.

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Anyone wearing a blue helmet around here is toast, that will be the only warning they will get.

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July 4th Cookout Cost Reaches ‘Record High’ Due to Inflation, Farm Bureau Says


The Farm Bureau survey found that the retail price for 2 pounds of ground beef has increased by 11 percent to $12.77, and 3 pounds of pork chops has increased by 8 percent to $15.49. However, it found that chicken prices have fallen by about 4 percent from last year, to $7.83 for 2 pounds of chicken breasts.

“Combined, the chicken breasts, pork chops, and hamburger meat account for over 50 percent of the cost of the summer cookout, showing how much the meat case influences the overall cost of the cookout,” the bureau stated.

A number of other products—including hamburger buns, potato chips, cheese, ice cream, lemonade, and strawberries—have increased in price. The only other item to see a decline was “homemade potato salad,” which decreased by 4 perce

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Not scientific, but did you see the one about the guy who reordered from WaMart his 2022 order, and it cost 3X as much.

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Anyone that thinks that groceries have only increased by 10-20 percent can’t do basic math. The prices are absolutely ridiculous, some as high as 50 percent more. I watch families struggling in line on what to buy, it’s very sad to see. Looks like a food crisis is here and may get worse under this administration.

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My husband rarely shops, unless he needs a special part or item. I'm not able to pick out. He needed paint to touch up the water stain on the kitchen ceiling. It has been there 3 years since the high winds blew off shingles and we had to get a new roof. He came home from Lowes Shocked. $65 for a gallon of paint. Line for his weed eater was $30, Amazon was $15.00.

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I buy little local now, can’t afford it. Groceries are different, but that is coming down as the prices go up.

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5% more for your Independence Day cookout. Medicare cuts are already happening, we have Tricare as part D, meds are late, and I take Humalog, it can't be late. 1 week late. Cost more too. Hub takes Glaucoma meds and Heart meds, they can't be late or shorted. 20 years in the USN and retired as a SCPO. 1958-78. His pension is small, SS normal, whereas mine is below normal. No stimulus, yet people with kids got everyone. Car, property taxes up. Not had a new car in 6+ years. this was to be our last car. The idiot wants us to buy new appliances and an EV car that catches fire, is road-taxed, and has no charging stations, in rural areas, and costs more than we get in 4 years without buying anything. Gates wants you to eat bugs, and drink worm milk. NO THANKS, even McD's plant burger flopped, so I read. Not ate out in 2.5 years. I carry real honey sticks to use if my BS drops.

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Cookout, what cookout, I’m going broke here trying to tend to 2 teenaged granddaughters.

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If you can call fixing hamburgers, corn in the husk, and chips a 'cookout'. And I remember trying to keep three kids, fed, clothed, and skipping doctors, those were days of no phone or Atari. You have social media to contend with.

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Trump Vs Biden Presidential Debate 2024 : 'You're the su**ker. You're the loser,' Biden tells Trump


Claims Biden has a cold, this is the way he's talked for a year. Way different than when he did the SOTU. A nervous tick kept touching his ear, had to be helped off the stage.

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That "nervous tick" was Biden's annoyed reaction to his handlers (and his wife) berating him via his earpiece headphone.

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It was kinda obvious, wasn’t it. (And the reason Biden wanted the left side)

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Thanks, Amy H, for the restack and reading, I appreciate it.

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Thank you, Abigail, for the restack and reading, you are a very valuable asset to sub stack, indispensable actually.

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Just do what the USofT usually does... Send a few thousands of eager to fight modern moron slaves from the USofT Plantation and enjoy the fun!

P.S.: A few delusions are present in this article... Which is also normal since our Western Knowledge of the Russian Mindset and Behavior in almost none-existant.

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