I wish you could share this with Trump!!!

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Trump still says jabs saved lives. You can vote for that or not vote for that.

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Jun 23Liked by Edwin

I’m not voting. It’s absolutely useless. It has been useless for DECADES! 💩

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Jun 23·edited Jun 23Author

I can’t disagree with you, but I am not done yet.

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How Trump can win the debate with the demented pedophile in chief.

1) Answer truthfully and be humble

2) Clearly speak on his goals and plans for the next 4 years.

3) Talk about bringing peace back to the world.

4) Talk about leaving the UN and WHO again.

5) Talk about renewing the oil leases.

6) Gut the tax code and lower drug prices

7) secure the border and keep it secured.

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Jun 24Liked by Edwin

Careful what you wish for Edwin.

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I'm familiar with the saying, but considering my role in this is minimal even as a Trump supporter, I am willing to take the chance.

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Kenn, Sharon, thanks for the restacks, important to know this information, and to know your vote may not count, may count, may count against you.

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Thanks Elizabeth Peterson, I appreciate the restack and the reading, for whatever it is worth.

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Thanks Ahmed, for the restack and reading. I don't know what to believe and what not, it is a lot more hopeless than he states, but not all hopeless.

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