I keep attempting to inform as many who will hear and THINK, there is a natural remedy to drug addiction. Iboga and in Canada there is a rehabilitation program. 2 days completely free and NO cravings. However, then dealing with the seeking behaviors. Bible states, “ least another comes and brings more,” paraphrasing.

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Another great all natural pain reliever that works so well the DEA (of course) wanted to make it a Schedule I narcotic is Kratom. It is an herb found in the Coffee family from Indonesia and has great success for patients who experience chronic pain or are addicted to opiates and want to get off of opiates. Here is a forum on Kratom https://www.doublemherbals.com/viewforum.php?f=6

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Aug 2Liked by Edwin

The utopian dystopian world of wokeatards communism.

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Coming to a town near you!

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Can’t wait to see the stats after 6 months . 🧐

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They keep stats?

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lol 😆 exactly

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For $25 an addict can probably buy some untainted testing sample and still have an extra $75 for more product.

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Aug 2Liked by Edwin

Good Lord Almighty!

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The greatest health care challenge facing our next president


Future of health care is clear and bipartisan: an integrated system focused on improved health outcomes

Read Robert Yoho Butchered by Healthcare, Gov, Pharma $5 on Kindle.

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GARM Got Billions From Feds Targeting Conservatives


Four of the six largest global advertising agencies, including some who have spent much of the past decade demanding online censorship on social media platforms, have received billions of dollars from the federal government, according to a new report.

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Thanks for the restack, Amy.

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Coffee_Cup, thanks for the restack.

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