But I don't want World War III. I just want my elected officials to be sound of mind, and act as per the bill of rights and constitution.

Is that too much to ask?

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Apparently it is. The Constitution is an old document unless we view it through the lens of modern society (Obama).

This is how your rights have been stripped away, for instance, 2500 gun laws that are un-Constitutional (depriving all children of the right to self protection).

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When did that happen?

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A long time ago!

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The NRA didn't stand up?

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You mean there were occasions that the NRA actually stood up?

The last attempt at that was when the NRA backed the re-election bid of "Dingy" Harry Reid (Nevada DemonRat Senate Speaker) as I recall.

I'm pretty certain that was the last thing they did prior to my self-removal from their tax rolls, along with multitudes of other gun rights advocates.

Been nuthin' but GOA from that point on.....

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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You mean there were occasions that the NRA actually stood up?

The last attempt at that was when the NRA backed the re-election bid of "Dingy" Harry Reid (Nevada DemonRat Senate Speaker) as I recall.

I'm pretty certain that was the last thing they did prior to my self-removal from their tax rolls, along with multitudes of other gun rights advocates.

Been nuthin' but GOA from that point on.....

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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Really! I didn't know that. What is good anymore? GOA....can you say :-)

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Yes. It's like asking a Bolshevik for a cigarette before they/them shoot you. They will just laugh and say "you'll next be asking for a blindfold" while rofltao.

(too many "Americans" are already blindfolded sheeples, so that won't be a problem)

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18Liked by Edwin

I believe that Trump is a good man, though some of his people choices were questionable.

I suspect that had much to do with the corrupted pool of applicants he had to choose from.

If the topic of Trump comes up in conversation, there is never any positivity and it's frightening just how completely mind fucked most people are about him.

Not even being willing to hear things that counter their viewpoint (that sounds familiar).

You can see the contempt on their faces and hear it in their words, due to the successful negative programming by the media.

They are of course, all fully jabbed and boosted.

BTW, IIRC, sodium (salt) can help protect against radiation, while MISO was reportedly eaten by medical workers at ground zero in Japan and protected them against illness from the radiation.

Might be helpful.

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I know that salt is a preservative and I know know salt ups the electrical charge in the body and that we are called the ‘salt’ of the earth—so does a higher electrical charge bring up our frequency enough to protect us from the lower frequency of radiation?

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"Some" will say Bout is Russian "Disinformation" and while every one has "A Side or Team" there may be a slant to his words. BUT, I do vaguely remember through the Fog of the USSA's InfoWar that Hunter Biden's Laptop was "Russian Disinformation" and Way Back in 2015, almost a Decade Ago, that "the Russians" hacked the democRats computer servers when Seth Rich was murdered on the DC streets.

All Pompously Proclaimed by the FIB/Media Complex..... and the Elite 52 Intel Expert Elites from the Deep Statist DC sElection Coup leaders.

So, I will take Mr Bout's words to heart, As the Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend, and this USSA is My Enemy no doubts at all. President Trump's Enemies are My Enemies. I can only Hope that He Will Do as he Promises, Especially Ending these NWO Wars for blood and profit.

If We/Me/You fail to prevail at the elections in Nov. then my admonistions of Si vis pacem para bellum for their/thems Domestic War on We the "Deplorable" People will begin in earnest.

CYA, Conduct Yourselves Accordingly

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I will not support anyone who condones the jabs, and denies the deaths. I would think this would be a relatively easy choice at this point, but hey, vote for him if you like the jabs. If you think he's just afraid to speak truthfully, well, that will continue.

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Risks too great with WWIII. Even the deep state actors could be evaporated. Instead they are gearing up to shut down the economies with BIRD FLU pandemic. Hospitals are already on board with MASKS UP! Convert the election to mail in ONLY! Read The Bird FLU scenario here: https://thomasabraunrph.substack.com/p/gearing-up

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Jun 18Liked by Edwin

As much as we'd like to see Trump win, I don't think the powers that be will let him win. Kinda like last time..

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Ray Marples, than for the restack.

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bvd9701, thanks for the restack.

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Thanks Arturo, for the restack.

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Thanks for the restack, Cygnus X-1. Very much appreciated.

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Who is Cygnus X-1?

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Another valued reader.

Like yourself!

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