Good one Edwin … so true . I just keep shaking my head regarding the evil bizarro world we live in .

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What could go wrong, seriously, what could go wrong? Inflation, that is a given with the way they’re ripping off money, WWIII, well it looks like they’re all in, regulation, you mean that puddle in my yard when we have a massive downpour is regulated, gas mileage, due to the fact that I was hit by an unlicensed driver and they investigate me although I’ve been a customer for 35 years.

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Bird Flu is next pandemic.

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no it's not. although....perhaps you're right: the last pandemic was a scare-mongering tool, and perhaps this next one will be used to achieve the same.

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Pretty sure T is part of that status quo, and also a Zionist. Claims the jabs saved lives, still. Sponsored.

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With a Trump victory so certain that he would need to die in a plane crash to loose, wouldn't this be a good time for his base to leverage their influence? Perhaps they could demand prompt, clear, answers to some important questions. Could they not put him on notice that they will not go back to sleep after the election, remind him that noncompliance is an option.

I personally do not think that this episode is going to end well. We should anticipate what can go wrong, then prepare for those possibilities.

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Jun 10Liked by Edwin

Well said, Edwin!

Thankfully with all the political shenanigans against Trump, more and more people have awakened.

The Great Awakening cannot be stopped! 🥰

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Thanks Therisa, for the restack, the comments, and just plain reading. I know I'm not alone with people like you supporting me, especially since I am not getting paid at all, and won't.

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Hell no it can’t be stopped, and I’m not even sure Trump has anything to do with it, other than being the ‘universal’ victim in all of this.

Just let ‘em steal this election, just let ‘em. Then they will see what the “ammo box” contains.

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Well written.

However, a part of me, the largest part actually, believes we deserve this. As per my earlier remark, we have lived as if the republic were on autopilot. While true, the rest of the story is that those who have tried to wake their fellow Americans up to the fact that they need to be in the pilot’s seat have been verbally abused or worse. Some of those who are now wanting their financials to not be spied on by the US Gov cheered when told that that same group were spying on their follow Americans who chose to live abroad. They not only ignored our warnings, they threatened to turn us in for our troubles. When the Great Communicator warned us the freedom is not passed along in the blood but needs to be taught, that we are always just one generation from losing it and once lost, we shall never know it again, many clapped; few paid it any heed. And after, what, a generation and a half?, here we are. Parents have to fight their school boards, local, state and federal government to keep their boys, boys and their girls, girls. This is a fight that many parents have lost. We have to fight to keep our gas appliances, to keep real time monitoring of our driving and kill switches out of our privately owed vehicles. We have to fight to get our hard earned cash back when stopped on the way to the bank to deposit it after confiscated through civil forfeiture. We have to fight to get our jobs back if we do not cheer the LGBTQWTFO policies of our employer with enough gusto. And in all these fights, we fight alone because are fellow Americans are too chicken shit to grab that ole’ fouling piece above the mantle and fall in line behind those harassed by the various levels of corrupt government and say “NO” from behind a locked and loaded breech, for we are now at a point where this is the only way left us to stop the abuse from our government.

Silence. Silence from those who must act, all of us.

If we allow it, we deserve it.

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Most of us, yes, it is true, but not all of us, some have pounded on the nail how our rights have been taken from us both a little at a time and a lot. Some of these people have been saying it for tens of years, consistently, some have only been saying it for ten or less years, but they have been saying it.

I have an associate that has been on this for 35 years, much sacrifice of his career to sound this warning.

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I know. I too have been one of these. While I cannot say that my warnings have hurt me career wise, though it may have, it certainly has needed many friendships.

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i like status quo


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I’m a fan too!

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Brilliant commentary! Please keep it coming. Thank you Edwin.

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bvd9701. thank you for restacking and reading, I appreciate it greatly.

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Abigail, I love you, and all the others that restack as well as comment or just read.

Even Kenn, although he hates Trump, but he is a necessary evil and good, I guess.

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All these bad things will continue to get worse until the end of time. We wait for Jesus to return. That is our only hope. Not our leaders and not Trump. Things are too far gone to be fixed by humans.

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