2. Americans, inherently, should abhore foreign emollients. We shouldn't desire knighthoods, because we don't have kings.

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What do you think of Russell Brand's latest rants about the British uniparty? https://rumble.com/v53v4fs-revealed-shocking-us-secret-about-911-and-alex-jones-forced-to-shut-down-in.html

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I haven't heard them, I'll try to get to it.

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No Idaho potato, no McDonald FF. It's the end of the world as we know it.

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That diet never took in Diabetics. A balanced diet works best for most people. Gastropatients have health issues and need to watch what they eat. Gastroparesis, Chrons, and Cilliacs cannot follow a stupid fad diet. I'm not allowed Grapefruit, it impacts my Synthroid med or so I'm told. Fruit especially the high-sugar ones are my nemesis, just like excess bread is. No one diet is right for everyone. Nutritionists are brainwashed idiots. Clean non-toxic foods are healthier. Finding them is hard. Having two opposing health conditions complicates any diet. There really is no middle ground. AVOID APEEL AND PEELZ food poisoning is not pleasant. Whoa be to the person with Glacucma there is no treatment.

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Thank you for the restack, Abigail. It is important to me.

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Kenn, thanks for the restack, and reading, both very important. I appreciate it!

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Thanks, Sharon, I appreciate the restack as well as reading.

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BBC Apologises for Broadcasting Fact

Dr Vernon Coleman

The BBC has issued the following apology: `A fact recently appeared on a BBC programme. We would like to apologise for this error. The BBC always does its best to ensure that no facts appear on any of its programmes. We will endeavour to ensure that this does not happen again. The BBC is proud to remain a dependent source of propaganda, misinformation and disinformation. ’

Copyright Vernon Coleman June 2024


Please visit the bookshop on www.vernoncoleman.com. Our videos have not been monetised and this website has no fees and no adverts.

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deletedJun 26
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We are spirit, and our bodies are energy. Our spirit manipulates the energy all around us, but especially our own bodies.

They could never make people sick without telling them that they are making them sick. People actually do the work of making themselves sick, in response to suggestions from the Luciferian Brotherhood, e.g., "If you are exposed to too much sun, you will get melanoma."

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