
The Fraud of the Menopause

Dr Vernon Coleman

For centuries, since time began, the menopause was treated as the natural phenomenon it is rather than as an illness, which it certainly isn’t. And then the pharmaceutical industry realised that they could make big money out of offering women a remedy for the symptoms which commonly occur during the menopause. Drug companies love `illnesses’ (whether real or manufactured) which are chronic because you can make far more money out of selling a treatment for a disorder which lasts for decades (such as arthritis or asthma) rather than selling a treatment for a disorder which lasts for days and is either cured or leads to death. And so for several decades now I have watched the drug industry successfully promoting the idea that the menopause is an illness which can and should be treated. Evidence showing that their heavily promoted and hugely profitable hormone replacement regimes can cause serious real illnesses such as cancer has been brushed aside by journalists working for newspapers, women’s magazines and television. And celebrities have been queuing up to do interviews promoting the nonsense that the menopause is a disease which must be treated. Finally, early in 2024, the equalities watchdog succumbed to the media hype, became involved and introduced a new employment law which meant that women who are going through the menopause must be treated as though they are disabled and offered the same sort of preferential treatment as people who are paralysed or blind. Without any sense of absurdity (and without bothering Parliament or judges) the watchdog announced that women between the ages of 40 and 60 who have any symptoms of the menopause must be allowed to work from home whenever they want to. To give teeth to the ruling, it was announced that any employer who ignores this new law can be sued. And so when the hospital ward is empty, it will be because the nurses are working from home. When the supermarket shelves are empty, it will be because the women working there are working from home. When there are no buses, it will be because the female bus drivers are working from home. The worst thing about this is that millions of women have allowed themselves to be turned into victims; willingly and permanently indentured to the most corrupt and dangerous industry in the world. Women who had fought for over a century for equal rights are now allowing themselves to be treated as a weaker species, unable to work normally and requiring special treatment for much of their lives. The irony is that many women celebrated the new law about the menopause and, strangely, regarded it as a victory of some kind. In reality, it will price older women out of the jobs market in the same way that women of child bearing age have been made almost unemployable in some areas. (Employers with just a few employees don’t want to lose a hefty proportion of their staff during a pregnancy and the year afterwards – particularly since the law means that they have to keep the job open in case the employee wants to return.) The end result will be that the employable part of the population will be halved and the economy will be devastated. Just how much this is accidental and how much it is deliberate is debatable, of course, though no one is debating it.

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Big pharma HRT is bad , synthetic mostly all of it . Bioidentical HRT has a place , but not for everyone.

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May 25Liked by Edwin

Dr. Coleman is 100%! I had ovarian cancer 3 years ago. I was on synthetic hormones, which I think had something to do with it.

I can’t believe women are allowed to do this! I worked 40 years and always showed up for work! Incredible!

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Renee Marie Glad you are well

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May 25Liked by Edwin


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May 26·edited May 26Liked by Edwin

Hormones ruined my GI tract, even the Bioidentical has the same side effects. It took only a year. The patch started it, the 30-day shot ended them. Had 3 days of hot flashes. Foreto has a 'black box' for Cancer. The 1 year is not suitable for asthmatics. OP drugs kill.

My neighbor has been doing Cancer treatments for at least 4 years, she is now near the end of life.

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Thanks Ray, and SLK, for the restacks.

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Thanks for the restack, SLK.

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I'm old enough to remember Jack Kevorkian who I am sure Canada, the UK and the US would have high on a pedestal these days. I hesitate to post a Wikipedia link but will simply because I don't want to spend a bunch of time trying to find a different link but my guess is that it is probably an honest link about him since death and legal murder is what the communist left loves and glorifies, so I will assume his life story is sort of honest on this link.


Anyway, back in the day the media was up in arms about this guy. Murdering innocent sick people that were near death. The nerve! Now our Governments are murdering innocent healthy people and calling it MADE, climate change geoengineering, processed food, medical care, dental care, vaccination to sterilize and slowly murder humanity. Everything we eat, every breathe we take, everything thing we drink and even the clothing we wear is poisoned with forever chemicals that our bodies can not eliminate.

They hate us.

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AmericanVeteran, thank you for the restack, and the comments.

I am old enough to remember Dr. K.

Yes, the hate us, I suppose it is because we are a threat to their rule, or maybe the truth has come out. Hate is all they do, all they do!

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We can grow our own food. We can choose not to wear plastic clothing, we can choose to not take medicines or vaccines, the hard part is that we can not do anything about the air we breathe. "They" have figured out how to poison us by deploying "geoengineering chemicals". There is no way to not breathe. Thoughts on how to clear these toxins from our bodies?

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We can't without clearing them from the environment. That means putting a stop to them, at the source.

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May 25Liked by Edwin

Then there are the plastics we absorb and that are in our food:


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Yes, we have to stop them at the source, too.

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May 25·edited May 25Liked by Edwin

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for mentioning the extreme cruelties of vivisection. It doesn't get spoken of nearly enough. The practice is evil, unnecessary, and far, far too common. Thankyouthankyouthankyou.

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May 25Liked by Edwin

Vivisection is just plain evil. IMO, those who practice it are doing it because they love to torture animals. This is a huge sign of being a psycho path. It needs to be outlawed. We humans are supposed to be stewards of the earth, not murderers of life.

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May 25Liked by Edwin

Oh, it's such a relief to hear your words. I agree wholeheartedly. One of the tragic things re: vivisection is how few (regular) peeps are aware that it happens and on such a massive scale. It's all hush-hush behind closed laboratory doors. And it's not just mice being tortured; it's a wide range of animals including "Fauci's beagles." I remember the days when the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) would break-in to labs and document the atrocities. The photos they took would be leaked and I unfortunately/fortunately saw some of them. The stuff of nightmares. But it seems almost all mainstream AND alternative news sites don't expose the practice. Breaks my heart.

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May 25Liked by Edwin

Yes, it breaks my heart, too. I've always been an animal lover - was never allowed to have an animal when I was young. Later due to traveling in my work, I couldn't have any either. Finally when I was 30 I got 2 cats and have kept animals ever since then, for the last 40 yrs. I feed the birds and the squirrels in my backyard, did wildlife animal rescue work, and fed all the wildlife when we were snowed in once for 3 weeks. 3 ft of snow on ground which didn't melt for 3 weeks and animals got very hungry, to the point where one day I opened my front door and there on the doormat was a very pitiful looking, hungry little possum. It was obvious he was asking to be fed. I always fed the birds so he must have wondered why I didn't put food out for the rest of the animals. So I fed him and everyone else for the next 2 weeks. Animals have been my family and some of the best friends/companions anyone could ever have. Their unwavering love, their compassion and kindness is amazing. How anyone could ever harm or hurt any animal is way beyond me.

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May 26Liked by Edwin

You are such a sensitive and aware soul. Truly a gift and a rarity. Thank you for shining goodness and care onto our animal brethen. I especially love your anecdote about the possum. I know it's not the most popular thing to say (among humans) but I often prefer the company of the four-leggeds (over the two-leggeds).

Have you heard of writer Henry Beston? Some of my favorite quotes about animals are by him. You might appreciate.

He wrote (in his brilliant book called The Outermost House):

“We need another and a wiser and perhaps a more mystical concept of animals. Remote from universal nature, and living by complicated artifice, man in civilization surveys the creature through the glass of his knowledge and sees thereby a feather magnified and the whole image in distortion.

“We patronize them for their incompleteness, for their tragic fate of having taken form so far below ourselves. And therein we err, and greatly err. For the animal shall not be measured by man. In a world older and more complete than ours they move finished and complete, gifted with extensions of the senses we have lost or never attained, living by voices we shall never hear.

“They are not brethren, they are not underlings; they are other nations, caught with ourselves in the net of life and time, fellow prisoners of the splendour and travail of the earth.”

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Doc Vernon would appreciate these comments, I’m sure. Thank You.

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May 26Liked by Edwin

Nice. Thanks for sharing that. Would be reason #187 why I love and respect Dr. Coleman so much.

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Where is the silver lining in our lives?

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They are trying to destroy that too, by polluting the environment.

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Update: Haitian gangs shot, burned bodies of Missouri pol’s missionary daughter, husband while couple was on phone with father-in-law

Suddenly, David Lloyd told the Herald, the compound was invaded by a second gang, this time from nearby Canaan.

Davy, Natalie, and Jude were barricaded together inside the Lloyds’ house when the second group arrived, he explained.

A video of the scene reviewed by the "Wall Street Journal" showed Davy, Natalie, and Jude’s bodies sprawled on the floor of the home, with Davy and Jude’s remains having been burned.

“I’m just at a total loss,” David Lloyd told the Herald. “I’m just in total shock. I haven’t grieved. I haven’t done anything else. I haven’t eaten. I can’t think.”


No access to WSJ.

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TRIP BACK IN TIME. Samuel Barrett Pettengill U. S. Congressman 1886-1974.

Instead of reading Stop Australia Going Under, it should read Stop AMERICA FROM GOING UNDER.


Friedrich A. Hayek, Road to Serfdom

The book “Road to Serfdom” was written by F.A. Hayek in 1944 during World War II as a warning that every step away from free market capitalism toward government planning was a step away from freedom.


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Not 1 word from the MSM, they were covering George Floyd.

‘They went to heaven together’: Christian missionary couple from U.S. killed by gang in Haiti

An American couple serving as missionaries in Haiti and another man were shot a killed by gang members on Thursday, family members said.

Davy and Natalie Lloyd were “attacked by gangs” on Thursday night “and were both killed,” Natalie Lloyd’s father, Missouri state Rep. Ben Baker, said in a Facebook post.

“They went to Heaven together. Please pray for my family we desperately need strength. And please pray for the Lloyd family as well. I have no other words for now.”


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'Yes, and how many ears must one man have

Before he can hear people cry?'..... well, one thing is for certain, 'the answer is blown in the wind' and i suppose people like you only know, 'how to keep on keeping on'... Bob turned 83 yesterday and that's exactly what he's doin, we're doin.

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May 25Liked by Edwin


"The Just Stop Oil protestors who attacked the Magna Carta should be sentenced to spend the rest of their lives without enjoying any of the benefits of fossil fuels. Put them on a hillside in Wales and leave them there."

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May 25Liked by Edwin

I agree with you, except why would we want to saddle Wales with them? The Welsh seem to me to be nice folks for the most part. Perhaps putting them on a ship and sending them into the ocean?

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May 25Liked by Edwin

I can't disagree with your sentiments. Great idea and really the most compassionate thing to do for all involved, lol.

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