
Now they’re offering Doctor Assisted Suicide to Children

Dr Vernon Coleman

Euthanasia is now being offered to children. Naturally, the world being what it is these days, the authorities will not tell the parents of those children what is being planned. The parents will only

know after the event. They’ll get an email. ‘You may have noticed that your 12-year-old son did not come home from school today. This is because he enrolled in our Suicide for Students programme and we helped him to kill himself this afternoon.’

How many children (and particularly teenagers) do not sometimes wish they were dead?

‘My boyfriend has broken up with me. I wish I were dead.’

‘I’ve been bullied on Facebook so much. I wish I were dead.’

‘No problem, here at the Justin Trudeau Let’s Kill the Children centre we can deal with that for you. Like Mr Trudeau himself, it’ll just be a little prick. Just put your satchel and your lollypop down, lie down and your problems are over forever. We’ll ring your mum and dad later and tell them that you won’t be coming home. They can collect your body from the Justin Trudeau Morgue.’

This extract is taken, with permission, from `They Want to Kill Us’ by Jack King which available as a paperback and an eBook on Amazon. Please ask your friends and relatives to read this important book.

Copyright Vernon Coleman April 2024

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"Long covid" is really just "long stupid."

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I think I got that idea from Baldmichael, but I have borrowed so many catchy phrases over the last 4 years that I forget who to credit🤣

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That sounds like him, I've got a whole list of them, usually with credit, but some don't have, like "You can vote your way into Communism, but you have to shoot your way out."

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Ahahahahaha, so true!

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In the same way, we accept children's vaccines, the good outweighs the bad.

The same goes for food.

Arsenic, Lead, Cadmium, and Mercury all are poisons. They delay brain development, make your baby sick, an accumulation turns to cancers, autism, and death. Wana Bana Cinnamon Babyfood, the reported dates of illness onset for the impacted children range from Oct. 17 through Nov. 1. So far, illnesses have been reported in Arkansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Missouri, and North Carolina. Why there still aren’t limits on lead in baby food https://www.nbcnews.com/health/kids-health/still-arent-limits-lead-baby-food-rcna129013. Congress is too busy giving money to Ukraine, Iran, and Illegals to regulate poisons in babies and children's food, or yours. Efforts to set guidelines to limit lead exposure in children go as far back as the 1980s, when the government began work to reduce children’s exposure to lead from paint and gasoline as well as from food packaging, like lead-soldered cans, said Dr. Leonardo Trasande, director of environmental pediatrics at NYU Langone Health.

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Yep, global extermination campaign, everything is keyed to globally exterminate humans. And even make them pay for it, America leads the world in poisons, especially mental poisons!

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TV, Net, and Radio are full of propaganda, with no coverage of the fighting back. And NO one could draw an audience like RUSH we trusted him, and loved him. Tucker comes close but is not there yet. he doesn't have the same personality.

Exclusive — Johnson's Policy Aide Lobbyist with Ukraine-Interested Clients


Bryon Donalds was the better choice @ 100%. Rinos didn't like him or his skin color. They knew Johnson had baggage. When it comes to opposition they dig the dirt. GOP needs to learn to do it too.

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The GOP is beholding to the Uniparty, and that will never change, period.

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Edwin, this is a good place for the good Doctor to chime in, about Arsenic, Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, and Congress' lack of action since 1980 as they did on paint, and will do on water. Many of our main water pipes are still old. Congress loves to spend our tax $$, it's time they used them on Americans. My Sub, bombed, either my title was wrong, mention of CNN, or to long, and no one wanted to read it. 24% open. Without copyright, you can only use so much. Efforts to set guidelines to limit lead exposure in children go as far back as the 1980s, when the government began work to reduce children’s exposure to lead from paint and gasoline as well as from food packaging, like lead-soldered cans, said Dr. Leonardo Trasande, director of environmental pediatrics at NYU Langone Health. https://www.nbcnews.com/health/kids-health/still-arent-limits-lead-baby-food-rcna129013.

Should I Worry About Lead in Baby Food?


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Yes you should. America leads the world in poisonings which are done by 'approved' methods, you food, your air, your water, your drugs and whatever else you utilize like your cell phone, computer terminal, 5G,the car, the grid, it is endless.

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"An old-fashioned male barber tells me that he was taught to shave by being told to lather a balloon and then shave it with a cut throat razor."

The way Yakov Smirnoff told it, in the USSR the balloon shaved you.

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Informative and entertaining as usual.

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Thank You!

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Apr 18Liked by Edwin

I remember reading about #15. Exactly why the sociopaths wanted to separate and isolate us.

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Precisely! A brilliant observation if I say so myself.

It is contagious, that is why they must (not may) separate us.

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