Now we read Subtacks for Truth. My Legitimate, Dutiful and Right War

America is devolving from the greatest nation on earth into a third world cesspool comprised of the worst elements of many foreign nations, where their inhabitants have little or no love for America and yet still strive to enter only to reap the benefits while remaining apart from the ideas and traditions that built Her. And most of this has come to be as a direct result of the 1965 Immigration Act, signed on October 3rd before an entirely white audience on Liberty Island, with Ellis Island in the background, after extensive promises that it wouldn’t alter America’s demographic, political or cultural sectors.


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Great comment, thank you! I agree wholeheartedly with you and I remember when that 1965 Act was signed. I grew up in California and shortly after 1965 Act, we started getting lots of illegals from our southern border. They have been coming here for 60 yrs. This was the plan all along.

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Apr 10·edited Apr 10Liked by Edwin

The FDA has been demonizing animal fats and meats for over 50 years and pushing the idea grains, sugar, and seed oils are good for us. They LIED.

There is actually ZERO evidence that eating meat and fat causes cancer, heart disease, or any other health problems. Switching to carnivore saved me from a wheelchair, AND it caused me to drop all excess body fat swiftly, due to the repair of my mitochondrial function it provided.

Maybe do deeper research beyond the totally fraudulent studies the FDA/Pharma/Big Ag, and the WEF approve of the public getting access to. Animal products are NOT what's hurting people. Animal products are healing people.

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Of course they lied. it is apparent now that the truth is only injected in small amounts in order to sell the lie. Why tell the truth when a lie will do just as well. It used to be there was this philosophy of telling 1 Big Lie, and making everyone believe it or not, but it was the one you didn't have a choice, you did not speak out against it because you were eliminated if you did.

But they've graduated, not 1 Big Lie, but hundreds: Global Warming, Nuclear Winter, and many more, but these two we must concern ourselves with.

We can save the world and offset glabal warming with aproximately 400 nuclear explosions in the sparsely populated states, coincidentally where the American ICBM silos are located.

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Yeah, "save the planet" by destroying all life that exists upon it;-) I saw that Bill Gates is now selling the deforestation agenda, because when plants die they release Co2, so the only "solution" is to get rid of all plants on earth;-)

I'm starting to believe these really are "lizard -aliens" who are terraforming the planet for NON carbon-based life forms;-)

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"Obviously, This Is Very Bad News For Biden": Wall Street Reacts To Today's Red Hot Inflation Printhttps://www.zerohedge.com/markets/obviously-very-bad-news-biden-wall-street-reacts-todays-red-hot-inflation-print

Watch: Biden Snaps at Heckler, Claims He's Cut Deficit by $1T - Truth Press https://truthpress.com/news/watch-biden-snaps-at-heckler-claims-hes-cut-deficit-by-1t/

World's Leading Banker: The U.S. Establishment Has Failed


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Dozens of pro-Palestinian protesters demanding cease-fire arrested in Senate office building

More than 50 pro-Palestinian demonstrators were arrested Monday morning after scattering what appeared to be bloodstained dollar bills in the lobby of a Senate office building and demanding a cease-fire in the Gaza Strip, authorities said.

“Cease-fire now! Cease-fire now!” shouted protesters wearing black T-shirts that declared “Stop Weapons Now,” as they held up a banner that read, “Aid to Israel = Bombing Palestinians.”


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The root cause of why we are in the mess we are in today can be found in this book about the National Security State of the USA. Explains how the reach of the covid con went globally in my opinion. JFK’s War with the National Security Establishment: Why Kennedy Was Assassinated by Douglas Horne,

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Apr 10Liked by Edwin

Great article, Edwin! I loved point #1 - I, like you, read everything from soup can labels to encyclopedias and always have. Nice to meet a fellow information-gatherer! I got my first set of encyclopedias when I was 6 y.o. and read them right through starting with A and read through the entire set, absolutely loviing that I could learn about all sorts of things. 63 yrs later I'm still doing same thing. I also love that you post lots of articles by Dr. Vernon Coleman, I love him. Regarding milk causing cancer, I respectfully beg to differ from your viewpoint. Husband has over 50 yrs research as virologist/immunologist who also studied cancer quite a bit since he worked in Public Health Dept. advising public/drs/ etc. on how to manage epidemics, health issues and more. He had cancer of the bone when he was 10, had surgery & survived so has studied all things cancer ever since. He respectfully (and rather strongly) disagrees with you, as casein is simply a protein. I looked it up and here's what I found:


" It was universally acknowledged that dairy products intake was closely related to certain health issues. On the one hand, nutrients from dairy products were beneficial for chronic diseases such as cancer. For instance, casein was proved to have potential antimutagenic [3] and anticarcinogenic properties [4], while whey protein hydrolysate was demonstrated to protect against chemical-induced mammary tumor in rats [5]. On the other hand, some studies drew opposite conclusions. Park et al. confirmed that the milk protein casein promoted the proliferation of prostate cancer cells through in vitro assay [6]."

I've been researching things all my life but especially since I got my first computer 27 yrs ago and everyday I do research. I've found it's quite a task to distinguish truth from propaganda by deep state and medical issues are especially prone to disinformation as is the entire field of science. I think this may be another area where the truth is being obfuscated IMHO. I would point out that cancer was not in epidemic proportions at all until about 1950s when it started. This was not long after raw milk was outlawed and we started having only milk that had been pasteurized - meaning that much of the nutrients in milk were killed. Would this make it easier for cancer to develop? Maybe, I honestly don't know. It might be a contributor but I don't think it's the cause. I think it's the jabs - because 1950s is also when jabs started up. My husband used to help develop jabs in 1970s until he found out there are cancer cells in them. He quit developing them and has never been jabbed since. There is a book called "Dr. Mary's Monkey" by Edward T. Haslam. The author got to know Mary Sherman, who is the person the book is about, so this is firsthand info. The book goes into great detail about the cancer cells in jabs and has lots of info - so it's probably the kind of book you would really like. There are also cancer cells in the covid jabs, which are creating turbo cancers that develop so quickly that tumors grow 5 or 6 times their size within days. I'd love to hear what you think about all this.

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I didn't really become 'informed' about health care until the early 80's when working as a community pharmacist. That revolutionized my perceptions. Still, I had never had the opinion of them killing for profit, until Dr. Fauci and AIDS. After that, anything was possible, but outright murder would hardly be believed.

I fought the system but did not believe it was capable of widespread murder, until I saw it with my own eyes.

And here we are.

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Scotland is no go for me as well.

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