
Watch ‘Fall of the Cabal Part 27’

8TH AUGUST 2023 by Dr. Vernon Coleman

Whatever else you do in the next couple of weeks make sure that you watch ‘Fall of the Cabal Part 27: The World Economic Forum – The End of Homo Sapiens’

It is a brilliant and chilling summary of what the sick, ugly and arrogant bastards at the WEF have planned for us.

The WEF makes the Khmer Rouge look like your local PTA.

The only saving grace is that the twits who join the WEF are stupid and humourless. And their boss looks and sounds like someone out of a cheap World War II movie. He just needs a monocle and a well-planned scar.

If we let this collection of second rate, dim morons take over our world then we deserve everything we get.

Watch the movie or I’ll send a flock of cabbage white butterflies round to lay eggs on all your brassicas.

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Very good , excellent film. 👍🏼

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The Awakening of Dr Amelia Leighton

5TH AUGUST 2023 by Dr. Vernon Coleman

In Vernon Coleman’s brand new novel, Amelia Leighton is a young doctor working as a GP in a modern city practice. She hates her job and her colleagues. The practice is rule bound and bureaucratic. After she breaks the rules by visiting a patient at home, Amelia is given an official warning about her future employment. She resigns and takes a job in a small, old-fashioned country practice where there is no mobile phone coverage and no appointments system. The Awakening of Dr Amelia Leighton is a story about how a young GP comes face to face with the past. But will the past prove to be her future?

This is a more serious novel than the Bilbury series of books, and it has a message. But it was, I felt, a message that had to be shared.

The Awakening of Dr Amelia Leighton, a novel, is available via the bookshop on this website.

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Why Women with Breast Cancer Should Avoid Dairy Produce

5TH AUGUST 2023 by Dr. Vernon Coleman

For nearly two decades now it has been believed that at least one substance found in dairy produce can be regarded as a Category 1 carcinogen.

I have long argued that a vegetarian diet helps to protect against cancer, and that cancer patients who follow a vegetarian diet have a much greater chance of surviving. The evidence for this just keeps on accumulating.

For example, a report in the journal Annals of Oncology showed that growth hormones could play a role in the development of breast cancer.

We know that cows’ milk contains growth hormones.

And we know that some farmers give their cows extra growth hormones to boost milk production.

There is strong evidence showing that women who eat a lot of dairy produce are more likely to get breast cancer and that women who have breast cancer are more likely to have their cancer come back if they eat dairy produce.

So the Annals of Oncology report is absolutely massive news for all women and, in particular, for all women with breast cancer.

This information should have been given front page headline news.

But it wasn’t.

The mainstream media want to see millions die. They aren’t interested in saving lives.

It is a sad reflection on the way health news is reported that a laboratory researcher promoting a long shot discovery in the hope of acquiring another grant will receive massive publicity (even though his discovery will not affect patients for a decade or more – if ever) while a genuinely important health story is damned near forgotten.

You can find more valuable information about the dangers (and benefits) of specific foods in the book Meat Causes Cancer by Vernon Coleman.

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as well, Dairy is rocket fuel for prostate cancer --Rbt Cohen, notmilk.com

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Thanks Edwin, Dr. Coleman .

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