
Passing Observations 185

8TH JULY 2023 by Dr Vernon Coleman

The people who promote the dangerous, re-wilding nonsense and who claim they want to protect the environment are the same people who kill badgers, squirrels and rabbits because they get in the way and the same people who use pesticides and other poisons (such as Roundup) and the same people who promote genetic engineering.

‘One example of reform is in dentistry, where we can have people who are not dentists, like therapists, will do more dental work.’ – Rishi Sunak, well known war criminal, allegedly British Prime Minister and general purpose cretin.

A citizen was de-customered after commenting on the pride flags in a building society office. His accounts were closed. Daring to query any action ordained and approved by the conspirators is now extremely dangerous. The other day a café I visited had a sign up saying they couldn’t take credit cards (something that seems to happen a good deal and is much more fun than finding shops which have a sign saying ‘no cash’.). I commented that this was a good thing since it made people use cash for once. The assistant behind the counter glowered at me with such venom that my hat caught fire.

It is no accident that it is becoming increasingly difficult to find somewhere to park a car these days. And that’s not including the problems created by the awful parking apps which are now being introduced everywhere and which are, of course, making life difficult for those of us without smart phones. The satanic globalists don’t want us using cars at all.

A march of homosexuals through London was held up by climate change nutters. The mayor was not amused. Fortunately for everyone the demonstrators were moved very quickly by the police so that the march could continue unhindered.

Cyclists, team members and press at the Tour de France are wearing masks. They are wearing bloody masks. Insanity rules ok.

How long will it be before we are not allowed access to the internet unless we have a digital ID number?

Don’t go to Paris. It is a ghost of its former self. Instead treat yourself to Secrets of Paris – my book of anecdotes and personal stories about the French capital.

Anyone in Australia is caught spreading whatever the authorities du jour call disinformation or misinformation can now be fined $500,000 under the Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Mis-information and Dis-information) Bill 2023. Goodbye free speech and welcome lies, deceit and propaganda.

In June 2023, it was revealed that the RAF has been practising discrimination against white men. ‘Discrimination’ is, of course, just a polite word for ‘racism’. If a black man is unfairly treated because of his skin colour it is racism and there is an uproar, sackings and scandal. If a white man is unfairly treated because of his skin colour it is discrimination and no one cares. There seems little doubt that if racism is a serious problem in the UK it is white men and women who are most commonly the victims.

I spent five years at medical school. It seemed longer. I was taught nothing useful about nutrition. And I seem to remember that our sole lecture on ophthalmology took place on the same afternoon as our sole lecture on tooth, mouth and general care. I did, however, learn the name of every tiny bone, vein, artery, muscle and nerve in the human body. All of which I forgot the minute I qualified. (What’s that big one at the top called? Ah, yes, that one is the skull. See, I haven’t forgotten all that stuff after all. )

The English language has already been a victim of the Great Reset. First, we lost that beautiful word ‘gay’ when it was stolen from us. And the very decent words ‘sustainable’ and ‘diverse’ have gone too; destroyed by the barbarians.

Over the last 23 years the late queen and the new king have received more than £15.4 million in government subsidies for their Sandringham Estate. We taxpayers are just too generous. But an occasional thank you note would be nice.

According to The Expose website, four rugby players ‘were critically affected’ in the middle of a game. Two went to hospital and two died. It was apparently another mystery. There are so many mystery deaths and collapses these days. Doctors and health officials are puzzled. And when we tell them the truth they sneer and turn their backs. ‘It couldn’t possibly be the covid vaccine!’ they insist. ‘It’s a mystery.’

The Expose also reports that in less than 2.5 years there have been 1,884 athletes who have had heart attacks or serious problems – with 1,310 of them dying. (These were, of course, young, fit people.) All those mysteries. And all those puzzled doctors and health officials left scratching their heads (and then picking out the splinters).

It is reported that the Amish were far less likely to die of covid than any other group in America. By an amazing coincidence the Amish did not wear masks, did not have lockdowns, did not socially distance and did not vaccinate. What an astonishing and inexplicable coincidence.

Staff sickness in the NHS in England has reached record levels. There has been a big rise in the incidence of colds, coughs, infections and respiratory problems. This is yet another mystery since NHS staff wore masks longer than anyone else – and were given the covid -19 jab.

NHS consultants (paid £120,000 plus bonuses for many and great pension deals) are going on strike for more money. They will down tools for two days. But those who also have private practices will be allowed to see private patients while they are on strike. NHS waiting lists will soon be so long that there won’t be any point in having waiting lists.

The Mayor of London was banned from flying the EU flag on Brexit Day. Quite right too. Why on earth would anyone in Britain want to fly a flag celebrating the world’s most fascist organisation? To find out the truth about the EU please read: The Shocking History of the EU.

Critics of wokery are now suppressed in the media and online. Only the Guardian reading myth loving climate nutters and the BBC’s pro-vax devotees enjoy free speech. The conspirators are banning the truth.

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Deadly Covid Jab will kill more than will die in the Ukraine

11TH JULY 2023 by Dr Vernon Coleman

There is now no doubt the covid jab is a killer, fake vaccine – useless but far more dangerous than depleted uranium shells or cluster bombs. Like bombs, rockets and bullets its only conceivable purpose is to kill people.

The evidence showing that the over-promoted, over-sold covid-19 jab is the most dangerous pharmaceutical product ever used is denied only by fools or shills for the conspirators and the drug industry. I have repeatedly warned that the covid jab can and does cause or exacerbate a huge range of serious health problems – including heart disease, clotting problems and cancer. And as I warned two and a half years ago the immune system problems caused by the ‘vaccine’ are deadly.

The evidence suggesting that the covid vaccine is toxic is overwhelming and should be banned is constantly growing. Any other product known to cause such severe problems would have been taken off the market a long time ago.

A review of 325 autopsies on patients who died after covid vaccination showed that 74% of the deaths were caused by the covid vaccine.

The nine eminent authors of the paper found that the organ systems most likely to be involved in covid jab deaths were: cardiovascular system, haematological system and respiratory system. The mean time between vaccination to death was 14.3 days. A total of 240 deaths out of the 325 deaths were independently adjudicated as directly due to or significantly contributed to by covid-19 vaccinations.’

The nine authors concluded: ‘The consistency seen among cases in this review with known covid-19 vaccine adverse effects, their mechanisms and related excess deaths, coupled with autopsy confirmation and physician-led death adjudication, suggests there is a high likelihood of causal link between covid-19 vaccines and death in most cases. Further urgent investigation is required for the purpose of clarifying our findings.’

Then there was the paper which appeared in the British Journal of General Practice recently which showed that ‘enlargement of axillary, supraclavicular or cervical lymph nodes following vaccination with covid-19 mRNA vaccines is more frequent than initially reported, with a rate reaching up to 16% following the second dose of the Moderna mRNA vaccine.’ The paper also reported that a few cases of lymphoma were reported in the literature.

The authors warned that doctors in charge of patients with post-vaccination lymphadenopathy should be reminded to consider the possibility of an underlying or coincidental malignant disorder.

The truth, of course, is that there aren’t enough doctors around to check fully 16% of all the patients who have a second dose of that vaccine.

The covid jab is causing one problem after another. And the problems are ignored or suppressed by the medical establishment.

Earlier this month I showed that the covid-19 jab was responsible for a surge in type 1 diabetes among children and teenagers.

A survey of 38,000 young people (reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association) showed that the rise is substantial.

Over two years ago, I warned that this would happen. I warned that the covid-19 jab would push up blood sugar levels.

The epidemic of type 1 diabetes is caused by the covid-19 vaccine.

And the drug companies will now get ever richer selling treatments for diseases the drug companies caused.

Everywhere you look there is evidence proving that the covid jab was a killer. In less than two and a half years nearly 2,000 healthy athletes have had heart attacks or sudden serious health problems – with over 1,300 of them dying.

And yet the medical establishment, bought with drug company money, still refuses even to contemplate the idea that the deaths may be caused by their beloved vaccine. They daren’t admit that the medical profession is responsible for thousands of unnecessary deaths because they’re terrified of the inevitable lawsuits not to mention the professional embarrassment.

Doctors who gave the covid jab without properly assessing the dangers are going to be on the wrong end of the world’s most expensive class action lawsuit.

But the vaccines have not been withdrawn. No one in the drug companies or the medical establishment is issuing grovelling apologies.

Instead, as has happened for over three years now, the doctors who are exposing the dangers of the covid-19 jab are being harassed, banned and censored.

Any doctor who still gives the covid-jab is a dangerous fool who should be struck off the medical register for life and arrested immediately for attempted murder.

NOTE to Fact checkers and the BBC: If you disagree with this article please have the guts to debate with me in public live on network television. You will be humiliated but at least you’ll have shown a little courage. So-called fact checkers (mostly without any qualifications) have repeatedly tried and failed to disprove evidence detailing the problems with the covid jab. For example, when it was accurately reported that Amish individuals who didn’t have the vaccine were healthier than people who did, one fact checker I saw dismissed this by reporting that 7 individuals out 36,955 had tested positive for covid-19. Not that they were ill – just that they tested positive. That’s such a small percentage that it is statistically irrelevant. The checkers also ignored the fact that a positive test for covid is utterly meaningless.

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Dr. Coleman provides interesting viewpoints on the madcap world we are living in. The Amish autism rate has stayed at one in 10,000 versus in the US population 1 in 34 and the Amish do not vaccinate. A physician in elk Grove Illinois delivered 10,000 babies and never recommended vaccinations for the babies and none of them got autism. The far reach of big Pharma to manipulate the truth and push their drugs has been well honed! The RNA push is their crowning glory with humanity now their free lab rat!

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!0,000 baby from 1 physician and no vaxes?

Do you know how much profit just in ADHD meds that cost Big Pharma? To say nothing of the cancer, heart disease, diabetes (type 1 & 2), and on and on.

They used to say that a diabetes patient was worth a strip mall to a physician.

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My wife’s Type II went from ac1 of 9 to 5.2 in 90 days by erasing her Vit D deficiency which was a 9.

Big Pharma works hard at discrediting the true value of vitamin D. If everyone had a vitamin D level above 50 ng’s we would cut our healthcare cost in half in this country. Big Pharma doesn’t want you to know that.!

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Thank you for that. Also, it reminds me to take my Vit. D.

Does your wife give you credit for that?

Does she give you credit for any of it?

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Passed in 2009 from NHL after 10 years. Rx drugs deep sixed her immune system in the end!

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Very sorry to bring it up.

Perhaps many lessons can be learned here.

Your brilliance on them none the less, is appreciated and highly valued.

Again, my apologies.


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No need to apologize! I was 100% in support of Big Pharma in my professional career until in 1999 my wife was diagnosed with NHL and we had to deal with the medical machine and I discovered that profits Trump good medicine! That’s why I have embraced N2E+ For Life and have taught seniors how to be healthier!

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Edwin

Big thanks for posting these, Edwin!

I’d much rather READ Dr Coleman’s expert, salty and humorous thoughts than watch vids. Too bad most (woefully ignorant) Americans have never heard of this remarkable man and would likely think he was the inventor of camping lanterns or related to Gary.

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You are right, I hope I'm not stepping on the Lioness's toes (the only poster besides myself) in posting these.

The reading part is lost on so many Americans who only watch vids.

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Edwin

The Lioness is all about spreading the truth and IMO could care less about the methodologies employed to get it out there.

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That is how I read it, also.


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As an American who reads, I can tell you that there are millions of us banding together, reading Coleman as well as many other international figures, and we are working hard to change the direction of the ocean liner. Not all Americans are obese, overly medicated couch potatoes, although sadly, it does seem like the majority fits that description.

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You sound like my girlfriend. (Not altogether a bad thing, at all, but she doesn't see the worldness of this revolution)

It is going to require not just the American people to rise up, but those of China and Russia to do the same in their countries.

If this sounds like a tall order, it is because it is.

We can't even guarantee a successful one in America, much less Russia and China.

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I don't recall saying that I thought it would take only Americans, you are interpreting my words in your own way. I have a best friend in Russia, so I am clearly aware of the international scope of all of this. I also have friends scattered around the world and between us we have a pretty good idea of what's happening.

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Jul 11, 2023·edited Jul 11, 2023Author

Oh, I didn't mean to insult, you stated international figures, and that's what it's going to take for a successful revolution. (My girlfriend doesn't take this into account.)

Two, or even three "revolutions" may seem extreme, since there's never even been one which has re-taken their country back. But that's what it is clearly going to take. Bravo on you being ahead (or at least tied) of all of us on that point.

Re-taking America is only 1 part of the struggle, which may not make any difference if we all get nuked. And I don't know how to do that successfully.

Russia, well I leave that to your friend, and China, who knows.

Pray, for we definitely need God's help in this, but we win in the end. Never forget, we definitely win in the end.

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"The Dementia Myth" is currently not available on the Amazon.uk website. I was, however able to purchase the kindle edition on Amazon.com in the USA. Thanks as always Dr. Coleman

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