I’m following a horse stable in NC, and this young woman said that 10,000 more body bags were ordered so yes, I believe it could be far worse.

I question why I’m not seeing any on-site reporters from the MSM in the disaster zone.

This is a Pulitzer Prize story zone and yet I’m getting my news from a young equestrian. 🐎

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11 hrs agoLiked by Edwin

Thanks much for this info, I agree with your entire comment. This is horrifying. Hope this young woman's horses are all OK.

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Well we will have a religion crisis as soon as the Antarctic entities become know . I talked to a NASA person. To all my questions. Her official answer, you’re not wrong .

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Well, let us see I suppose, but it is demons, not ETs.

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10 hrs agoLiked by Edwin


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re: Bruce Jenner is a man. And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed.

Verifiably correct, regardless of how either have lopped their junk in favor of insanity.

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"...And furthermore I consider that islam must be destroyed...." < whose statement is that? it's not only harsh and hateful but also impossible to implement. violence doesn't solve anything, humans are good at communicating, so let's make use of that when there's a problem.

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It's realistic, it is Ann's statement, which is why I included it.

She is a Christian, that should explain it all.

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I was in the Vatican Museum and hanging on the wall was a gigantic oil painting (30 ft W and 20 ft H) commemorating the victory of the Christens over the Ottomans (Muslims).

That is when the world was divided and Turkey became the border city between the East and West. The year was 1683 and the date was 9/11. Benghazi was also 9/11. An astute friend of mine explained his analysis of Benghazi! He also explained in another email that there are Muslim sects still fighting to retaliate for the defeat of 1683.

Thanks Tom. We know what happened to those guys, and we know they were set up, left there as “bait,” to make sure the attack occurred. There were also 400 SAMs (shoulder-fired Surface to Air Missiles) there, as an additional attraction.

What stunned me was the simple fact that SO MANY (30-some) highly unusual events took place simultaneously on the anniversary of the defeat of Islam and the peace treaty ending the Crusades. I asked myself how often the President of the United States has been “unavailable” for a period of eight hours or more? The media would have made a BIG DEAL of it, but I couldn’t remember a single time when that had happened. I thought . . . FDR, HST, DDE, JFK, LBJ, RMN, GRF, JEC, RWR (Yay!), GHWB, WJC, GWB, were never “out of touch” for as much as an hour! That told me that the probability of a President “going AWOL” for an entire evening is extremely small. It may not have happened in 100 years, but it happened that night.

Then I asked myself about the Vice-President. If he “disappeared” for an hour or two, we might not hear about it, but you would think that if he could not be reached for a period of eight hours or more, we certainly would have heard about that. And the same would be true of the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of Homeland Security, and-so-on.

Then I thought there are 1,015 eight-hour periods in a year, so an event which occurs about once a year has a probability of occurring in a given eight-hour period of about one in a thousand, or 0.001. An event which occurs only once in 100 years would have a probability of one in a hundred thousand, or 0.00001. And an event which occurs only once in about 50 years would have a probability of one in fifty thousand, or 0.00002.

The U.S. has kept carrier groups of ships – “big deck” and amphibious warfare groups – in the eastern Mediterranean since the Cold War began. That is almost 60 years. But on the night of Sept. 11, 2012, none of those groups of ships was there. Who has the authority to change such a long-standing policy? Movement of carrier groups takes a good deal of planning. They need to rendezvous with replenishment ships every few days. “Big deck” carriers are nuclear, but all the rest of the ships – including the amphibious warfare carriers – are not, so they need to refuel.

For them all to leave the Mediterranean had to have been a MAJOR operation. The same is true of our Air Force assets in the region. We have kept fighters and bombers there since the 1940s. Since we introduced aerial refueling, we have kept tanker aircraft in the area, to extend the range of those fighters and bombers. But all those assets were absent from the area that night. Someone must have ordered them to withdraw to locations well away from the eastern Mediterranean.

From about 2007 or 2008, the neighborhood, in which our “temporary” consulate in Benghazi was located, gradually became a beehive of terrorist activity. By 2012, that neighborhood was the terrorist “headquarters” for the entire Middle East. Yet, for some reason, the security provisions of our consulate were never upgraded, even to our minimum standards. And our security staff, which stood at 30 in June had been reduced to only SIX by the first of September, despite repeated requests for INCREASED staffing. Our CIA desk was located blocks away.

You can draw up a list like this, asking yourself why, if we wanted to negotiate with the Turks about arming Syrian rebels, WHY would we call a meeting between our Ambassador to Libya and the Turks, at our consulate in Benghazi? Or why those 400 missiles would have been trucked to that consulate? We could have met the Turks at our embassy in Turkey, or at their embassy in Washington, and had the missiles flown to an airbase in eastern Turkey at night, from which they could have easily been transferred to the Syrian rebels.

So many aspects, of the story we have been fed simply don’t add up, that it makes sense to explore the probabilities of some of these “highly unusual events.” If you take a calculator and input those individual probability numbers, multiplying them by each other in sequence, your calculator will tell you the overall probability of those things happening on the same night “by coincidence.” It only takes two or three of those small numbers, multiplied together, to generate the answer of ZERO. That is when the “What difference does it make?” question hits home.

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It boggles the mind!

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HC knows the truth! Her public statement says it all! "What difference does it make?" In other words, we don't give a damn! Our agenda is private!

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Is Islam not trying to destroy western civilization and Christianity?

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Are you sure it isn’t Zionists trying to destroy Western Civilization and Christianity?

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7 hrs agoLiked by Edwin

Closer To The Truth …

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By Zionists you mean non practicing Jews? I think they have proven a willingness to co-exist. But they also realize the threat from Islam is clear and present, and existential. Islam is not a religion of peace, especially towards those who do not prescribe to the Islamic religion.

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unless there are 'agents provocateurs' most people, religious or secular are just trying to get by.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Edwin


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no. perhaps you mean religious radicalist leaders ("leaders"), but that's not confined to Islam. meaningless, horrific wars based on religious cults and radicalism have a long history, but we're still around.

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Let me preference things by saying I'm a Huge Fan of both Ann Barnhardt and Nurse Claire....they are honest brokers and tend to be extremely accurate...period. But here's the thing....while it is plausible that the death count is being under reported...presumably by now there would be at least photographic evidence of some sort and/or FEMA whistleblowers bringing the carnage to light. Have we seen anything or am I missing something? Thoughts?

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Or are we all missing something?

I have followed Ann for most of the last 10 years, I find it hard to believe she is being deceived.

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I’m not saying that she is….but one would think that the evidence should be rolling in by now. Pax

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With all the “free” media, you’d expect nothing less than the coverup to continue. After all, with “free” media, you are the product.

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Hmmm while I agree that a cover-up could be attempted...the event is so horrific that it presumably would be difficult to cover-up. All it takes is one apple phone picture of a baby in a tree to set-off a firestorm. IMHO

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7 hrs agoLiked by Edwin

AMEN across the board...and...MARANATHA!

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