Sep 16Liked by Edwin

Let's hope Putin is not so stupid that he exploded a nuclear bomb in his "own" country! When would the USA do this for peace?! Or anyone! At most they would tell him to repeat it! That doesn't make it more authentic, it's just stupid! It's like when a gang attacks a man who beats himself up in front of them so they can see he's serious about resisting!

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Let’s hope, but stupidity has infected all “elites.”

Perhaps even Putin!

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Putin has shown great restraint, And hope he continues to do so . I am not a sympathizer but this Ukraine money laundering operation needs to stop .

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Sep 16Liked by Edwin

Unfortunately, there are bigger problems in the world than what they show us!


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The idea that we can 'do' even one major hot war is laughable at this point; armed forces are much jabbed, and much dying, as are all the armed forces that support. Hot war is no longer needed, governments have so so many ways to kill civilians now. Soldiers need to grow a pair, refuse.

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Greg, thanks for the restack.

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Thanks Kenn, for the restack.

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Thanks Abigail, for the restack.

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